What time of day is crypto most traded?
Cryptocurrencies are most commonly traded between 8am to 4pm in local time. While the crypto market is 24/7, your trades are more likely to be executed when there is the highest level of activity. Outside of these hours, when trading is lighter, it can be more difficult to open and close trades.
It's also important to be aware of news and events that could impact the crypto market, whether that's a halving event, regulation changes or celebrity endorsements. Around these influential announcements, the price of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate, which can provide trading opportunities.
Cryptocurrency Trading:
Cryptocurrency CFDs are complex, extremely risky and usually highly speculative. Trading in Cryptocurrency CFDs involves a high risk of loss of funds over a short period of time due to high market volatility, execution issues and industry-specific disruptive events, including, but not limited to, discontinuation, regulatory bans and other malicious actors within cryptocurrency ecosystems. The pricing of Cryptocurrency CFDs might be derived from specific cryptocurrency exchanges, which means that the market depth is limited to what is available in the order books of such exchanges. These markets are relatively new and thus might be volatile and limited in terms of liquidity. The pricing engines of cryptocurrency exchanges may experience delays and/or interruptions which can be caused by numerous potential issues. Cryptocurrency CFD trading is not appropriate for all investors and therefore, any person wishing to trade in Cryptocurrency CFDs should have detailed and updated knowledge and expertise in these specific products. Clients should always be fully aware and understand the specific characteristics and risks related to these products as laid down in this section.