What Causes Congestion and High Fees on EVM Blockchains?

This single-threaded limitation is a huge contributor to congestion and high fees on EVM chains.

When transaction volume surges, EVM can't scale up. Everything must be processed sequentially by that single core. The backlog accumulates, and users fiercely bid up gas fees trying to cut in line.

However, SVM and its parallel architecture can utilize more cores to efficiently manage spikes in traffic. The extra throughput prevents congestion and keeps fees low.

SVM’s Localized Fee Markets vs EVM’s Global Fee Market

Alright, last technical comparison - transaction fees.

EVM employs one global fee market across the entire network. With only one lane, activity in one dApp can jam up an unrelated dApp.

But SVM supports localized fees for each transaction. So, an NFT trade won't affect prices for a DeFi swap.

This keeps network access fair and traffic moving smoothly. Plus, dApps can subsidize fees for their users if desired.

What Emerging SVM Rollup Solutions Are Expanding the Reach of SVM?

Let's shift gears and discuss SVM adoption.

Lately, developers started building rollup solutions using SVM. Rollups bundle transactions off-chain before settling on Layer 1s like Ethereum. These allow developers to deploy SVM contracts on other chains while retaining Solana-level speeds.