Market Analyst: Hyperinflation Has Begun, Dollar Will Collapse by 2025, Prepare Now

Lynette Zang, Founder & CEO of Zang Enterprises, warned Kitco News' Michelle Makori about the world economy, especially on the U.S. dollar and banking sector. Zang stressed that hyperinflation had started. She predicted enormous market volatility and a lack of public faith in the U.S. currency in 2025, indicating a highly inflationary atmosphere.

The Federal Reserve's charts show the dollar's declining buying power, showing a downward trend that would likely lead to zero value, Zang said. Zang predicts additional borrowing, money printing, and inflation since the U.S. government has not addressed the economic system's root causes. She expects political leaders to delay any major crisis until after the 2024 elections, but by 2025, the gloves will fall off and the financial system will be significantly more unstable.

The U.S. financial industry is vital, according to Zang. She called it “extraordinarily sick,” with every bank “underwater.”

U.S. banks have undergone several mergers and acquisitions (M&A), according to Zang. First-half 2024 saw 54 U.S. bank M&A transactions, and the pace is likely to exceed 99 in 2023. Along with mergers, Zang noted the worrisome pace of bank branch closures, with over 2,500 in 2023 and hundreds more in 2024.

Zang said currencies had predictable life cycles like anything else. Since 1987, she has analyzed these cycles and found that the U.S. dollar is reaching its end. Her numerous signs include the U.S. Treasury yield curve inversion, indicating a recession. Zang predicted that this recession would be worse than past ones, with hyperinflation and a complete breakdown of dollar confidence.

Finally, Zang repeated her longstanding confidence in gold as an economic hedge. With the dollar's downfall impending, she recommended people to buy gold, which has traditionally kept its value in crises. She also emphasized how gold maintains economic stability despite global monetary system upheavals.

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