#BRICS 🚀🚀🚀 get your reward instant from my first post 🚀🚀🚀

Russia and Iran have finalized the integration of their national payment systems, allowing for the use of digital financial assets (DFAs) such as tokenized gold ¹ ². This move is seen as a way to promote economic cooperation and reduce dependence on western financial systems. The integration is expected to begin on August 22 ¹.Here are some key points related to the integration and the upcoming BRICS summit:- Iran's Shetab system and Russia's Mir system will be connected, allowing for the use of bank cards and digital financial assets across borders ¹ ².- The integration is expected to promote economic cooperation and reduce dependence on western financial systems ³ ⁴.- The move is seen as a way to challenge the dominance of the US dollar in global trade ³.- The BRICS summit, scheduled for October 22-24, may discuss the use of digital financial assets for cross-border payments [You].- There is speculation that #XRP may be announced as a bridge asset for cross-border payments during the summit [You].