
Microsoft strengthens its global presence with the opening of two new artificial intelligence (AI) centers in Abu Dhabi. These centers will focus on the development of ethical standards and projects with social relevance.

Let’s see all the details below. 

Microsoft: AI projects in Abu Dhabi to address high-impact social goals

As anticipated, Microsoft has announced an important step forward in its expansion strategy in artificial intelligence with the opening of two new centers in Abu Dhabi. 

These centers will not only support technological progress, but will also help establish ethical and responsible development practices, addressing crucial social objectives.

On April 16, Microsoft made official its collaboration with G42, a major technological holding based in the United Arab Emirates specializing in AI.

The partnership includes a significant investment of 1.5 billion dollars from Microsoft in G42 to accelerate the progress of AI technologies and ensure their wider dissemination globally. 

Following this announcement, on September 17, Microsoft declared its intention to create two new artificial intelligence centers in Abu Dhabi.

One of the two centers will be co-founded and co-financed with G42, and will have as its main objective the identification and development of industrial standards for a responsible and safe use of artificial intelligence.

Microsoft has stated that this project will receive support from the Council for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Technologies (AIATC) of Abu Dhabi. 

L’AIATC, established by the president of the Emirati Arabi Uniti on January 23, is tasked with developing advanced policies for the AI sector, promoting investments and collaborations with local and global partners.

This first center will focus on strengthening ethical practices in the use of AI, a theme that is increasingly central with the expansion of technology. 

The necessity to ensure the reliability of artificial intelligence models, to prevent data abuse, and to limit the risks associated with unregulated use, has driven Microsoft to create a platform to establish and disseminate linee guida for an ethical use of technology in the Middle East and the Global South. 

The work carried out in Abu Dhabi will have a significant impact also at an international level.

AI for social good

The second center, on the other hand, will be an extension of the AI for Good di Microsoft laboratory, already active in various parts of the world. 

This laboratory aims to use artificial intelligence to address wide-ranging social problems, tackling issues such as health, education, the environment, and food security. 

In Abu Dhabi, this center will support the research and development of projects aimed at solving critical problems for society, in line with Microsoft’s global goals for a more inclusive and beneficial use of AI.

The approach of the AI for Good lab is based on the belief that artificial intelligence can be a powerful tool to address global challenges and promote the well-being of society. 

With the new headquarters in the United Arab Emirates, Microsoft aims to strengthen the impact of these projects and promote solutions that can be implemented on a global scale.

The creation of these centers reflects a commitment not only towards technological development, but also towards the promotion of ethical and humanitarian values.

Policies and security

The construction of these centers also represents an opportunity to improve the regolamentazione of the use of artificial intelligence. This is not only in the United Arab Emirates, but also at an international level.

Through the center dedicated to standards, Microsoft aims to work with government entities and global institutions to develop policies that ensure the integration of cyber security and digital security in AI applications. 

This includes the development of protection systems that make AI models resistant to tests, attacks, and external manipulations.

These efforts are not limited to the technological sphere alone. They also include a strong commitment to the training of specialists, the development of advanced infrastructures, and the dissemination of safe practices for the implementation of AI models.

Microsoft plans to establish processes that protect innovations and ensure that artificial intelligence is used safely and responsibly in various industrial sectors.

The opening of these two new centers in Abu Dhabi is just a part of Microsoft’s broader strategy to strengthen its presence in the artificial intelligence sector globally. 

The company has announced a series of significant investments in various regions of the world. 

On February 15, Microsoft revealed an investment plan of 3.2 billion euros for the development of artificial intelligence infrastructure in Germany. 

Subsequently, on February 20, it announced another investment of 2 billion dollars in Spain. This latter aimed at the construction of data centers and the development of cloud and AI technologies.

Furthermore, on April 9, Mustafa Suleyman, CEO of Microsoft AI, stated that the company plans to continue making long-term investments also in the United Kingdom. 

These projects are part of an overall strategy aimed at ensuring that Microsoft remains a leader in the field of artificial intelligence. Developing innovative technological solutions and promoting standards of excellence worldwide.