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#币安MegadropSOLV $BNB
一鱼四吃 再度来袭
第一步 先去报名币安年度定投活动
第二步 锁仓120天 拿最高系数积分
第三步 等待下一步公告,然后完成megadrop钱包任务
第四步 活动完成以后想解锁的解锁,赎回需要2天

提示:megadrop根据前两次来看都比较久 预估半个月 具体时间和任务 等待公告

最近空投可太多了 12月份猛猛吃空投
现在在挖lp + 刚出公告的mg + 定投活动 +定期收益(这个定期收益就很少了)

我已经全部锁仓120天 这期间不能加保证金了,爆仓价被锁定。贪到底!!

我有一个问题 为什么我山寨目前价值27000u左右 放再统一账户做保证金,我的开仓价目前587, 为什么我的爆仓价是586 ,不应该呢,一直不理解,没影响什么没去问客服,现在bnb拿去锁仓,没法加保证金,就有影响了。 谁知道怎么回事。

如果插针 爆仓这27000u等于白挨了,所以我第一次设置了一个止盈止损 在590 ,如果插下来,就把我洗出局了,狗庄温柔一点,别搞我!!
Binance Academy
多重签名钱包需要多个私钥来对交易进行签名和授权,这为用户和企业提供了额外的安全保障。与多重签名钱包相关的骗局种类繁多,其中以 Tron 网络上的骗局最为常见。在一种常见的多重签名骗局中,诈骗者会向用户授予其钱包的部分访问权限,并诱骗用户转账支付所谓的交易手续费。为了防范多重签名骗局,用户应对个人信息进行严格保密,避免使用陌生人的助记词或私钥,并警惕欺诈性 App、邮件和网站。

在加密货币领域,[多重签名](钱包是一种需要多个私钥授权才能完成交易的钱包。这种机制类似于数字版的双重身份验证 ([2FA](,需要两个或多个授权(签名)才能进行交易。
多重签名钱包可以设置不同的授权要求,例如“3 个密钥需 2 个授权”或“5 个密钥需 3 个授权”等。这种设计类似于金库的多重钥匙系统,没有获得其他人的授权,任何人都无法单独开启。
多重签名钱包通常应用于商业合作、去中心化自治组织 ([DAO]( 以及合资企业。对于家族基金或希望进一步提升数字资产安全性的用户,多重签名钱包也是一个不错的选择。
这种骗局背后的逻辑并不复杂:诈骗者让受害者误以为他们可以完全掌控某一[加密货币钱包](,而事实并非如此。以下是一名诈骗者在 YouTube 视频下方的评论示例:

您可能会在 YouTube、X、Telegram 等社交媒体平台上遇到此类骗局的多种形式,但万变不离其宗,这类消息通常都会包含[私钥](或[助记词](。如果您是第一次接触此类信息,可能会误以为是新用户在寻求帮助,但务必提高警惕,切勿上当受骗。
多重签名骗局的类型多种多样,而由于 Tron 多重签名钱包的特殊运作机制,此类骗局在 Tron 网络上尤为常见。
SafePal 多重签名骗局诱饵
为了说明此类骗局的运作方式,我们以上述 YouTube 评论中提供的助记词为例进行说明。首先,用户需要安装 SafePal 钱包插件,并使用诈骗者提供的助记词导入其钱包。
打开钱包后,我们可以看到,诈骗者在 Tron 网络上持有 2,022 [USDT]( 代币)。此时,大多数受害者会尝试将这些 USDT 从诈骗者的钱包转出。

然而,钱包中并没有足够的 TRX 来支付交易手续费。这时,受害者可能会相信只需向诈骗者的钱包转入少量 TRX,就能顺利提走这些 USDT。
值得庆幸的是,此类骗局的受害者通常只会损失少量用于支付 [Gas 费](的加密货币。然而,之前提及的更复杂的多重签名骗局可能会直接瞄准您的加密货币钱包,导致更严重的损失。
如果我们在 TronScan [区块链浏览器](中搜索诈骗者的钱包地址(以 Kk78Z 结尾),会发现该账户实际上受另一个地址(以 bHCoc 结尾)控制。这正是 Tron 网络上的多重签名钱包的特点。

