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Karak空投近了?MOD:9/30之前這陣子多次和小夥伴們提過的Karak好像準備發空投啦! 昨天Karak的DC中文區MOD在回應社群提問時,表示項目方老闆說Karak會在Eigenlayer之前上線,MOD預測最晚就是9/30之前。 之前和大家介紹過好多次Karak相關的佈局方式,大家可以點選這邊連結直接傳送到之前的文章看看要怎麼搞Karak,最後一個月趕緊來衝分、不要錯過了。 [KelpDAO+Karak一魚雙吃策略](、[Pendel收益+Karak空投積分一魚雙吃策略](、[Karak介紹](、[Methamorphosis一魚多吃-Karak]( Karak目前支援再質押的區塊鏈有Ethereum、Arbiturm、BSC、Blast、Mantle、K2,在這些鏈上有閒置資產的,不妨看看要不要質押到Karak上賺取空投積分。 但是大家要注意,解除質押需要七天冷卻期! 目前場外積分市場Whales Pro也有上架Karak積分交易市場,價格是0.0077,但是交易量偏低,可以加減作為積分分數的參考價值。 ------------------------------------- 由於使用Karak需要先輸入invite code才能進入private access參與Karak生態,如果大家有興趣使用Karak,歡迎綁定任一個code: bzYhr、HhU4a、pgGnV、bjpDe、Qa2xC ※ 以上內容純屬個人分享,皆不構成投資建議(NFA),請用戶做好DYOR自行評估個人風險承受能力。 #karak #Airdrops_free #WhalesMarket #EigenLayer #restaking $ETH $PENDLE {spot}(PENDLEUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT)


目前場外積分市場Whales Pro也有上架Karak積分交易市場,價格是0.0077,但是交易量偏低,可以加減作為積分分數的參考價值。
由於使用Karak需要先輸入invite code才能進入private access參與Karak生態,如果大家有興趣使用Karak,歡迎綁定任一個code:

※ 以上內容純屬個人分享,皆不構成投資建議(NFA),請用戶做好DYOR自行評估個人風險承受能力。

#karak #Airdrops_free #WhalesMarket #EigenLayer #restaking
更新 #EigenLayer 参与攻略: 2月6号凌晨4点,到2月10号凌晨4点,持续4天,Eigenlayer重开质押,到时每个池不设上限。 由于官方新规则,切记不要冲ETH的TVL占比高于33%的池子,否则积分将减少。详情还需等官方进一步公告。 其中个人比较推荐使用Swell的swETH,因为能赚Swell的珍珠,跟Eigenlayer进行直接交互,一般都能拿到所有的潜在空投。 教程如下: 1,去swell官网,把Eth质押成swETH。 2,登陆eigenlayer官网,连上小狐狸,选择SwellStaked Ether,2月6号凌晨4点,进去质押 3,个人建议起投量1e以上,也就是说单地址质押量要高于1swETH。 PS:时间还有,建议低Gas准备好swETH。 #restaking #altcoins
更新 #EigenLayer 参与攻略:





2,登陆eigenlayer官网,连上小狐狸,选择SwellStaked Ether,2月6号凌晨4点,进去质押


#restaking #altcoins
通往十亿之路目标完成,代币上线在即,详解Restaking 新贵 Kelp DAO​· “通往十亿之路”目标完成 · Restsaking & EigenLayer · Kelp DAO 概述 · $KEP 介绍 · $KELP(治理代币)规划 · Kelp DAO 优势 · 交易所预期 · Kelp DAO 未来规划 Web3的发展日新月异,新的叙事接踵而来,DeFi 赛道发展同样是花样繁出,出现了各种形式的创新,不断推动区块链金融的发展的新高度。随着以太坊现货 ETF 通过,以及 EigenLayer 宣布即将推出治理代币,在所有这些进步中,有一个故事打开了以太坊下一个重大 DeFi 板块——Liquid Restaking 的大门。 今天我们要聊的是 TVL 超10亿美金,代币即将上线(顶流所预期)的Restaking 新贵 —— Kelp DAO “通往十亿之路”目标完成 Kelp DAO曾在四月初推出“通往十亿之路”的活动向用户分发500万EigenLayer Points,这不仅是一场活动更是一个目标。截止发稿 Kelp DAO TVL (Total Value Locked)已达到10.07亿美金,排名第四。 Kelp DAO 十亿目标的达成不仅标志着Kelp DAO在发展道路上的重要里程碑,也体现了其强大的市场吸引力和用户信任,孙宇晨也参与了Kelp的质押。除了赛道中的 TVL 排名显著上升,用户数量也实现了大幅增长,且目前已经支持9条L2链上的40多个项目的再质押活动。 其中包括Arbitrum、Optimism、Blast、Zksync、Scroll等。 在一系列的成果之后,Kelp代币上线日期临近,Kelp DAO迎来了新的发展机遇和挑战。在这篇文章中,我们将详细探讨Kelp DAO的成就、优势、市场预期,以及未来规划。 在聊Kelp DAO之前我们需要简单了解下Restsaking & EigenLayer Restsaking & EigenLayer 什么是再质押(Restaking)? 再质押使以太坊质押者能够将他们已经质押的 ETH 作为经济担保提供给其他多种服务商并获得回报,也就是我们常说的一鱼多吃。 什么是 EigenLayer? EigenLayer 是一种基于以太坊的协议,它引入了再质押的概念,让以太坊节点可以将他们的质押 ETH 或 LSD 代币再次质押到其他需要安全和信任的协议或服务中,从而获得双重的收益和治理权。 Kelp DAO 概述 什么是 Kelp DAO ? Kelp DAO 由 Amitej G 和 Dheeraj B 创立,他们之前曾创立 Stader Labs。 Kelp DAO是一个流动性质押平台。它专注于为公共区块链网络创建流动性恢复解决方案 (LRS)。rsETH 是 Kelp DAO 推出的流动性恢复代币 (LRT),旨在为 EigenLayer 等平台中的非流动性资产提供流动性。它的运作方式是允许用户质押他们的 LST 来铸造 rsETH 代币,象征着对基础资产的部分所有权。各种服务的奖励都会累积到 rsETH 合约中,用户可以在 DeFi 中利用他们的 rsETH 代币或将其兑换为即时流动性或赎回基础资产。Kelp DAO 不对 LST 存款收取费用,允许在其 dApp 上免费存入 ETHx、sfrxETH 和 stETH。 什么是 rsETH ? rsETH 是由 Kelp DAO 发行的流动性再质押代币 (LRT),旨在为存入再质押平台(如 EigenLayer)的非流动性资产提供流动性。旨在解决当前再质押产品带来的风险和挑战。 融资情况 2024 年 5 月 22 日,流动性再质押平台 Kelp DAO 宣布完成 900 万美元的私募融资,由巴哈马的专有交易公司 SCB Limited 和野村集团的数字资产子公司 Laser Digital 牵头,合计投资 350 万美元。其他投资者包括 Bankless Ventures、Hypersphere、Draper Dragon、DACM、Cypher Capital、ArkStream、Cluster Capital、GSR、Longhash、Side Door Ventures、NOIA Capital、HTX Ventures、Avid3、ViaBTC Capital、DWF Ventures、Coinseeker 和 Web3port 等。 参与方式 1️⃣ 进入官网,链接钱包 2️⃣ 切换网络,支持eth主网、op、arb、base等10条区块链网络 3️⃣ 选择存入的资产,目前在eth主网上面支持存入ETHx、ETH、stERTH、sfrxETH,存入这些资产可以同时获得EL Points 和Kelp Miles。 4️⃣ 选择要质押的资产,点击restake now,钱包确认,完成质押。5️⃣ 在dashboard页面看到自己获得的kelp点数,未来可以换成 $KEP 代币。 $KEP 介绍 重新质押增长的一个重要驱动因素是用户将资产重新质押到 EigenLayer 后获得的 EigenLayer 积分。然而,EL 积分的挑战在于它们仍然缺乏流动性,用户无法在任何地方使用他们获得的积分。 为了缓解这种情况,Kelp 推出了 $KEP(Kelp 所得积分代币),为流动性较差的 EigenLayer 积分/奖励带来流动性。用户现在可以转移和交易他们获得的积分,还可以使用 $KEP 参与 DeFi。简而言之,Kelp DAO 获得的所有 EigenLayer 积分都以 $KEP 代币的形式按比例分配给 rsETH 持有者。 $KEP 代币 $KEP(Kelp 所得积分)旨在改变重新质押格局。它是 Kelp 赚取的 EigenLayer 积分的代币表示,其中 1 $KEP = 1 EL 积分。用户可以完全自主地存储、共享和使用他们累积的 EigenLayer 积分。Tips:$KEP并不是 Kelp DAO 治理代币。 $KEP 的优势 $KEP 是 ERC-20 代币。这意味着它可以自由转让和交易,从而使 EigenLayer 积分和其他潜在的重新质押奖励具有高度流动性。 领取 $KEP 通过 Kelp 赚取 EigenLayer 积分的用户有资格领取 $KEP 代币,包括持有 rsETH 或 rsETH DeFi 头寸的用户。 Kelp 将对认领的 $KEP 代币收取 0.5% 的费用,以启用 DeFi 操作。这笔费用将用于激励 Kelp DAO 的重新持有者。 无人认领的 $KEP 不认领 $KEP 代币完全没问题。无人认领的 $KEP 代币将归属于在 EigenLayer 或其他协议奖励发放时未认领 $KEP 的重新认领者。 $KEP 未来奖励 对于 EigenLayer 或其他协议为 EigenLayer 积分发行的任何奖励,$KEP 持有者将按其 $KEP 代币持有量代表的 EigenLayer 积分比例获得奖励。 $KELP(治理代币)规划 Kelp DAO 的治理代币将是 Kelp 路线图中非常重要的一部分,它具有多种用途。众所周知,再质押生态系统中最大的风险之一是由 EigenLayer 引发的潜在削减风险,我们设计了一种机制,使得 Kelp 治理代币可以作为任何削减事件的保险。 首先,任何 KELP 持有者都可以质押 KELP ,这些质押的 KELP 将作为未来任何削减事件的保险。用户质押 KELP 代币的好处是 Kelp DAO 的一部分收入将作为质押奖励发放给用户,这是 Kelp 代币的第一个也是最大的用途。 第二个主要用途是治理,任何 Kelp 代币持有者都可以参与提案,例如验证器退出、选择标准、 AVS 选择标准、费用变更以及任何重要的协议决策都将由 Kelp 治理代币持有者决定。 第三个重要用途是提供流动性到 AMM 二级市场的用户,将有资格获得额外的 KELP 奖励或激励。因此, Kelp 代币将成为 Kelp 生态系统的重要组成部分。 Kelp DAO 优势 Kelp DAO优势主要体现在以下三个方面: 1. 全套LRT再质押平台:Kelp DAO接受各种LST(如Lido、Stader Labs、Frax等)以及原生ETH。这意味着有大约300亿至400亿美元的ETH可以在不取消质押的情况下参与Kelp DAO。大大增加了Kelp DAO的潜在用户基础。 2. 多链支持和无缝再质押:Kelp DAO在10个L2链上实时运行,包括Arbitrum、Optimism、Blast和Scroll等。这些L2链的用户可以在Kelp DAO上本地再质押,不仅限于以太坊,而且很快能够直接从这些L2再质押stETH,无需任何滑点和gas费。 3.Kelp 的流动性重新质押提供了许多好处:包括取消重新质押代币的锁定期。用户可以无缝管理多个重新质押奖励,并从白名单服务和验证器网络中受益。使用 rsETH,用户可以为所有接受的以太坊流动性质押代币 (LST) 享受单一流动性代币,专为实现最佳流动性和 DeFi 可组合性而设计。 交易所预期 相比于已经在币安上线的Renzo和Ethfi,Kelp DAO目前被认为是低估的,而且其面临的竞争压力比Puffer小很多。因此,Kelp DAO的收益潜力可能会更高。预计 Kelp DAO 将在Q3完成TGE(代币上线),并计划保留大量Kelp代币供应给社区和空投,未来也有可能上线币安。 在Web3 资产数据平台 RootData 罗列的第三季度TGE重要项目(币安预期)列表中,Kelp DAO 赫然在列。 Kelp DAO 未来规划 在接受采访时,Kelp DAO的创始人Amitej Gajjala对项目的未来规划和宏观趋势发表了看法。他表示: 以太坊现货ETF的影响 Amitej认为,尽管目前已批准的以太坊现货ETF没有采用质押机制,但随着现货ETF生态系统的成熟,质押将在未来逐步实现。这将对ETH生态系统产生积极影响。 监管环境的应对策略 在应对不断变化的监管环境方面,Kelp DAO采取了以下策略: 法律咨询:与多个国家的律师和顾问合作,获得专业指导。 监管监控:密切关注监管政策的发展,及时调整策略和操作,确保合规性。 多链再质押服务的计划 Kelp DAO正在打造多链再质押服务,目前正进行多个阶段的测试和审计。未来几周内,Kelp DAO将分享更多细节和具体时间表。Amitej强调,Kelp DAO不仅是一个单一的再质押平台,而是希望构建一个完整的生态系统,支持广泛的应用和协作。 结 语 Kelp DAO在实现“通往十亿之路”目标后,正迎来新的发展机遇。通过其独特的全套LRT再质押平台、多链支持和无缝再质押服务,Kelp DAO在市场中占据了独特的位置。未来,随着代币上线和更多项目的推进,Kelp DAO能否继续引领再质押生态的发展,为用户和合作伙伴带来更多创新和机会。欢迎评论区讨论 项目资料 官网: X: #kelpDAO #投研 #3friends #热点解析 #restaking

