The meeting that brought the democrats and the crypto world together mixed up: 'They shouted at them'

Democrats, who do not want to lag behind the Republicans in the election race in the USA, continue to receive reactions from the crypto world. Finally, a Zoom meeting was held with the participation of many famous politicians and investors. At the meeting, it was learned that the important names of the crypto world were harsh on the Biden administration, there were shouts from time to time, and this well-intentioned meeting was not very positive for Democrats.

Author Hakan Ateşler

The wounds between the crypto world and the Democratic Party cannot be healed despite all efforts. Finally, at the Zoom meeting, which was held yesterday morning and was held to "bring the two sides together at a middle point" again, harsh words flew in the air, and there were even shouts.

The deputy minister of the Treasury was also there

According to the news of Fox Business from the US media; Organized by the Kalfiorniya representative and Congressman Ro Khanna, the heavy balls of both the business world and politics participated in the meeting. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's deputy Wally Adeyemo, Lael Brainard, president of the National Economic Council, White House deputy chief executive Bruce Reed and Kristine Lucius, one of the chief advisers to Kamala Harris, were Democrats who took part in the online meeting.

Important names from the business world were present at the meeting. Crypto supporter famous billionaire Mark Cuban, SkyBridge Capital founder Anthony Scaramucci, one of the famous donors of the Democrats, Ron Conway, as well as executives from Ripple, Uniswap, Coinbase and Kraken, also took part in the meeting.

'It was the same as the Round Table'

As it will be remembered, Congressman Ro Khanna held a similar meeting in Washington last month, where it reacted heavily to the executives of crypto companies, the Biden government, the SEC and the Fed. The executives of the Democratic side were stunned by this reaction. Here, a person who attended the meeting and did not want his name to be announced stated that a similar situation occurred in this meeting and said, "Instead of finding a common ground, on the contrary, things got worse. It was almost the same as the Round Table meeting," he said.

'They shouted, they didn't step back'

The same person also gave more details about the meeting. Stating that the managers of crypto companies do not hesitate to react, this person said:

“The administrators did not back down. They told the Biden administration how much damage they did to the crypto industry. They even yelled at them”

'You are making empty promises'

Conway, one of the Democratic Party donors and early investors at Coinbase, harshly criticized his own party and said, “The management is doing nothing but making empty promises for the crypto world.”

They all raised their hands

Another surprising event happened on the words of Adeyemo, Deputy Minister of the Treasury. Adeyemo said that banks and regulators do not want to separate crypto companies from the world financial system. A crypto manager who responded to these words asked managers whose companies were deprived of banking services to raise their hands. At the Zoom meeting, all executives raised their hands.

Scaramucci is hopeful

On the other hand, Anthony Scaramucci, the founder of SkyBridge Capital, despite all these tensions, said that this meeting is important and that despite what happened, he believes that Democrats will also get support from the crypto world:

“The crypto world is waiting for action, movement is waiting, right. But that's not how things work in Washington. We are still making progress”

'Harris can make you forget the past'

Paul Grewal, Coinbase's legal counsel, also spoke positively and said, “This was actually a meeting with the Biden government, but the focus should now be on Kamala Harris. I believe that Harris is a candidate who can cut and restart relations with the past.”