Tron 多重签名钱包可以通过多种方式进行设置。钱包的权限可根据分配给每个多重签名账户的权重进行自定义。
在上述示例中,诈骗者的账户(以 bHCoc 结尾)拥有多重签名钱包的完全访问权限(即“所有者权限”),而用于引诱受害者的钱包账户(以 Kk78Z 结尾)仅具有有限的功能。
1. 妥善保管私钥和助记词
2. 仅使用官方钱包 App 和软件
请确保只使用来自可信官方渠道的钱包软件和 App。目前市面上存在许多假冒的加密货币钱包和交易平台,在使用前请务必核实网址并验证 App 的真实性。
3. 定期审查钱包权限
对于多重签名钱包用户,建议定期检查谁有权限访问您的钱包。您可以在大多数钱包的设置中查看权限。如果发现未经授权的签名,请立即删除。您还应该删除不再使用的 [DeFi]( App 的权限。
4. 使用硬件钱包提升安全性
5. 启用双重身份验证 (2FA)
大多数钱包供应商和交易平台均提供[双重身份验证]( (2FA) 功能。启用这一设置可以有效增强安全保护,防止您的钱包遭到未经授权的访问。
6. 随时了解最新信息
7. 钱包警告
以下是来自 SafePal 和 [Trust Wallet]( 的警告示例,提示用户资金已被冻结。

用FDUSD可以白嫖,用BNB收益大。搞了44.7个$BNB .能不能价量双吃呢?
币安Launchpool现已上线第63期项目 - BIO Protocol (BIO),一个去中心化科学(DeSci)的管理和流动性协议。

用户可以在2024年12月24日08:00(东八区时间)后在 Launchpool网站 将BNB、FDUSD投入到BIO奖励池中获得BIO,BIO活动时长共计10天。网站预计将于此公告的大约十二小时内,活动开放前更新。#币安LaunchpoolBIO
挖矿bio用bnb和F D U S T哪个更合适?
看下图一 我已经挖了六个小时的界面为例
fdusdt 挖了133个 bnb挖了51个
fsd大概是49w bnb的价值大概是 35w
除以他们挖出来的数量的话。六个小时 要挖一枚币 fdusdt大概需要3684 usdt 而bnb大概需要6960usdt。 所以那个更合适大家心里都应该有数了吧
$BNB $FDUSD $bio
挖矿bio用bnb和F D U S T哪个更合适?
看下图一 我已经挖了六个小时的界面为例
fdusdt 挖了133个 bnb挖了51个
fsd大概是49w bnb的价值大概是 35w
除以他们挖出来的数量的话。六个小时 要挖一枚币 fdusdt大概需要3684 usdt 而bnb大概需要6960usdt。 所以那个更合适大家心里都应该有数了吧
$BNB $FDUSD $bio
但是FDUSD 沒有mag drop 沒有HODLER 空頭 所以不能這樣比 FDUSD只能參加LAUNCHPOOL了 唯一福利
沒有mag drop


挖矿bio用bnb和F D U S T哪个更合适?
看下图一 我已经挖了六个小时的界面为例
fdusdt 挖了133个 bnb挖了51个
fsd大概是49w bnb的价值大概是 35w
除以他们挖出来的数量的话。六个小时 要挖一枚币 fdusdt大概需要3684 usdt 而bnb大概需要6960usdt。 所以那个更合适大家心里都应该有数了吧
$BNB $FDUSD $bio
挖矿bio用bnb和F D U S T哪个更合适?
看下图一 我已经挖了六个小时的界面为例
fdusdt 挖了133个 bnb挖了51个
fsd大概是49w bnb的价值大概是 35w
除以他们挖出来的数量的话。六个小时 要挖一枚币 fdusdt大概需要3684 usdt 而bnb大概需要6960usdt。 所以那个更合适大家心里都应该有数了吧
$BNB $FDUSD $bio
注意cz 的提醒,我因为这个动作 差点损失5万u!
这种链上操作 一定要注意几个问题。
1. 控制权问题:当你通过接收别人的私钥或硬件钱包来获取加密货币时,你并没有完全控制这些资产。私钥是访问加密货币的唯一凭证,如果别人持有私钥,他们随时可以取走或转移你的加密货币。
2. 安全性风险:如果两个人共享同一个私钥,那么任何一方的行为都可能影响到另一方。这就像是两个人共享一把家门钥匙,如果其中一个人不小心丢了钥匙,那么另一个人的房子也就不安全了。
3. 责任归属问题:如果加密货币被转移或被盗,由于你们共享同一个私钥,很难证明是谁进行了这笔交易。这可能导致责任归属不明确,难以追回损失。
4. 建议:最好的方法是将加密货币转移到你自己控制的地址。这样,只有你拥有私钥,可以完全控制你的资产。或者,如果必须通过他人接收加密货币,应该立即要求对方将货币发送到你自己的地址,以减少风险。
突破藍色線。要回踩一下吧? 請大家用力用力做空 上漲的燃料才夠 資金費率要很負很負 上漲才能拉爆




