Has anyone ever wondered how the government sells bitcoins? Well, that is, Germany sold bitcoins, the British are next in line. I wanted to ask how this happens? Who is the trusted person in the country, who is trusted with conditionally 4 billion dollars and a seed phrase. Or is this seed phrase distributed among several people and, like in films, they must turn the keys at the same time at the appointed time and place?)) How does the sending of bitcoins take place, the government is convened and the sell button is pressed in the office, or the conditional Olaf Scholz is sitting in his yard, drinks Bavaria, bites off a sausage and clicks “Sell on market”?

Well, okay, if with a wallet I can roughly imagine how it works, but when Germany sends its BTC to different exchanges , this means that the coins are sent to someone’s account, which a real person created, linked his phone number, email and passed KYC. Whose account is this? Or accounts? It turns out that the exchange directly sees the names of specific individuals who receive government transfers of Bitcoin for sale. Then everything is the same, is a committee convened to issue limit orders, or is it just some intern who has to sell all the bitcoins in euros in a week? And then, of course, how are millions of euros withdrawn from the exchange to a bank account, bypassing MICA regulatory rules? After all, exchanges have withdrawal limits. It turns out that all exchanges are just a place where money is laundered for the elite for whom the rules of the exchange do not matter?! A very strange game. $BTC