Automata Network is a decentralized service protocol that provides a privacy middleware layer for decentralized applications (dApps) running on multiple blockchains. Leveraging cryptography and privacy-preserving algorithms, the Automata Network enables several privacy use cases, such as Anonymous Voting, Do-not-track Indexing, and Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) minimization. Developers can utilize Automata's open-source code and APIs to deploy dApps on the network, while users can purportedly transact securely.
The Automata Network has three privacy middleware solutions: Witness, Conveyor, and Librarian.
Automata Witness is a blockchain-agnostic privacy voting mechanism for dApps. With Automata Witness, a project owner can control the level of privacy protection a project uses at a supposed low cost. Voting occurs off-chain, thereby reducing on-chain costs. Chainhook is an on-chain mechanism that triggers execution based on the voting results.
Automata Conveyor is an MEV Minimization solution that creates a front-running-free zone by arranging transactions in a predetermined order. Automata claims that this deters malicious actors from injecting new transactions into its output due to signature mismatch or deleting ordered transactions because transactions are broadcasted throughout the network.