通往十亿之路目标完成,代币上线在即,详解Restaking 新贵 Kelp DAO

​· “通往十亿之路”目标完成
· Restsaking & EigenLayer
· Kelp DAO 概述
· $KEP 介绍
· $KELP(治理代币)规划
· Kelp DAO 优势
· 交易所预期
· Kelp DAO 未来规划

Web3的发展日新月异,新的叙事接踵而来,DeFi 赛道发展同样是花样繁出,出现了各种形式的创新,不断推动区块链金融的发展的新高度。随着以太坊现货 ETF 通过,以及 EigenLayer 宣布即将推出治理代币,在所有这些进步中,有一个故事打开了以太坊下一个重大 DeFi 板块——Liquid Restaking 的大门。

今天我们要聊的是 TVL 超10亿美金,代币即将上线(顶流所预期)的Restaking 新贵 —— Kelp DAO


Kelp DAO曾在四月初推出“通往十亿之路”的活动向用户分发500万EigenLayer Points,这不仅是一场活动更是一个目标。截止发稿 Kelp DAO TVL (Total Value Locked)已达到10.07亿美金,排名第四。

Kelp DAO 十亿目标的达成不仅标志着Kelp DAO在发展道路上的重要里程碑,也体现了其强大的市场吸引力和用户信任,孙宇晨也参与了Kelp的质押。除了赛道中的 TVL 排名显著上升,用户数量也实现了大幅增长,且目前已经支持9条L2链上的40多个项目的再质押活动。

在一系列的成果之后,Kelp代币上线日期临近,Kelp DAO迎来了新的发展机遇和挑战。在这篇文章中,我们将详细探讨Kelp DAO的成就、优势、市场预期,以及未来规划。
在聊Kelp DAO之前我们需要简单了解下Restsaking & EigenLayer

Restsaking & EigenLayer
再质押使以太坊质押者能够将他们已经质押的 ETH 作为经济担保提供给其他多种服务商并获得回报,也就是我们常说的一鱼多吃。
什么是 EigenLayer?
EigenLayer 是一种基于以太坊的协议,它引入了再质押的概念,让以太坊节点可以将他们的质押 ETH 或 LSD 代币再次质押到其他需要安全和信任的协议或服务中,从而获得双重的收益和治理权。

Kelp DAO 概述
什么是 Kelp DAO ?
Kelp DAO 由 Amitej G 和 Dheeraj B 创立,他们之前曾创立 Stader Labs。
Kelp DAO是一个流动性质押平台。它专注于为公共区块链网络创建流动性恢复解决方案 (LRS)。rsETH 是 Kelp DAO 推出的流动性恢复代币 (LRT),旨在为 EigenLayer 等平台中的非流动性资产提供流动性。它的运作方式是允许用户质押他们的 LST 来铸造 rsETH 代币,象征着对基础资产的部分所有权。各种服务的奖励都会累积到 rsETH 合约中,用户可以在 DeFi 中利用他们的 rsETH 代币或将其兑换为即时流动性或赎回基础资产。Kelp DAO 不对 LST 存款收取费用,允许在其 dApp 上免费存入 ETHx、sfrxETH 和 stETH。
什么是 rsETH ?
rsETH 是由 Kelp DAO 发行的流动性再质押代币 (LRT),旨在为存入再质押平台(如 EigenLayer)的非流动性资产提供流动性。旨在解决当前再质押产品带来的风险和挑战。

