I would have been a multi-millionaire after the last Bullcycle if I knew what I know now!

Follow these simple but efficient steps to become filthy rich this Bullmarket 👇🧵



🟢Take Profits ! 🟢

In past bullcycles $BTC peaked 18 months after the Halving event

It is key to take your profits, before a big crash happens

Create a strategy and place orders at prices where you want to sell. Don't change these orders

Taking profits never anyone poorer!



🟢Never Marry Your Bags🟢

People get too attached to certain Altcoins, including me.

If you are too emotional involved into a project, it will most of the times leave you empty handed.

FTX & LUNA for example

You love the project, but the project doesn't love you 💔



🟢Don't Chase Pumps🟢

Sometimes a certain narrative starts to gain momentum, like we saw with AI or Memecoins.

Once these projects start to pump, people are attracted to those gains.

When you see green candles, stay away from the project.

Buy on RED, Sell on GREEN



🟢Let Your Winners Win🟢

Of course, you should take profits.

But it's also key to never sell your whole position at once.

People often sell too quick when they could've made a lot more money.

In the last bullrun I could've made a lot more money if I held on to my winners



🟢Touch Grass 🍃🟢

The Crypto Space can be entertaining, but also very stressful.

Especially in a Bullmarket, you're glued to your screen to watch your portfolio grow.

It's not worth it..

Plan your exit strategy and let your limit orders do the magic!



I hope you've found this thread useful. If you did, give it a like and comment what your plan is for this Bullmarket
