Here is a list of some cryptocurrencies and their associated countries:

1. Bitcoin (BTC) - Global

2. Ethereum (ETH) - Global

3. Petro (PTR) - Venezuela

4. CryptoRuble (CRPT) - Russia

5. DubaiCoin (DBIC) - United Arab Emirates

6. SaudiCoin (SAC) - Saudi Arabia

7. Kuwaiti Coin (KUC) - Kuwait

8. Digital Dollar (DDD) - United States

9. Eurocoin (EUC) - European Union

10. Yuan Coin (YCC) - China

11. Shinsei Bank Coin (SHBC) - Japan

12. Sbercoin (SBC) - Russia

13. Swedish Krona Coin (SKC) - Sweden

14. Swiss Franc Coin (SFC) - Switzerland

15. South African Rand Coin (SARC) - South Africa

16. Indian Rupee Coin (IRC) - India

17. Brazilian Real Coin (BRC) - Brazil

18. Turkish Lira Coin (TLC) - Turkey

19. Australian Dollar Coin (AUDC) - Australia

20. Canadian Dollar Coin (CADC) - Canada

Note: Some of these cryptocurrencies may not be officially recognized or endorsed by their respective countries. Additionally, this list is not exhaustive and there may be other country-associated cryptocurrencies available.