2024 年 5 月 22 日,流动性再质押平台 Kelp DAO 宣布完成 900 万美元的私募融资,由巴哈马的专有交易公司 SCB Limited 和野村集团的数字资产子公司 Laser Digital 牵头,合计投资 350 万美元。其他投资者包括 Bankless Ventures、Hypersphere、Draper Dragon、DACM、Cypher Capital、ArkStream、Cluster Capital、GSR、Longhash、Side Door Ventures、NOIA Capital、HTX Ventures、Avid3、ViaBTC Capital、DWF Ventures、Coinseeker 和 Web3port 等。
1️⃣ 进入官网,链接钱包

2️⃣ 切换网络,支持eth主网、op、arb、base等10条区块链网络

3️⃣ 选择存入的资产,目前在eth主网上面支持存入ETHx、ETH、stERTH、sfrxETH,存入这些资产可以同时获得EL Points 和Kelp Miles。

4️⃣ 选择要质押的资产,点击restake now,钱包确认,完成质押。5️⃣ 在dashboard页面看到自己获得的kelp点数,未来可以换成 $KEP 代币。

$KEP 介绍

重新质押增长的一个重要驱动因素是用户将资产重新质押到 EigenLayer 后获得的 EigenLayer 积分。然而,EL 积分的挑战在于它们仍然缺乏流动性,用户无法在任何地方使用他们获得的积分。
为了缓解这种情况,Kelp 推出了 $KEP(Kelp 所得积分代币),为流动性较差的 EigenLayer 积分/奖励带来流动性。用户现在可以转移和交易他们获得的积分,还可以使用 $KEP 参与 DeFi。简而言之,Kelp DAO 获得的所有 EigenLayer 积分都以 $KEP 代币的形式按比例分配给 rsETH 持有者。

$KEP 代币
$KEP(Kelp 所得积分)旨在改变重新质押格局。它是 Kelp 赚取的 EigenLayer 积分的代币表示,其中 1 $KEP = 1 EL 积分。用户可以完全自主地存储、共享和使用他们累积的 EigenLayer 积分。Tips:$KEP并不是 Kelp DAO 治理代币。
$KEP 的优势
$KEP 是 ERC-20 代币。这意味着它可以自由转让和交易,从而使 EigenLayer 积分和其他潜在的重新质押奖励具有高度流动性。
领取 $KEP
通过 Kelp 赚取 EigenLayer 积分的用户有资格领取 $KEP 代币,包括持有 rsETH 或 rsETH DeFi 头寸的用户。
Kelp 将对认领的 $KEP 代币收取 0.5% 的费用,以启用 DeFi 操作。这笔费用将用于激励 Kelp DAO 的重新持有者。

无人认领的 $KEP
不认领 $KEP 代币完全没问题。无人认领的 $KEP 代币将归属于在 EigenLayer 或其他协议奖励发放时未认领 $KEP 的重新认领者。
$KEP 未来奖励
对于 EigenLayer 或其他协议为 EigenLayer 积分发行的任何奖励,$KEP 持有者将按其 $KEP 代币持有量代表的 EigenLayer 积分比例获得奖励。

Kelp DAO 的治理代币将是 Kelp 路线图中非常重要的一部分,它具有多种用途。众所周知,再质押生态系统中最大的风险之一是由 EigenLayer 引发的潜在削减风险,我们设计了一种机制,使得 Kelp 治理代币可以作为任何削减事件的保险。
首先,任何 KELP 持有者都可以质押 KELP ,这些质押的 KELP 将作为未来任何削减事件的保险。用户质押 KELP 代币的好处是 Kelp DAO 的一部分收入将作为质押奖励发放给用户,这是 Kelp 代币的第一个也是最大的用途。
第二个主要用途是治理,任何 Kelp 代币持有者都可以参与提案,例如验证器退出、选择标准、 AVS 选择标准、费用变更以及任何重要的协议决策都将由 Kelp 治理代币持有者决定。
第三个重要用途是提供流动性到 AMM 二级市场的用户,将有资格获得额外的 KELP 奖励或激励。因此, Kelp 代币将成为 Kelp 生态系统的重要组成部分。

Kelp DAO 优势

Kelp DAO优势主要体现在以下三个方面:
1. 全套LRT再质押平台:Kelp DAO接受各种LST(如Lido、Stader Labs、Frax等)以及原生ETH。这意味着有大约300亿至400亿美元的ETH可以在不取消质押的情况下参与Kelp DAO。大大增加了Kelp DAO的潜在用户基础。
2. 多链支持和无缝再质押:Kelp DAO在10个L2链上实时运行,包括Arbitrum、Optimism、Blast和Scroll等。这些L2链的用户可以在Kelp DAO上本地再质押,不仅限于以太坊,而且很快能够直接从这些L2再质押stETH,无需任何滑点和gas费。
3.Kelp 的流动性重新质押提供了许多好处:包括取消重新质押代币的锁定期。用户可以无缝管理多个重新质押奖励,并从白名单服务和验证器网络中受益。使用 rsETH,用户可以为所有接受的以太坊流动性质押代币 (LST) 享受单一流动性代币,专为实现最佳流动性和 DeFi 可组合性而设计。


相比于已经在币安上线的Renzo和Ethfi,Kelp DAO目前被认为是低估的,而且其面临的竞争压力比Puffer小很多。因此,Kelp DAO的收益潜力可能会更高。预计 Kelp DAO 将在Q3完成TGE(代币上线),并计划保留大量Kelp代币供应给社区和空投,未来也有可能上线币安。

在Web3 资产数据平台 RootData 罗列的第三季度TGE重要项目(币安预期)列表中,Kelp DAO 赫然在列。

Kelp DAO 未来规划
在接受采访时,Kelp DAO的创始人Amitej Gajjala对项目的未来规划和宏观趋势发表了看法。他表示:
在应对不断变化的监管环境方面,Kelp DAO采取了以下策略:
Kelp DAO正在打造多链再质押服务,目前正进行多个阶段的测试和审计。未来几周内,Kelp DAO将分享更多细节和具体时间表。Amitej强调,Kelp DAO不仅是一个单一的再质押平台,而是希望构建一个完整的生态系统,支持广泛的应用和协作。

结 语
Kelp DAO在实现“通往十亿之路”目标后,正迎来新的发展机遇。通过其独特的全套LRT再质押平台、多链支持和无缝再质押服务,Kelp DAO在市场中占据了独特的位置。未来,随着代币上线和更多项目的推进,Kelp DAO能否继续引领再质押生态的发展,为用户和合作伙伴带来更多创新和机会。欢迎评论区讨论
#kelpDAO #投研 #3friends #热点解析 #restaking
How did ( $BB ) BounceBit Create a Restaking Revenue Loop for $BTC Native Assets? The article explores the way to create a parallel #POS chain with BounceBit, which combines #Ethereum's secure consensus innovation and compliance with CeFi platform partnerships to provide diversified #restaking revenue models for BTC asset holders, aiming to overcome the lack of revenue for BTC in its native POW environment. Mar 08, 2024
How did ( $BB ) BounceBit Create a Restaking Revenue Loop for $BTC Native Assets?

The article explores the way to create a parallel #POS chain with BounceBit, which combines #Ethereum's secure consensus innovation and compliance with CeFi platform partnerships to provide diversified #restaking revenue models for BTC asset holders, aiming to overcome the lack of revenue for BTC in its native POW environment.

Mar 08, 2024
Make use of $ETH at Renzo protocol and Mode Network 1. Buy ETH from Binance. Preferably 1ETH. P.S: For Hedging ETH, please read my article: [LST restaking with hedge]( 2. Send ETH to metamask wallet. Make sure you keep your private key. Select Arbitrum Network, not Ethereum. 3. Login to Renzo protocol. 4. Restake 0.97ETH on Arbitrum Network if you bought 1ETH. Remember left at least 0.02ETH. Make sure you select Arbitrum Network (not linea, not ethereum). 5. After restake, you receive ezETH equivalent of 0.97ETH. 6. Login to Referral code: pstl0o 7. Login to 8. Bridge all ezETH and 0.01ETH from Arbitrum to MODE. Complete. Reason of bridge 0.01ETH to MODE: You need gas fee to bring back your ezETH from MODE to Arbitrum or other network. #Write2Earn #restaking #Ethereum(ETH) #Mode #RenzoProtocol
Make use of $ETH at Renzo protocol and Mode Network

1. Buy ETH from Binance. Preferably 1ETH.
P.S: For Hedging ETH, please read my article: LST restaking with hedge
2. Send ETH to metamask wallet. Make sure you keep your private key. Select Arbitrum Network, not Ethereum.
3. Login to Renzo protocol.
4. Restake 0.97ETH on Arbitrum Network if you bought 1ETH. Remember left at least 0.02ETH. Make sure you select Arbitrum Network (not linea, not ethereum).
5. After restake, you receive ezETH equivalent of 0.97ETH.
6. Login to
Referral code: pstl0o
7. Login to
8. Bridge all ezETH and 0.01ETH from Arbitrum to MODE.


