Today, I want to talk about investment platforms and their shady dealings.

Why do they scam people? Simple. Every week, people message me wanting to invest crazy amounts, like €250k, in cryptos. They just want to know where to put their money to get rich quick.

Every time, I say the same thing: before diving in, take a course or get private coaching. It costs between €300 and €500, but it’s crucial for understanding the market and investing smartly.

But most people refuse. They prefer quick solutions and end up getting scammed by shady platforms or bogus cryptos. Then, they come back disappointed, saying that cryptos are a scam.

It breaks my heart. Cryptos offer amazing opportunities, but you need to understand them and be cautious. Training and coaching aren’t unnecessary expenses; they’re investments to avoid traps and succeed.

So, my friends, be smart. Avoid shortcuts to quick riches. Invest in yourself first, in your knowledge of the market. That’s the best way to protect yourself and benefit from crypto opportunities.

Train yourself before jumping in. Choose a good trainer to understand where you’re putting your money.

Let’s stay prudent and informed.

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