🛑🛑 Protect Yourself from P2P Scams on Binance 🚨

If you’ve been scammed on Binance P2P, quick action is crucial to minimize losses. Here’s what to do:

1. Report to Binance Support: Immediately inform Binance about the scam to start the recovery process.

2. Gather Evidence: Collect all transaction details, chat logs, and screenshots to help with the investigation.

3. Contact Your Bank: Reach out to your bank to check if the transaction can be reversed.

4. Secure Your Account: Change your Binance password and enable 2FA for extra security.

5. Notify Authorities: Report the scam to your local cybercrime unit for official records.

6. Keep All Records: Save all communications with Binance and the authorities for future reference.

7. Stay Calm: Keep your composure to handle the situation effectively.

Binance will work to freeze the scammer’s account and possibly recover your funds. If you used a credit card, consider disputing the transaction and seek legal advice if needed. Quick action is key—stay alert and protect your assets!

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