Reason of bridge 0.01ETH to MODE: You need gas fee to bring back your ezETH from MODE to Arbitrum or other network.

#Write2Earn #restaking #Ethereum(ETH) #Mode #RenzoProtocol
最近 #restaking 赛道新秀 Eigenpie 出了新活动 不仅有积分,还有IDO额度 个人认为没啥参与欲望。 1,eigenpie本身,跟 @RenzoProtocol @EtherFi @KelpDAO 这些第三方质押平台差不多,虽然能获得 eigenpie 积分与 @eigenlayer 积分,但并非与 #EigenLayer 官网直接交互,容易错失未来空投。 2, @Eigenpiexyz_io 背后是 @magpiexyz_io ,它是跨链 #DeFi 收益平台,搭建了多个 #SubDAO (收益池),而目前这个eigenpie就是新建的 #SubDAO ,之前的SubDAO也发币了,表现一般。所以这个 #IDO 额度并不吸引。 详情见于:
最近 #restaking 赛道新秀 Eigenpie 出了新活动

1,eigenpie本身,跟 @RenzoProtocol @EtherFi @KelpDAO 这些第三方质押平台差不多,虽然能获得 eigenpie 积分与 @eigenlayer 积分,但并非与 #EigenLayer 官网直接交互,容易错失未来空投。

2, @Eigenpiexyz_io 背后是 @magpiexyz_io ,它是跨链 #DeFi 收益平台,搭建了多个 #SubDAO (收益池),而目前这个eigenpie就是新建的 #SubDAO ,之前的SubDAO也发币了,表现一般。所以这个 #IDO 额度并不吸引。

Bedrock發布0926安全事件的事後分析Bedrock昨日發布公告表示其uniBTC智能合約漏洞遭到攻擊者利用,使其部屬在Uniswap上的流動性池受到影響,目前漏洞已受到控制。 還不知道Bedrock的夥伴,可以看我這篇文章:[再質押協議Bedrock基本介紹&空投教程]( 以下是我整理有關此次安全事件的相關資訊: 1.遭受攻擊者利用的資產是在Uniswap的流動性池,受影響資產總計約200萬美元。 2.漏洞原因是代碼問題使得攻擊者得以運用原生BTC鑄造uniBTC。 今日Bedrock發布了事後分析報告,重點整理如下: 1.整合Chainlink提供儲備證明(POR) 2.推進取消質押的功能 3.去中心化交易所的LP流動性激勵計畫 4.補償uniBTC持有者100顆diamonds(快照時間是9/26 PM6:28:23),並提高社群空投比例0.5%。 除此之外,Bedrock將建立相關預防措施來避免類似情況發生: 1.再進行多輪安全審計 2.設立7x24安全監控機制 3.設立安全基金(TGE後,透過治理提案發起) 4.啟動Bug Bounty賞金計畫 總結 儘管這次受影響的資產數量並不大,但仍顯示了Bedrock的代碼風險問題,正如我一直提醒大家的,操作鏈上協議需要承受很多的風險可能性,現今的再質押風潮所使用的操作,更會因此放大這些風險,因為用戶會同時將資產質押再質押於多個協議。 但是仍須肯定Bedrock團隊的反應速度以及完整的應對措施,對於用戶而言,未來可以透過Chainlink的儲備證明來驗證Bedrock是否真的有1:1的資產;對於團隊而言,也能藉此限制惡意鑄造的可能性,確保新鑄造的代幣確實有儲備的支持。 *擔心Bedrock協議安全問題的夥伴,可以等之後團隊上限取消質押的功能後,將資產提出轉到別的地方。 *詳細報告內容請上Bedrock的Mirror查看 ※想參與Bedrock的小夥伴別忘了使用我的code: 74PFQY 可以獲得0~40%的空投積分加成效果 ※以上內容純屬個人分享,皆不構成投資建議(NFA),請用戶做好DYOR自行評估個人風險承受能力。 ※封面圖片截圖自Bedrock Mirror文章 #Bedrock #uniBTC #Chainlink #Airdrop‬ #restaking $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)




4.補償uniBTC持有者100顆diamonds(快照時間是9/26 PM6:28:23),並提高社群空投比例0.5%。
4.啟動Bug Bounty賞金計畫

※封面圖片截圖自Bedrock Mirror文章

#Bedrock #uniBTC #Chainlink #Airdrop‬ #restaking $BTC
Restaking. What is Restaking cryptocurrency and how to make money from it?restaking In this article, you will learn: ➔ What’s Restaking? ➔ Why’s it Useful? ➔ Types of Restaking ➔ The Risks ➔ How do I place my tokens in the restaking? What’s Restaking? Restaking is a concept first introduced by the XBANKING project — this is the first project to develop this idea and produce products related to it. The idea of ​​Restaking is to re-stake liquid staked tokens to provide security and make it possible for stakers (users) to receive rewards. Restaking is a new concept in the world of cryptocurrency security that enables you to use your Ethereum (ETH), The Open Network (TON), Solana (SOL) and others more than once at the consensus layer. For instance, if you’re staking your Ethereum directly or using a liquid staking token (LST), you can opt to use a service like XBANKING to earn additional rewards on your stake. up to 12% APR. XBANKING is a restaking marketplace that allows you to deposit your LSTs into different pools that support various applications and services on the Ethereum ecosystem. By doing so, you are not only earning staking rewards from your LSTs, but also restaking rewards from the pools you join. The idea behind restaking is to leverage the security and trust of Ethereum’s validators and staked tokens to benefit smaller and newer networks that need more protection from attacks or failures. By restaking your ETH or LSTs, you are effectively lending your stake to these networks and protocols, and helping them achieve higher security and decentralization. Why’s it Useful? Ethereum Proof-of-Stake (PoS) is a system that uses its own token, ETH to secure itself Every validator has to prove that it has a “stake” in the system You can also think of stake as the “trust” placed to secure the network, the higher the stake, the higher the trust. It’s like when you trust a girl so you give her a lot of money ̶t̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶d̶a̶y̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶d̶i̶s̶a̶p̶p̶e̶a̶r̶s̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶m̶o̶n̶e̶y̶ Anyhow, ETH staked on Ethereum has been increasing at a rapid pace, from 2.5m ETH in Jan 2021 to 34.5m ETH in the present. What this means is that there’s a lot of ETH and a lot of trust to secure the network Then one day XBANKING came along and be like “why don’t we take some of these trust and share it with other smaller networks & applications This is called “Restaking”. Restaking presents an opportunity for these smaller networks “Actively Validated Services (AVS)” to borrow the trust to secure their platform XBANKING acts as a Decentralized Trust Marketplace that gets a cut of the fees on the rewards that flow from the AVS to Restaker. The liquid staking tokens Ethereum (stETH), The Open Network (tsTON, stTON, wsTON, hTON, Solana (JitoSOL) are now available for restacking on the platform. Types of Restaking There are 3 main types of restaking — Native, Liquid, and Superfluid 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 MAV 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 — Validators natively restaked their ETH on the Beacon Chain to XBANKING. 𝐋𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 — Liquid Staking Token (LST) holders restake their LSTs to XBANKING smart contract directly on XBANKING front-end Native Restaking is operationally more difficult to operate vs Liquid Restaking as it requires operating Ethereum Validator Node Native MAV Restaking is operationally more difficult to operate vs Liquid Restaking as it requires operating Ethereum Validator Node. Liquid Restaking protocols (LRT) flow is as follows User deposits an LST token on LRT platform ➙ The LRT protocol takes the LST and restake on XBANKING ➙ LRT protocol offers a derivative liquid restaking token Similar to how Lido gives stETH in exchange for ETH. The Risks 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 — There could be a risk of mistakenly slashed due to an accident or a smart contract error Given the nature of extending Ethereum’s trust to other networks, the risk of unintentional slashing is higher 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 — operators (validators) colluding to use the same restaked ETH to secure & take control of multiple networks The operators could potentially attempt an attack to take control of the TVL on these networks. 𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 — potential risk of computationally-capable validators dominating the restaking space in various networks, Since large computational resources & operational costs are needed to participate effectively in specific modules. How do I place my tokens in the restaking? Go to “launch app”.Select token (liquid staking token (stETH, wsTON, JitoSOL, tsTON or other), connect wallet, stake!.Done! Links: Restaking: #restaking #staking

Restaking. What is Restaking cryptocurrency and how to make money from it?

