The promise of "decentralization" in the future is not enough to justify the current state of Layer 2 (L2) solutions. While these L2s claim to offer scalability and efficiency, they come with significant risks—primarily the potential for centralization. On the other hand, scalable Layer 1 (L1) blockchains provide a more robust, decentralized foundation for the future of crypto. Let's explore why relying on L2s could be a mistake and why scalable L1s deserve our attention.

The Flaws in L2 Solutions

🔸 L2s Can Steal and Censor User Funds:

Despite their promises, all major L2 solutions can currently seize or censor user funds. This undermines the core principles of decentralization that crypto was built upon.

🔸 L1s Outperform L2s:

Scalable L1 blockchains are faster, cheaper, easier to use, and more secure than their L2 counterparts. They provide the necessary scalability without compromising on decentralization.

🔸 Centralization is a Slippery Slope:

The centralization inherent in L2s is not just a minor issue—it's a fundamental flaw. By allowing centralization to take root, we risk creating systems that are difficult, if not impossible, to decentralize in the future.

The Tragedy of L2 Acceptance

The crypto community has tragically accepted L2 centralization, even though the technology to scale L1s exists today. This acceptance represents a significant departure from the principles that originally guided the development of decentralized technologies.

🔸 Unnecessary Sacrifices:

By focusing on L2s, we've made sacrifices that aren't necessary. Scalable L1s can already meet the needs that L2s claim to address, without compromising on decentralization.

🔸 Betrayal of Principles:

The pursuit of token and equity rewards has led to a betrayal of the core principles of decentralization. This is a sad reflection of how quickly ideals can be abandoned in the face of financial incentives.

🔸 Cypherpunks Are Rolling in Their Graves:

The cypherpunks who laid the groundwork for decentralized technologies would likely be appalled by the current state of the crypto landscape. Their vision of true decentralization is being undermined by the rise of centralized L2s.

The Dangers of Centralization

Centralization of power is notoriously difficult to reverse. History shows that once power is concentrated, it often requires significant upheaval—sometimes even war—to redistribute it.

🔸 Hard to Remove Centralization:

Once centralization takes hold, it becomes incredibly challenging to remove. This is particularly true in the context of L2s, where control is already slipping away from users.

🔸 Financial Incentives Over Principles:

Expecting VCs, developers, and investors to prioritize decentralization over their own financial gains is naive. In reality, financial incentives often outweigh idealistic principles.

🔸 "Trust Me, Bro" is Not a Strategy:

The Ethereum community's reliance on promises of future decentralization—despite current centralization and perverse incentives—is a risky and dangerous approach.

The Bleak Future of ETH and L2s

The centralization within L2s is draining life from the Ethereum (ETH) ecosystem. While some L2s may survive by transitioning to L1s or switching chains, this will come at a significant cost to the ETH community.

🔸 L2s Draining ETH Ecosystem:

The dominance of L2s is suffocating the Ethereum ecosystem, diverting energy and resources away from the decentralized vision that once defined ETH.

🔸 Vampire Attacks on ETH Users:

L2s are effectively engaging in vampire attacks, siphoning users and value from Ethereum while positioning themselves for potential future independence.

The Path Forward: Embrace Scalable L1s

The solution to the challenges posed by L2 centralization is simple: support scalable and decentralized L1s. These blockchains demonstrate every day that ETH’s reliance on L2s is misguided.

🔸 Vote with Your Feet:

Instead of supporting L2s and the centralization they bring, the crypto community should rally behind scalable L1s that align with the true principles of decentralization.

🔸 The Future is Now:

The technology to scale L1s is already here. By embracing these solutions, we can build a truly decentralized future without the compromises and risks associated with L2s.