I think people are underestimating the $16B that will be redistributed back to FTX users and its impact

First things first you must consider the time in which they are distributing these funds - right into Q4

So Q4 is already the most bullish quarter and now we give some of the biggest degens another $16B to bid with?

Yes also make no mistake FTX was home to some of the biggest degen gamblers

These are the type of people that are looking to 10x their money using 50x leverage right after they get their funds back

Also keep in mind that $16B hitting the market it’s not the same BS you see with like Blackrock inflows and whatever

Won’t explain how or why it’s different because it would take too long

But this will be straight up stables hitting the order books bidding our coins and opening up interest and leverage

One thing is also 100% for sure you will see much more volatility.

So basically when you consider everything

- So much higher.

$FTT 🤔

#FTX #BitEagleNews #Q4