In this article, you will learn:
➔ What’s Restaking?
➔ Why’s it Useful?
➔ Types of Restaking
➔ The Risks
➔ How do I place my tokens in the restaking?
What’s Restaking?
Restaking is a concept first introduced by the XBANKING project — this is the first project to develop this idea and produce products related to it. The idea of ​​Restaking is to re-stake liquid staked tokens to provide security and make it possible for stakers (users) to receive rewards.
Restaking is a new concept in the world of cryptocurrency security that enables you to use your Ethereum (ETH), The Open Network (TON), Solana (SOL) and others more than once at the consensus layer. For instance, if you’re staking your Ethereum directly or using a liquid staking token (LST), you can opt to use a service like XBANKING to earn additional rewards on your stake. up to 12% APR.
XBANKING is a restaking marketplace that allows you to deposit your LSTs into different pools that support various applications and services on the Ethereum ecosystem. By doing so, you are not only earning staking rewards from your LSTs, but also restaking rewards from the pools you join.
The idea behind restaking is to leverage the security and trust of Ethereum’s validators and staked tokens to benefit smaller and newer networks that need more protection from attacks or failures. By restaking your ETH or LSTs, you are effectively lending your stake to these networks and protocols, and helping them achieve higher security and decentralization.
Why’s it Useful?
Ethereum Proof-of-Stake (PoS) is a system that uses its own token, ETH to secure itself Every validator has to prove that it has a “stake” in the system You can also think of stake as the “trust” placed to secure the network, the higher the stake, the higher the trust.
It’s like when you trust a girl so you give her a lot of money ̶t̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶d̶a̶y̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶d̶i̶s̶a̶p̶p̶e̶a̶r̶s̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶m̶o̶n̶e̶y̶ Anyhow, ETH staked on Ethereum has been increasing at a rapid pace, from 2.5m ETH in Jan 2021 to 34.5m ETH in the present.

What this means is that there’s a lot of ETH and a lot of trust to secure the network Then one day XBANKING came along and be like “why don’t we take some of these trust and share it with other smaller networks & applications This is called “Restaking”.
Restaking presents an opportunity for these smaller networks “Actively Validated Services (AVS)” to borrow the trust to secure their platform XBANKING acts as a Decentralized Trust Marketplace that gets a cut of the fees on the rewards that flow from the AVS to Restaker.
The liquid staking tokens Ethereum (stETH), The Open Network (tsTON, stTON, wsTON, hTON, Solana (JitoSOL) are now available for restacking on the platform.
Types of Restaking
There are 3 main types of restaking — Native, Liquid, and Superfluid 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 MAV 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 — Validators natively restaked their ETH on the Beacon Chain to XBANKING.
𝐋𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 — Liquid Staking Token (LST) holders restake their LSTs to XBANKING smart contract directly on XBANKING front-end Native Restaking is operationally more difficult to operate vs Liquid Restaking as it requires operating Ethereum Validator Node
Native MAV Restaking is operationally more difficult to operate vs Liquid Restaking as it requires operating Ethereum Validator Node.
Liquid Restaking protocols (LRT) flow is as follows User deposits an LST token on LRT platform ➙ The LRT protocol takes the LST and restake on XBANKING ➙ LRT protocol offers a derivative liquid restaking token Similar to how Lido gives stETH in exchange for ETH.
The Risks
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 — There could be a risk of mistakenly slashed due to an accident or a smart contract error Given the nature of extending Ethereum’s trust to other networks, the risk of unintentional slashing is higher
𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 — operators (validators) colluding to use the same restaked ETH to secure & take control of multiple networks The operators could potentially attempt an attack to take control of the TVL on these networks.
𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 — potential risk of computationally-capable validators dominating the restaking space in various networks, Since large computational resources & operational costs are needed to participate effectively in specific modules.
How do I place my tokens in the restaking?
Go to “launch app”.Select token (liquid staking token (stETH, wsTON, JitoSOL, tsTON or other), connect wallet, stake!.Done!

#restaking #staking
🔥 Portfólio dos Campeões!🏆 🟢 Vamos falar sobre a narrativa que tem sido a principal aposta para o ciclo de alta (2024/2025) que é o setor de #restaking , cuja principal finalidade é permitir aos usuários custodiar seus ativos (hold) por um determinado tempo e receber recompensas em plataformas diferentes por isto, ao mesmo tempo que recebem em troca o fornecimento de um outro token para alocar em investimentos da sua escolha. 🟢 A principal promessa para o setor de restaking feste ciclo de alta é o $PENDLE , em razão da enorme e crescente capitalização de mercado, bem como da sua posição de vantagem no ranking crypto e suas inúmeras funcionalidades, que, aliás, vão além do setor de restaking. Não podemos deixar de dizer, ainda, que pendle teve uma valorização impressionante, superior à 200% 🚀 nos últimos 4 meses! Nesse sentido, pendle ocupa uma posição de destaque no nosso portfólio, visto que é uma jóia capaz de valorizar bastante, sempre dialogando com outros ativos e plataformas como a #etherfi por exemplo. O Portfólio dos Campeões é uma forma de apresentar aos usuários tokens que são os cavalos vencedores de cada setor da web3, proporcionando uma distribuição dos ativos proporcional, mitigando os riscos e potencializando os ganhos em médioe longo prazo, na medida que os investimentos são alocados por setores de narrativas do universo crypto, porém cercando os principais tokens de cada setor, que tendem a valorizar de modo exponencial em um ciclo de alta! Se você se interessa por novos tokens, cavalos vencedores e quer saber mais sobre isto, além de receber diariamente novidades sobre o universo crypto e análises macroeconômicas, curta esta publicação e já clica em seguir este perfil, que iremos te apresentar muita coisa boa para seu portfólio ter uma excelente performance neste ciclo de alta! #Binance #pendle #staking $BTC $ETH
🔥 Portfólio dos Campeões!🏆

🟢 Vamos falar sobre a narrativa que tem sido a principal aposta para o ciclo de alta (2024/2025) que é o setor de #restaking , cuja principal finalidade é permitir aos usuários custodiar seus ativos (hold) por um determinado tempo e receber recompensas em plataformas diferentes por isto, ao mesmo tempo que recebem em troca o fornecimento de um outro token para alocar em investimentos da sua escolha.

🟢 A principal promessa para o setor de restaking feste ciclo de alta é o $PENDLE , em razão da enorme e crescente capitalização de mercado, bem como da sua posição de vantagem no ranking crypto e suas inúmeras funcionalidades, que, aliás, vão além do setor de restaking.

Não podemos deixar de dizer, ainda, que pendle teve uma valorização impressionante, superior à 200% 🚀 nos últimos 4 meses!

Nesse sentido, pendle ocupa uma posição de destaque no nosso portfólio, visto que é uma jóia capaz de valorizar bastante, sempre dialogando com outros ativos e plataformas como a #etherfi por exemplo.

O Portfólio dos Campeões é uma forma de apresentar aos usuários tokens que são os cavalos vencedores de cada setor da web3, proporcionando uma distribuição dos ativos proporcional, mitigando os riscos e potencializando os ganhos em médioe longo prazo, na medida que os investimentos são alocados por setores de narrativas do universo crypto, porém cercando os principais tokens de cada setor, que tendem a valorizar de modo exponencial em um ciclo de alta!

Se você se interessa por novos tokens, cavalos vencedores e quer saber mais sobre isto, além de receber diariamente novidades sobre o universo crypto e análises macroeconômicas, curta esta publicação e já clica em seguir este perfil, que iremos te apresentar muita coisa boa para seu portfólio ter uma excelente performance neste ciclo de alta!

#Binance #pendle #staking $BTC $ETH
📢 AutoLayer has integrated with Balancer on Arbitrum. AutoLayer is the premier Liquid Restaking Tokens (LRT) Finance app on Arbitrum. Harness the potential of @eigenlayer by restaking into various LRT/LST options with just one click while conserving and compounding your yields effortlessly. Balancer is an Ethereum-based Automated Market Maker protocol that functions as a decentralized exchange and a “self-balancing” portfolio management tool. Balancer's AMM provides traders with liquidity for their ERC-20 tokens. Users can now effortlessly provide liquidity to LRT Pools on Balancer with just one click. #restaking #bitcoinhalving #LRT #Sponsored #DYOR #NFA
📢 AutoLayer has integrated with Balancer on Arbitrum.

