💵 The capitalisation of PayPal's steiblcoin has exceeded $1 billion The market capitalisation of PYUSD steiblcoin has reached $1.01 billion. According to this indicator, PYUSD has moved to the 5th place in the list of the largest steiblcoins. The number of active users of PYUSD is about 26,000 per month. #pyusd
🌟 The arrest of Pavel Durov is further proof of how governments manipulate the situation to achieve their goals. A French TV channel reported that the claims against Durov are related to Telegram. The main accusations include "lack of moderation and cooperation with law enforcement agencies," as well as the fact that the messenger's tools "facilitate drug trafficking, pedophilia and fraud." In other words, he is being charged with the most absurd and standard set of charges. The government's goals are clear, but hardly achievable. Panicniks are dumping the TON cryptocurrency, the media are using scandalous news to attract attention. Will Durov's arrest affect the development of Telegram or TON? Of course, it will, but it will not destroy or break either of these systems. Is an arrest and a long stay in prison realistic? I doubt it. ✈️ I wish Pavel Durov a speedy release. —————————————- #FREEDUROV