MemeFi is now asking their users for 0.5 $TON which is above $2, according to them, if you pay the 0.5 $TON , you will get 50,000,000 memeFi coins

Could 50,000,000 MemeFi coins be worth more than $20 when they launch by October?

Here is what we think

Giving you the best advice you can find 🖤

If you have the money, we mean, if you know $2.7 is nothing to you, then go ahead and pay the 0.5 #TON and get the 50,000,000 coins. We never can tell what it could worth by 9th October

But….. if you know you don’t have the money, or you have only a little, please don’t use your money to pay for anything, keep farming the one you can

Don’t take out $2.7 out of the little $10 you have, be careful and act wisely