US DOJ wrecks market - NVDA shares and top tech giants collapsed after the US Department of Justice issued subpoenas to industry tops looking for antitrust violations by the AI chip maker

▪️Акции Nvidia posted a record daily loss of $278,000,000,000,000,000 (-9.5%), its worst ever performance

▪️The Magnificent Seven (Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, Nvidia, Tesla and Meta) lost more than half a trillion dollars combined

▪️SP500 posted its strongest daily drop in a month

▪️ VTS after an already uncertain evening fell to $55,000 in a moment.

The last time this happened was in the period from July 22 to August 5. Then the total crypto market cap corrected by ≈30%.

In general, September has just begun, and already everyone is suffering. Buffett didn't sell out for nothing all summer before the coming collapse?