Binance Academy
Secure Your Binance Account in 7 Simple Steps

Security is a top priority at Binance. While we do everything to keep your account secure, you also have the power to greatly increase the security of your Binance account. 

In this article, we describe a few simple steps that you can take to secure your account, along with general good habits that you should keep in mind. Just like you, it’s in our interest to keep your account safe. The blockchain industry is growing fast, so creating a more secure environment will benefit us all.

So what are the steps you can take to increase the security of your Binance account?

1. Use a strong password and change it regularly

This may sound quite obvious, but it’s an essential step for securing your Binance account. You should use strong and unique passwords for every one of your accounts on the Internet. This is especially true for those that hold value – like your cryptocurrency exchange account. Ideally, these passwords should be more than eight characters long, containing both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

One of the best ways to generate, manage, and store secure passwords are password managers. This way, you can hold and manage your different passwords in a secure and convenient way, all in the same place. Most password managers will employ sophisticated encryption mechanisms to provide an additional layer of protection. Be sure to only use trusted password manager software, and of course, create a strong master password.

Having a strong password is an excellent first step, but it doesn’t mean you’re set forever. It’s also good practice to change your passwords regularly, as attackers may have ways to obtain your passwords regardless. This is not only true for your Binance account, but also your email associated with your Binance account. 

While we’re at your email, here’s another point to consider – it’s beneficial to use different email addresses for different accounts. This way, you can mitigate some of the potentially detrimental effects of data breaches. Especially if you’re using an old email account, there’s a high chance that it has been part of a breach in the past. However, if you’re using dedicated email addresses for each service, there’s a smaller chance that a breach will affect multiple of your accounts. The website Have I Been Pwned is a great resource to check if any of your accounts were ever the victim of a data breach.

Please note that once you change the password of your Binance account, you won’t be able to withdraw funds in the following 24 hours. This is to prevent potential attackers from locking you out of your account while withdrawing your funds.

2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Activating Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) should be among the first things you do after creating a Binance account. Binance supports two types of 2FA: SMS and Google Authentication. Out of these two, we recommend Google Authenticator. Just make sure to write down your reset key in case you need to transfer your 2FA codes to a new mobile phone.

While SMS authentication may be easier to use, it’s deemed less secure than Google Authenticator. SIM swapping is a real threat, and some high profile accounts have been a victim of this technique. In 2019, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was hacked with this method, leaving attackers free reign over his Twitter account with millions of followers.

These aren’t the only ways to secure your account with 2FA. We’ll shortly discuss another method called Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) authentication. It involves a secure hardware device that protects your account. And good news, Binance supports that too!

3. Check the list of devices authorized to access your account

You can check the devices that are authorized to access your Binance account in the Device Management tab. When using the Binance app, you can find this tab under the “Account” tab. 

If you see any devices you don’t recognize or don’t use anymore, remove them. Once you remove a device, it won’t be able to access your account again, unless you re-allow it through an email confirmation. As we’ve discussed earlier, this is why the security of your email account is also of paramount importance.

You can also check account activity, that is, what IP address was your account accessed from and when. If you see anything suspicious, immediately disable your account. This will suspend trading and withdrawals, delete all your API keys, and remove all devices that can access your account.

4. Manage your withdrawal addresses

Your Binance account has a security feature called Address Management. It allows you to limit the wallet addresses that you can withdraw funds to. If you turn this on, each newly added address will require an email confirmation to be added to the whitelist.

To reiterate, this is why keeping your email account secure is so critical! It’s the foundation of your online security.

Can’t decide what crypto wallet to withdraw your funds to? You could try out Trust Wallet, it’s an excellent choice if you’re looking for a secure software wallet for your mobile phone. You could also invest in a hardware wallet to keep your private keys offline.

