🚨 **Crypto Alert! New Malware on the Loose!** 🚨

Hold onto your digital wallets, folks! Check Point Research has uncovered a sneaky new malware called Styx Stealer, designed to swipe your precious crypto through a method known as clipping. 🕵️‍♂️

- **Good News:** If you're running the latest Windows OS, you're safe! Styx Stealer exploits an old Windows Defender vulnerability that was patched last year.

- **Bad News:** The malware can still steal passwords, cookies, and even your crypto wallet data.

The malware is available for rent at $75/month or $350 for a lifetime license. Purchases can be made via Telegram using BTC, LTC, TRX, USDT, or XMR.

**Your Thoughts?** 💬 Share your experiences or tips on staying safe in the comments!