Key Highlights for Today:

1. Major Events Impacting the Crypto Market:

• Interest Rate Announcement: A significant event that could cause major market movements.

• TOKEN2049 Singapore: A key crypto event that begins today and is likely to drive attention and news.

2. Anticipated Market Volatility:

Bitcoin could see swings of $2,000 to $3,000 as a result of the interest rate announcement.

• Last night's price action hinted at the volatility expected today.

3. Trading Strategy for the Day:

• Limit Your Risk: Avoid heavy investments and use low leverage in trades.

• Take Profits Early: If you're in profit before the FOMC meeting, consider locking it in to reduce risk.

• Stay Cautious: Over-trading and high leverage could lead to significant losses, so watch the market closely.

4. "Buy the Rumor, Sell the News":

• Be prepared for potential shifts in sentiment, where the market might react to news differently than expected.