AutoLayer is the premier Liquid Restaking Tokens (LRT) Finance app on Arbitrum. Harness the potential of @eigenlayer by restaking into various LRT/LST options with just one click while conserving and compounding your yields effortlessly.

Balancer is an Ethereum-based Automated Market Maker protocol that functions as a decentralized exchange and a “self-balancing” portfolio management tool. Balancer's AMM provides traders with liquidity for their ERC-20 tokens.

Users can now effortlessly provide liquidity to LRT Pools on Balancer with just one click.

#restaking #bitcoinhalving #LRT #Sponsored #DYOR #NFA
Will $ETHFI Spectacular Breakout Lead To An Explosive #restaking Trend? In just 24 short hours, the trading price of #ETHFI has recorded an impressive growth of over 26%, leading the restaking category and showing no signs of slowing down. Will this strong breakthrough bring positive effects to the entire restaking industry? Or is it signaling a potential surge for restaking in the future? #Ethereum✅ #HotTrends $SUI $PDA
Will $ETHFI Spectacular Breakout Lead To An Explosive #restaking Trend?
In just 24 short hours, the trading price of #ETHFI has recorded an impressive growth of over 26%, leading the restaking category and showing no signs of slowing down.
Will this strong breakthrough bring positive effects to the entire restaking industry? Or is it signaling a potential surge for restaking in the future?
#Ethereum✅ #HotTrends
以太坊的后市走向如何?虽然ETF意外通过,但是现在并未开启交易。关于ETH是否为证券的属性也没有最终定论,这决定了现货ETF不能质押,即使能够质押也必将面临复杂的监管规则制定周期。 然而ETH #POS 的机制催生了蓬勃发展的Defi生态、Defi2.0、LRT、#restaking ……这一切的背后都加密货币本位可以获得更多收益,而ETF不能质押的话自然就得损失这一部分收益。 Cathie Wood 也表示, $ETH ETF 申请获批是因为加密货币是一个选举问题,加密货币现在已成为美国选举议题,这就是为什么拟议的ETH交易所交易基金 #ETF 的关键文件突然意外获得批准的原因。 所以ETH真正的大牛可能还有点远。 #3friends

然而ETH #POS 的机制催生了蓬勃发展的Defi生态、Defi2.0、LRT、#restaking ……这一切的背后都加密货币本位可以获得更多收益,而ETF不能质押的话自然就得损失这一部分收益。

Cathie Wood 也表示, $ETH ETF 申请获批是因为加密货币是一个选举问题,加密货币现在已成为美国选举议题,这就是为什么拟议的ETH交易所交易基金 #ETF 的关键文件突然意外获得批准的原因。

#restaking 赛道的激励方式,都是通过 $ETH 原生资产、#LRT 质押资产、再质押平台积分等持续叠加杠杆,积分空投+多重激励,挤压流动性。 现在整个restaking都是在内卷的,还想深入参与的散户建议思考几个问题: 1、Restaking平台到底怎么运作? 2、支撑Restaking系统持续健康运转的关键是什么? 3、入局者增加后,怎么减少底层风险?
#restaking 赛道的激励方式,都是通过 $ETH 原生资产、#LRT 质押资产、再质押平台积分等持续叠加杠杆,积分空投+多重激励,挤压流动性。
@GalxeDAO 宣布其专为大规模采用和全链未来而设计的 Layer-1 区块链—— Gravity,称其为web3的Magnet Chain。 官网显示 Gravity 通过集成零知识证明、最先进的共识机制和重新质押驱动的架构等先进技术,抽象了多链交互的技术复杂性,以确保高性能、增强的安全性和成本效率。 预计2024 年第二季度GRAVITY ALPHA 主网启动,Gravity Alpha Mainnet 是一个由 Arbitrum Nitro 堆栈提供支持的以太坊汇总。 2025 年第二季度GRAVITY 主网启动,Gravity 的主网是一个由重新质押驱动的 PoS 第 1 层。Gravity 还将集成 Reth 作为其 EVM 执行引擎。 $GAL #restaking #3friends
@GalxeDAO 宣布其专为大规模采用和全链未来而设计的 Layer-1 区块链—— Gravity,称其为web3的Magnet Chain。

官网显示 Gravity 通过集成零知识证明、最先进的共识机制和重新质押驱动的架构等先进技术,抽象了多链交互的技术复杂性,以确保高性能、增强的安全性和成本效率。

预计2024 年第二季度GRAVITY ALPHA 主网启动,Gravity Alpha Mainnet 是一个由 Arbitrum Nitro 堆栈提供支持的以太坊汇总。

2025 年第二季度GRAVITY 主网启动,Gravity 的主网是一个由重新质押驱动的 PoS 第 1 层。Gravity 还将集成 Reth 作为其 EVM 执行引擎。

$GAL #restaking #3friends
Omni Network: The Layer 1 Blockchain Bringing Spotlight To Restaking CategoryOmni Network has just been announced by Binance to launch on #BinanceLaunchPool🔥 . This is a Layer 1 blockchain project created with a mission to connect various blockchains. Furthermore, the project is backed by significant investment funds along with an Airdrop program that is said to be substantial. Let's explore more! 1. What is Omni Network? Omni Network (Omni) is a Layer 1 blockchain designed to integrate #Ethereum✅ rollup ecosystem into a unified system through Restaking. As a result, developers can build global applications that allow access to all liquidity sources and users of Ethereum. The project has also just announced an Airdrop for users. 2. Key features of the project include: Addressing Liquidity Fragmentation: The Omni protocol aims to tackle fragmentation challenges by facilitating smooth communication and compatibility between different rollups: Cross-rollup Communication: Omni allows users and applications to interact across different rollups as a unified network.Unified Liquidity Pools: By supporting Cross-rollup transactions, Omni helps aggregate liquidity, improve capital efficiency, and minimize slippage.Simplified User Experience:Users can enjoy a seamless experience with the ability to move assets or perform actions across rollups without complex processes or multiple steps, leveraging developer-friendly infrastructure. The Restaking mechanism: The Restaking mechanism introduced by the project presents a groundbreaking approach to blockchain security by utilizing Restaking $ETH . When ETH is Restaked on the Omni Chain, it enhances the security of other projects within the Ethereum network. Omni Network also employs a "Dual Staking" mechanism through Restaking ETH and Staking OMNI. This not only enhances the security of the Ethereum Chain but also strengthens its own security budget as more OMNI tokens are staked. Compatibility: Compatibility is crucial for any project to achieve transactional and informational exchange consistency. With Omni Network, the project addresses compatibility needs by providing a protocol that supports Cross-chain communication, bridging interaction between multiple blockchains. With this support, developers can easily create dApps that operate across multiple chains, minimizing complexity in connectivity and transactions. In particular, through integration with EigenLayer, Omni Network ensures secure and robust Cross-chain transactions. CometBFT: CometBFT is a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus mechanism designed to ensure network consensus in a distributed system, even in the presence of faulty or malicious nodes. Its flexibility and efficiency make it an ideal choice for Omni, aiming to provide reliable Cross-rollup and Cross-chain communication services. => Developers can build dApps on Cross-chain without compromising performance and security. Dual-Chain Architecture: Omni introduces a breakthrough approach in blockchain architecture designed to enhance performance and scalability without compromising security. Omni's architecture is divided into two main layers: Consensus Layer and Execution Layer. This dual-chain structure allows Omni to process transactions efficiently and manage global state across multiple networks. => Using a Modular blockchain structure makes Omni Network a name that maintains security from Restaking #ETH🔥🔥🔥 while improving transaction processing speed and cost efficiency through workload layering. 3. Token Information Token Metrics Token Name: Omni Network TokenTicker: OMNIBlockchain: EthereumToken Standard: ERC-20Contract: Updating...Token Type: Utility & GovernanceTotal Supply: 100,000,000 OMNICirculating Supply: 10,391,492 OMNI (110.39% of total supply) Token Allocation Private Sale Investors: 20.06%Public Launch Allocation: 5.77%Binance Launchpool: 3.5%Team: 25.25%Advisors: 3.25%Ecosystem Fund: 29.50%Community Fund: 12.67% 4. Token Distribution Schedule: 5. Token utility The utility of the OMNI token includes: Gas fees for transactions between Omni EVM and Cross-chain applications.Governance: decentralizing network governance through staking and governance voting.Creating a gas market for Cross-chain transactions.Staking for system security. 6. Roadmap Q2/24: Integration of Liquid Staking and Eigenlayer protocols as "Operators"#mainnet launchToken Generation Event (TGE)Deployment of a portion of the committed $11 billion to deploy xERC20 secured by Omni Q3/24: Launch of "Global Applications" (NGAs) on Omni EVMDeployment of multi-rollup smart contracts to scale applicationsRelease of Typescript frontend library to support application development Q4/24: Expansion of Omni Network to integrate Data Availability systems like EigenDA or CelestiaEnhancement of network rollup capabilitiesWelcoming MPC providers to offer services for organizations seeking access to Ethereum rollups Team Co-Founder/CEO – Austin King: He studied Computer Science at Harvard, developed InterLedger Network (processing over 10 billion transactions), sold a company to Ripple, and served as CEO of Omni Labs.Co-Founder/CTO – Tyler Tarsi: He studied Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, and Economics at Harvard. He has experience in building machine learning infrastructure for quantitative trading systems. 7. Investors & Partners Investors Omni Network successfully raised $18 million on March 26, 2023. This funding round saw participation from major funds such as Pantera Capital, The Spartan Group, Hashed Fund, Jump Crypto, and Two Sigma Ventures. Partners Omni Network's partners include major names, notably EigenLayer, which plays a crucial role in the platform's Restaking ETH strategy. 8. Analysis Omni Network is a Layer 1 blockchain designed to integrate Ethereum's rollup ecosystem and address liquidity fragmentation issues. The project utilizes the Restaking ETH mechanism and Dual-Chain architecture to enhance security and performance. Notably, the support from major investors such as Pantera Capital, The Spartan Group, Hashed Fund, Jump Crypto, and Two Sigma Ventures, with $18 million raised, is noteworthy. Being listed on Binance Launchpool recently adds to the attractiveness of the #restaking segment. $ETHFI $ALT