5. Learn about phishing

Phishing is a type of attack where a malicious actor tries to pose as someone else (for example, a business) to obtain your personal information. It’s one of the most common attacks out there, and you should be wary of it.

As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to only visit Binance from a saved bookmark instead of typing the address each time. If you haven’t already, feel free to bookmark the link right now: With this simple step, you can already avoid a good chunk of the fake Binance websites that aim to trick you into getting access to your account information.

The Anti-Phishing Code feature allows you to set a unique code to be included in all your Binance notification emails. By enabling the Anti-Phishing code, you’ll be able to tell if the notification emails you’re receiving from Binance are genuine. If you’d like to learn more about how to use it, check out our Anti-Phishing Code Guide.

Would you like to learn about other ways to avoid phishing? Check out What is Phishing?. 

6. Follow API security guidelines

The Binance API is an excellent way for more advanced traders to maximize their experience with the Binance trading engine. The Binance API allows you to create custom trading strategies. 

However, using API keys brings some risks because you’re allowing your data to be shared with external applications. When you’re using the Binance API, you should consider restricting access based on IP address. This way, only the whitelisted IP addresses will be enabled. You should also consider changing your API keys regularly, and avoid giving your keys to external parties.

7. Use Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Authentication

Binance supports U2F-compatible authenticators, such as the Yubico YubiKey. These devices will grant you access to your account only if they’re plugged in to your computer or paired wirelessly.

You could think of this device as similar to your Google Authenticator, but instead of a piece of software, it’s a piece of hardware. This means that accessing your account requires physical access to this hardware as well.

Closing Thoughts

Keeping your Binance account secure is an important consideration. We went through some of the simple steps you can take to protect your account and keep hackers from accessing your precious bitcoins and altcoins.

If you’d like to check your current security level, go to your Security dashboard. If you’re using the Binance app, go to the “Security” section of your “Account” tab.

If you’d like to learn more, check out our other articles on security-related topics!
Binance Academy
Secure Your Binance Account in 7 Simple Steps

Security is a top priority at Binance. While we do everything to keep your account secure, you also have the power to greatly increase the security of your Binance account. 

In this article, we describe a few simple steps that you can take to secure your account, along with general good habits that you should keep in mind. Just like you, it’s in our interest to keep your account safe. The blockchain industry is growing fast, so creating a more secure environment will benefit us all.

So what are the steps you can take to increase the security of your Binance account?

1. Use a strong password and change it regularly

This may sound quite obvious, but it’s an essential step for securing your Binance account. You should use strong and unique passwords for every one of your accounts on the Internet. This is especially true for those that hold value – like your cryptocurrency exchange account. Ideally, these passwords should be more than eight characters long, containing both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

One of the best ways to generate, manage, and store secure passwords are password managers. This way, you can hold and manage your different passwords in a secure and convenient way, all in the same place. Most password managers will employ sophisticated encryption mechanisms to provide an additional layer of protection. Be sure to only use trusted password manager software, and of course, create a strong master password.

Having a strong password is an excellent first step, but it doesn’t mean you’re set forever. It’s also good practice to change your passwords regularly, as attackers may have ways to obtain your passwords regardless. This is not only true for your Binance account, but also your email associated with your Binance account. 

While we’re at your email, here’s another point to consider – it’s beneficial to use different email addresses for different accounts. This way, you can mitigate some of the potentially detrimental effects of data breaches. Especially if you’re using an old email account, there’s a high chance that it has been part of a breach in the past. However, if you’re using dedicated email addresses for each service, there’s a smaller chance that a breach will affect multiple of your accounts. The website Have I Been Pwned is a great resource to check if any of your accounts were ever the victim of a data breach.

Please note that once you change the password of your Binance account, you won’t be able to withdraw funds in the following 24 hours. This is to prevent potential attackers from locking you out of your account while withdrawing your funds.

2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Activating Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) should be among the first things you do after creating a Binance account. Binance supports two types of 2FA: SMS and Google Authentication. Out of these two, we recommend Google Authenticator. Just make sure to write down your reset key in case you need to transfer your 2FA codes to a new mobile phone.

