The elusive "Cryptoqueen" Ruja Ignatova remains at large post-OneCoin's $4 billion fraud, with the U.S. now offering a $5 million bounty for her capture amid rumors of her death.

Key Insights

  • Long-Term Fugitive: Ruja Ignatova, the "Cryptoqueen," has been on the run since 2017, following the collapse of the OneCoin Ponzi scheme.

  • Massive Fraud: OneCoin was promoted as the next Bitcoin but ended up defrauding investors of approximately $4 billion.

  • Mystery Surrounding Her Fate: There are claims that Ignatova may have been murdered or has faked her death.

  • Increased Bounty: The U.S. Department of State has increased the reward for information leading to Ruja Ignatova’s arrest to $5 million.

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