
$XRP To all the XRP holders out there , please understand that I have my legitimate reason of why - I at times bash on RIPPLE and XRP the coin that I had so much confidence in ! A crypto currency should be a traceable and track able and reversible coin .

I’ve been scammed out of 15,000 XRP . The attachment on this one is 9,700 . This was the first time . I got into XRP when it was sitting on 0.11cents per a coin . I got into it deep . I trusted the community and the company. I was in it since 2018 or even earlier . Exchanges that have huge names were supporting and outsourcing their platforms to small exchanges. I filed police reports here in India , which wasn’t no help at all ! It doesn’t end here my XRP holders ! My life took a drastic turn . I tried to reach out to the company on twitter. I tried to reach out to people but it was useless . The exchange that had scammed me out of 9700 XRP blocked me on all social. A crypto currency should be safer then the dollar its self . Thats why people invest their hard working money . Not to be scammed or mislead . I really thought I was gonna make a shit load of money holding XRP. Going by predictions going by news going by social media and YouTube videos . It didn’t work that way at all .

It was rock bottom for me . I know probably 9700 XRP isn’t anything but for someone that didn’t have shit and still lost more was everything. I went through a massive divorce, lost my son’s custody. Lost hope in XRP . Lost hope in the community. So I say I have my reason why I bash on XRP . XRP the coin that was developed by ripple the company should have taken action, we as investors should be able to sleep better knowing our investments are secured . If we are scammed or misled by outsourcing companies that are licensed RIPPLE the company should have them banned and shut down ! $XRP

#XRPcommunity #SECCryptoRegulation

#Xrp🔥🔥 #ripplexrp