While SMS authentication may be easier to use, it’s deemed less secure than Google Authenticator. SIM swapping is a real threat, and some high profile accounts have been a victim of this technique. In 2019, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was hacked with this method, leaving attackers free reign over his Twitter account with millions of followers.

These aren’t the only ways to secure your account with 2FA. We’ll shortly discuss another method called Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) authentication. It involves a secure hardware device that protects your account. And good news, Binance supports that too!

3. Check the list of devices authorized to access your account

You can check the devices that are authorized to access your Binance account in the Device Management tab. When using the Binance app, you can find this tab under the “Account” tab. 

If you see any devices you don’t recognize or don’t use anymore, remove them. Once you remove a device, it won’t be able to access your account again, unless you re-allow it through an email confirmation. As we’ve discussed earlier, this is why the security of your email account is also of paramount importance.

You can also check account activity, that is, what IP address was your account accessed from and when. If you see anything suspicious, immediately disable your account. This will suspend trading and withdrawals, delete all your API keys, and remove all devices that can access your account.

4. Manage your withdrawal addresses

Your Binance account has a security feature called Address Management. It allows you to limit the wallet addresses that you can withdraw funds to. If you turn this on, each newly added address will require an email confirmation to be added to the whitelist.

To reiterate, this is why keeping your email account secure is so critical! It’s the foundation of your online security.

Can’t decide what crypto wallet to withdraw your funds to? You could try out Trust Wallet, it’s an excellent choice if you’re looking for a secure software wallet for your mobile phone. You could also invest in a hardware wallet to keep your private keys offline.

5. Learn about phishing

Phishing is a type of attack where a malicious actor tries to pose as someone else (for example, a business) to obtain your personal information. It’s one of the most common attacks out there, and you should be wary of it.

As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to only visit Binance from a saved bookmark instead of typing the address each time. If you haven’t already, feel free to bookmark the link right now: With this simple step, you can already avoid a good chunk of the fake Binance websites that aim to trick you into getting access to your account information.

The Anti-Phishing Code feature allows you to set a unique code to be included in all your Binance notification emails. By enabling the Anti-Phishing code, you’ll be able to tell if the notification emails you’re receiving from Binance are genuine. If you’d like to learn more about how to use it, check out our Anti-Phishing Code Guide.

Would you like to learn about other ways to avoid phishing? Check out What is Phishing?. 

6. Follow API security guidelines

The Binance API is an excellent way for more advanced traders to maximize their experience with the Binance trading engine. The Binance API allows you to create custom trading strategies. 

However, using API keys brings some risks because you’re allowing your data to be shared with external applications. When you’re using the Binance API, you should consider restricting access based on IP address. This way, only the whitelisted IP addresses will be enabled. You should also consider changing your API keys regularly, and avoid giving your keys to external parties.

7. Use Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Authentication

Binance supports U2F-compatible authenticators, such as the Yubico YubiKey. These devices will grant you access to your account only if they’re plugged in to your computer or paired wirelessly.

You could think of this device as similar to your Google Authenticator, but instead of a piece of software, it’s a piece of hardware. This means that accessing your account requires physical access to this hardware as well.

Closing Thoughts

Keeping your Binance account secure is an important consideration. We went through some of the simple steps you can take to protect your account and keep hackers from accessing your precious bitcoins and altcoins.

If you’d like to check your current security level, go to your Security dashboard. If you’re using the Binance app, go to the “Security” section of your “Account” tab.

If you’d like to learn more, check out our other articles on security-related topics!

我是2017年踏入区块链领域的韭菜,热衷于在中心化交易所(CEX)与去中心化交易所(DEX)之间寻找相对稳定的套利机会。期待与同道中人分享和讨论币圈撸毛机会及最新动态和观点。作为长线投资者,目前主要仓位(btc、bnb、uni、cake、wld 已按仓位大小排序)。如果您也对加密货币充满热情,欢迎点赞、关注并留言交流心得!


BNB$BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) CEO. 說話了!! FOMO的情緒 還在早期 還在早期聽起來是要買更多 Fomo意思是要謹慎 所以應該????
CEO. 說話了!!




过去 21 期币安 #Launchpool‬ 的年华收益率一览以及 $VANA 价格估算!

平均收益率为 96%,如果本期 $VANA 想要达到平均收益率,价格为 15.93 U!


问过 USUAL 的价格为什么是 0.73,答复是采集的三点的盘前价格。

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