Last night’s debate was a disaster! 🤦‍♂️ Trump went off the rails with bizarre claims like "immigrants eat cats and dogs," while Kamala failed to present any real solutions to the nation’s biggest issues.

🔥 Immigration? Ignored. Despite a projected 3.3 million immigrants in 2024 bringing $8.9 trillion to the economy and $1.2 trillion in federal tax revenue over the next decade. No real answers!

🌍 Climate change? Ghosted. The US is facing a 30% increase in climate disasters, costing over $300 billion annually. Neither candidate had a plan to address this growing crisis. 🤐

💊 Healthcare? Nearly 30 million Americans are uninsured, drug prices are up 25%, and Kamala and Trump barely scratched the surface.

📉 The wealth gap is out of control – 10% of Americans control 70% of the wealth, while strikes are surging nationwide. Still, NO plans to fix economic inequality.

🎲 Post-debate odds? Kamala wins the night, with betting sites adjusting the odds in her favor. But let’s be real – neither candidate is offering the leadership America desperately needs.

America deserves better.