The graph appears to be a candlestick chart of the BETA/USDT trading pair on Binance. The time period shown is from May 25, 2024 to June 26, 2024.Here are some of the technical indicators that are visible in the graph:Price: The price of BETA is currently $0.09730, which is up 126.33% in the last 24 hours. The 24-hour high is $0.11500 and the 24-hour low is $0.04150.

Trading Volume: The trading volume is currently 631,263,044. The volume has been increasing over the past few days, which suggests that there is increasing interest in BETA.

Moving Averages (MA): The graph shows two moving averages, a 5-day MA and a 10-day MA. The 5-day MA is currently $0.1730 and the 10-day MA is currently $0.1087. The price is currently above both moving averages, which is a bullish signal.

Bollinger Bands (BB): The Bollinger Bands are a volatility indicator. The bands are currently widening, which suggests that volatility is increasing. The price is currently near the upper Bollinger Band, which suggests that the asset may be overbought.

Relative Strength Index (RSI): The RSI is a momentum indicator that measures the speed and magnitude of recent price changes. The RSI is currently at 15.4, which is below 30. This suggests that the asset may be oversold.

Here are some of the chart patterns that are visible in the graph:Cup and Handle: The chart pattern from May 25 to June 10 appears to be a cup and handle pattern. This is a bullish continuation pattern that suggests that the uptrend will continue.

Overall, the technical indicators and chart patterns in the graph suggest that BETA is in a strong uptrend. However, the RSI suggests that the asset may be oversold in the short term. It is important to note that technical analysis is not a perfect science and there is no guarantee that BETA will continue to rise in price.

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