Omni Network: The Layer 1 Blockchain Bringing Spotlight To Restaking Category

Omni Network has just been announced by Binance to launch on #BinanceLaunchPool🔥 . This is a Layer 1 blockchain project created with a mission to connect various blockchains.
Furthermore, the project is backed by significant investment funds along with an Airdrop program that is said to be substantial.
Let's explore more!
1. What is Omni Network?
Omni Network (Omni) is a Layer 1 blockchain designed to integrate #Ethereum✅ rollup ecosystem into a unified system through Restaking. As a result, developers can build global applications that allow access to all liquidity sources and users of Ethereum.
The project has also just announced an Airdrop for users.

2. Key features of the project include:
Addressing Liquidity Fragmentation:
The Omni protocol aims to tackle fragmentation challenges by facilitating smooth communication and compatibility between different rollups:
Cross-rollup Communication: Omni allows users and applications to interact across different rollups as a unified network.Unified Liquidity Pools: By supporting Cross-rollup transactions, Omni helps aggregate liquidity, improve capital efficiency, and minimize slippage.Simplified User Experience:Users can enjoy a seamless experience with the ability to move assets or perform actions across rollups without complex processes or multiple steps, leveraging developer-friendly infrastructure.

The Restaking mechanism:
The Restaking mechanism introduced by the project presents a groundbreaking approach to blockchain security by utilizing Restaking $ETH . When ETH is Restaked on the Omni Chain, it enhances the security of other projects within the Ethereum network.
Omni Network also employs a "Dual Staking" mechanism through Restaking ETH and Staking OMNI. This not only enhances the security of the Ethereum Chain but also strengthens its own security budget as more OMNI tokens are staked.
Compatibility is crucial for any project to achieve transactional and informational exchange consistency. With Omni Network, the project addresses compatibility needs by providing a protocol that supports Cross-chain communication, bridging interaction between multiple blockchains.
With this support, developers can easily create dApps that operate across multiple chains, minimizing complexity in connectivity and transactions.
In particular, through integration with EigenLayer, Omni Network ensures secure and robust Cross-chain transactions.
CometBFT is a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus mechanism designed to ensure network consensus in a distributed system, even in the presence of faulty or malicious nodes.
Its flexibility and efficiency make it an ideal choice for Omni, aiming to provide reliable Cross-rollup and Cross-chain communication services.
=> Developers can build dApps on Cross-chain without compromising performance and security.
Dual-Chain Architecture:
Omni introduces a breakthrough approach in blockchain architecture designed to enhance performance and scalability without compromising security.
Omni's architecture is divided into two main layers: Consensus Layer and Execution Layer. This dual-chain structure allows Omni to process transactions efficiently and manage global state across multiple networks.
=> Using a Modular blockchain structure makes Omni Network a name that maintains security from Restaking #ETH🔥🔥🔥 while improving transaction processing speed and cost efficiency through workload layering.

3. Token Information
Token Metrics
Token Name: Omni Network TokenTicker: OMNIBlockchain: EthereumToken Standard: ERC-20Contract: Updating...Token Type: Utility & GovernanceTotal Supply: 100,000,000 OMNICirculating Supply: 10,391,492 OMNI (110.39% of total supply)
Token Allocation

Private Sale Investors: 20.06%Public Launch Allocation: 5.77%Binance Launchpool: 3.5%Team: 25.25%Advisors: 3.25%Ecosystem Fund: 29.50%Community Fund: 12.67%
4. Token Distribution Schedule:

5. Token utility
The utility of the OMNI token includes:
Gas fees for transactions between Omni EVM and Cross-chain applications.Governance: decentralizing network governance through staking and governance voting.Creating a gas market for Cross-chain transactions.Staking for system security.
6. Roadmap
Integration of Liquid Staking and Eigenlayer protocols as "Operators"#mainnet launchToken Generation Event (TGE)Deployment of a portion of the committed $11 billion to deploy xERC20 secured by Omni
Launch of "Global Applications" (NGAs) on Omni EVMDeployment of multi-rollup smart contracts to scale applicationsRelease of Typescript frontend library to support application development
Expansion of Omni Network to integrate Data Availability systems like EigenDA or CelestiaEnhancement of network rollup capabilitiesWelcoming MPC providers to offer services for organizations seeking access to Ethereum rollups
Co-Founder/CEO – Austin King: He studied Computer Science at Harvard, developed InterLedger Network (processing over 10 billion transactions), sold a company to Ripple, and served as CEO of Omni Labs.Co-Founder/CTO – Tyler Tarsi: He studied Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, and Economics at Harvard. He has experience in building machine learning infrastructure for quantitative trading systems.
7. Investors & Partners
Omni Network successfully raised $18 million on March 26, 2023. This funding round saw participation from major funds such as Pantera Capital, The Spartan Group, Hashed Fund, Jump Crypto, and Two Sigma Ventures.

