In every bull market, people often claim, "This time, it's different! This bull run is unique because we now have Bitcoin ETFs and institutional investors involved! It's going to last longer!" But history consistently repeats itself. We experience a bullish phase, followed by a sharp decline that shakes out beginners, then a "hyperclimax run" where altcoins and Bitcoin soar, only to be followed by a severe downturn that ends the party. Institutions dictate the market's end, leaving most individuals with losses.

Many see the decline as a great buying opportunity, rushing into cryptocurrencies, thinking they can capitalize on the drop. However, they often end up holding onto these assets for years, waiting for them to recover. The cycle remains the same: different participants, same behaviors. It's a harsh reality where the big players profit at the expense of smaller investors.

To succeed, you need to navigate the market like the big players. Watch their actions, not their words. They want you to lose, as I’ve mentioned in other posts. By understanding and anticipating their moves, you can potentially profit from cryptocurrencies. Otherwise, trading in this market is like playing at a casino, with even worse odds.

I hope some of you understand what I’m saying. This post reflects my opinion. Thank you for reading. If you found it useful, please like, comment, share, and subscribe. Your support means a lot to me. You can also tip me on Binance (available on Android and Web), which motivates me to continue helping beginners in this market.




