The US Labor Department just made a massive correction to job growth numbers, and it’s mind-blowing:

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🔻 818,000 jobs were slashed from the 12-month total.

🔹 That’s more than the entire population of San Francisco!

🔹 It’s even 160,000 more jobs than everyone in Boston!

🔹 Only 16 cities in the entire US have a population bigger than this revision.

And here’s the kicker:

⏳ This jaw-dropping revision only covers up until March 2024. Who knows what else might be off?

Why does this matter?

🔸 Such massive downward revisions shake trust in economic data.

🔸 Confidence in the accuracy of these numbers is eroding fast.

🔸 2024 is setting records for the most dramatic job revisions we’ve seen.

⚠️ We can only hope these gaps get closed soon before confidence is completely lost.

Stay informed, and let’s hope for more accurate data moving forward! 📊