Omni Network's partners include major names, notably EigenLayer, which plays a crucial role in the platform's Restaking ETH strategy.
8. Analysis
Omni Network is a Layer 1 blockchain designed to integrate Ethereum's rollup ecosystem and address liquidity fragmentation issues. The project utilizes the Restaking ETH mechanism and Dual-Chain architecture to enhance security and performance. Notably, the support from major investors such as Pantera Capital, The Spartan Group, Hashed Fund, Jump Crypto, and Two Sigma Ventures, with $18 million raised, is noteworthy.
Being listed on Binance Launchpool recently adds to the attractiveness of the #restaking segment.
我对Restaking赛道看法: 1.目前LRT的成功取决于:周期延续性+以太坊生态持续发展 2.流动性和TVL是最核心评判标准,龙头赢者通吃 3.好的投资标的:Restaking底层基础设施+协议龙头(高TVL+高APR+支持资产多) 4.给社区分配代币多的项目更有优势,因为赢得人心和高TVL #restaking
4.给社区分配代币多的项目更有优势,因为赢得人心和高TVL #restaking
@ether_fi es una plataforma de participación líquida sin custodia que recaudó USD 5,3 millones en fondos en febrero de 2023 de North Island Ventures, Chapter One y Node Capital y la ronda de financiamiento incluyó la participación del fundador de la bolsa de derivados BitMEX, Arthur Hayes. La plataforma busca brindar mejores servicios que las plataformas de participación líquida existentes y se enfoca en la descentralización como su objetivo principal.     Regístrate aquí 👉   Porque ETHER FI ?   Por 3 motivos: 🔸Más de 500M de TVL (el doble que KelpDAO) y más de 5M de financiación 🔸Sistema de "Loyalty Points" y TGE en Abril (airdrop) 🔸Durante 10 días, van a repartir un bonus de 4M de Puntos EigenLayer (+100 puntos extras por nuevo ETH depositado). Otra forma de tener exposición a EigenLayer y futuros airdrops a stakers, y además farmear el airdrop de EtherFi.   Una vez que depositen (min depositar 0.1 ETH) van a recibir el token eETH  y tienen 2 opciones: 1. Holdearlo en wallet 2. Usarlo en protocolos DeFi (la pool de Pendle es interesante) Bonus: Daily Check In para ganar más Loyalty Points.   BrunoCrypto Sígueme para más información de Airdrops 😊 #Ethereum #airdrops #restaking #Eigenlayer $ETH
@ether_fi es una plataforma de participación líquida sin custodia que recaudó USD 5,3 millones en fondos en febrero de 2023 de North Island Ventures, Chapter One y Node Capital y la ronda de financiamiento incluyó la participación del fundador de la bolsa de derivados BitMEX, Arthur Hayes. La plataforma busca brindar mejores servicios que las plataformas de participación líquida existentes y se enfoca en la descentralización como su objetivo principal.  
Regístrate aquí
Porque ETHER FI ?
Por 3 motivos:
🔸Más de 500M de TVL (el doble que KelpDAO) y más de 5M de financiación
🔸Sistema de "Loyalty Points" y TGE en Abril (airdrop)
🔸Durante 10 días, van a repartir un bonus de 4M de Puntos EigenLayer (+100 puntos extras por nuevo ETH depositado). Otra forma de tener exposición a EigenLayer y futuros airdrops a stakers, y además farmear el airdrop de EtherFi.
Una vez que depositen (min depositar 0.1 ETH) van a recibir el token eETH  y tienen 2 opciones:
1. Holdearlo en wallet
2. Usarlo en protocolos DeFi (la pool de Pendle es interesante)
Bonus: Daily Check In para ganar más Loyalty Points.
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#Ethereum #airdrops #restaking #Eigenlayer
最近eth/btc新低,拿着ETH难受?别错过Restaking war里被低估的宝藏项目-Renzo。 来个长篇介绍一个目前被低估的Restaking标的-Renzo,虽然华语圈有人提到,但是狮兄确定我调研的深入很多,跟大家分享一下。 之前狮兄推荐过两个stake ETH的项目,一个是Blast,一个是Manta,但是现在都已经过了投资价值最大化的时候。目前ETH怎样能获得最佳收益?其实我发现华语圈大家对于Restaking相比较老外们的热火朝天要低调很多。这里稍微多废话几句介绍一下Restaking赛道核心中的核心: @eigenlayer 全明星vc和巨量融资 这是他们官方介绍: “EigenLayer 是一种基于以太坊的协议,引入了重新抵押(restake),这是加密经济安全中的一种新原语。该原语使得在共识层上重新假设 ETH 成为可能。质押 ETH 的用户可以选择加入 EigenLayer 智能合约来重新质押其 ETH,并将加密经济安全性扩展到网络上的其他应用程序。 EigenLayer 的部分潜力在于它能够通过重新抵押来聚合和扩展加密经济安全性,并验证在以太坊之上构建的新应用程序。” 太长不看版本: ETH都来重新质押一下,我给钱 -- 从重要性上来说可以是以太坊未来最大叙事之一 大家可以看到他们前两轮已经募集到了5450万美金,据说还要募集更多,场外OTC他们投资额的估值已经达到了30亿美金。 (个人觉得币出来了上所有的一线所基本板上钉钉,按这个估值可能会直接杀入加密市值前20) 围绕着撸这条大鱼,市面上出现了多个贿选项目,目的都是为了让大家能更好的通过restake eth来获得eigenlayer积分。比如 @swellnetworkio @kelporg @ether_fi 等等。 你可以直接去eigen网站往里存eth,但是这样就失去了一鱼多吃的机会,所以最好是通过一些项目来存,这样可以获得这些项目自己的代币和eigen未来的代币。 不过遗憾的是老外们疯狂撸swell珍珠的时候恰好也是华语币圈疯狂打各个链铭文的时候,所以现在去参与Swell等项目已经晚了。 目前狮兄建议是通过一个相对后出的协议去撸,那就是 @RenzoProtocol Eigenlayer自己的一个生态项目。 传送门: 原因很简单:刚开始不久,还在给新人三倍挖矿加速,没公布融资和团队背景,鲸鱼们害怕。 Renzo做的是Eigenlayer上的Convex层,帮用户将Stake的ETH合理的选择生态项目进行压注,获取额外的安全性。从安全性的角度来说,资金全部都在ETH上质押,最大的损失就是因为生态项目Rug导致的Slash,从收益的角度来说,相当于ETH质押年化,Eigenlayer空投,Renzo空投三挖,理论上来说APY会很夸张。 本篇重点来了,大狮兄社区粉丝分享的信息差福利: 目前Renzo在外界是查不到融资背景的,不像swell和kelp等知道是哪个团队在,所以很多大资金还不敢往里冲,加上出来的晚,所以目前他们的TVL还才22M,仅仅是领头羊 Swell的20分之一。 大狮兄做了深度调研后发现,renzo团队背后是在上个defi牛市里也赫赫有名的defi团队,并不是comes from nowhere。 他们也获得了不错的机构投资,只是现在还没有到公布的时机。所以我会建议大家在披露前先撸起来,毕竟积分是大家分的,进的资金量越大分的越少。 操作非常简单,从传送门进去以后右上角链接一下钱包,选择你想要投入的ETH,点击确认就可以获得ezETH了,然后就可以躺下等着你eigenlayer分数和renzo分数自己每天涨。这些分数未来会兑换成代币给你。 质押界面 Renzo我估计3月发币,至于质押进去的eth,最快可以在团队上线流动性池子以后通过卖出撤退(池子应该很快了),最短质押时间7天。至于Eigenlayer,发币时间未定,个人希望能在5月前。 策略上我的建议: 大户可以把闲置的eth丢进去,在吃eth牛市上涨的同同时躺着赚其它3条鱼的收益。 散户可以放一点eth质押吃个前期3倍积分的红利,需要用了取出来换回eth。虽然可能跟大户比资金体量弄不到太多eignerlyaer积分但至少不踏空。(如果你资金量实在太小就不建议了,毕竟gas也不便宜) Restaking标的其实很多,回头狮兄出个对比图给大家参考,现在的话不用做太多功课了,建议先丢一些去撸Renzo。 #restaking #EigenLayer #撸空投 #大毛 #Ethereum;
最近eth/btc新低,拿着ETH难受?别错过Restaking war里被低估的宝藏项目-Renzo。


之前狮兄推荐过两个stake ETH的项目,一个是Blast,一个是Manta,但是现在都已经过了投资价值最大化的时候。目前ETH怎样能获得最佳收益?其实我发现华语圈大家对于Restaking相比较老外们的热火朝天要低调很多。这里稍微多废话几句介绍一下Restaking赛道核心中的核心: @eigenlayer

“EigenLayer 是一种基于以太坊的协议,引入了重新抵押(restake),这是加密经济安全中的一种新原语。该原语使得在共识层上重新假设 ETH 成为可能。质押 ETH 的用户可以选择加入 EigenLayer 智能合约来重新质押其 ETH,并将加密经济安全性扩展到网络上的其他应用程序。 EigenLayer 的部分潜力在于它能够通过重新抵押来聚合和扩展加密经济安全性,并验证在以太坊之上构建的新应用程序。”

ETH都来重新质押一下,我给钱 -- 从重要性上来说可以是以太坊未来最大叙事之一


围绕着撸这条大鱼,市面上出现了多个贿选项目,目的都是为了让大家能更好的通过restake eth来获得eigenlayer积分。比如 @swellnetworkio @kelporg @ether_fi 等等。 你可以直接去eigen网站往里存eth,但是这样就失去了一鱼多吃的机会,所以最好是通过一些项目来存,这样可以获得这些项目自己的代币和eigen未来的代币。


目前狮兄建议是通过一个相对后出的协议去撸,那就是 @RenzoProtocol Eigenlayer自己的一个生态项目。




目前Renzo在外界是查不到融资背景的,不像swell和kelp等知道是哪个团队在,所以很多大资金还不敢往里冲,加上出来的晚,所以目前他们的TVL还才22M,仅仅是领头羊 Swell的20分之一。

大狮兄做了深度调研后发现,renzo团队背后是在上个defi牛市里也赫赫有名的defi团队,并不是comes from nowhere。 他们也获得了不错的机构投资,只是现在还没有到公布的时机。所以我会建议大家在披露前先撸起来,毕竟积分是大家分的,进的资金量越大分的越少。






#restaking #EigenLayer #撸空投 #大毛 #Ethereum;
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