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Like and Win: Binance India Community, Welcome to Square!
Dear Binance India Community, welcome to Binance Square!
To show our excitement at you being with us, we are launching a “Like and Win” campaign that’s available just for you. Simply like at least one piece of content each day for 7 consecutive days during the campaign period and get a chunk of our prize pool of $5,000 in BNB token vouchers.
Campaign Period: 2024-08-16 11:00 to 2024-08-26 23:59 (UTC)
How to Participate:
Like at least one piece of content on Binance Square each day for 7 consecutive days during the campaign period.
This campaign is open only to users with India KYC.
All eligible participants will share a $5,000 in BNB reward pool, with rewards capped at $1 per participant.

About Binance Square

Binance Square, formerly known as Binance Feed, aims to be the one-stop social platform for the latest trends in Web3. With a vast selection of content from renowned crypto experts, avid enthusiasts and trusted media sources, the platform serves as a bridge between content creators and their followers, customizing users’ feeds based on their respective engagement history.

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Terms and Conditions:
The campaign is open only to users with India KYC.Rewards are capped at $1 per participant.The FDUSD token voucher rewards will be distributed within 30 working days after the activity ends. Users may check their rewards via Profile > Rewards Hub. The validity period for the token voucher is set at seven days from the day of distribution. Learn how to redeem a voucher.Illegally bulk registered accounts or sub-accounts shall not be eligible to participate or receive any rewards. Binance reserves the right to disqualify any account acting against the Binance Square Community Guidelines or Terms and Conditions.Binance reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating or suspending this activity, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments.Binance reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity.Where any discrepancy arises between the translated versions of this announcement and the original English version, the English version of this announcement shall prevail.Additional promotion terms and conditions can be accessed here.
Risk Warning: Digital asset prices can be volatile. The value of your investment can go down or up and you may not get back the amount invested. Crypto products and NFTs are unregulated and can be highly risky. There may be no regulatory recourse for any loss from such transactions. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions, and Binance is not liable for any losses you may incur. Not financial advice. For more information, see our Terms of Use and Risk Warning.
$Fil is continuosly developing
$Fil is continuosly developing
The #FVM opened the doors for more innovation on the Filecoin network. Check out what the FVM enables: ✅ Connect to other blockchains with bridges via @axelarnetwork & @CelerNetwork. ✅ Trade & swap with @Uniswap v3 & @SushiSwap. ✅ Access real-world data with @PythNetwork. ✅ Make payments seamless for DePIN networks such as @FilecoinStation & @FilecoinSaturn. ✅ Use your favorite wallets like @MetaMask, @Ledger, @Brave, and @FoxWallet! Dive into the latest article by @FilecoinTLDR:
$Fil is continuosly developing
$Fil is continuosly developing
The #FVM opened the doors for more innovation on the Filecoin network. Check out what the FVM enables: ✅ Connect to other blockchains with bridges via @axelarnetwork & @CelerNetwork. ✅ Trade & swap with @Uniswap v3 & @SushiSwap. ✅ Access real-world data with @PythNetwork. ✅ Make payments seamless for DePIN networks such as @FilecoinStation & @FilecoinSaturn. ✅ Use your favorite wallets like @MetaMask, @Ledger, @Brave, and @FoxWallet! Dive into the latest article by @FilecoinTLDR:
240 проголосовали • Голосование закрыто
$FIL has high expectations
$FIL has high expectations
XABCD Formation analist
mutlaka sepetinde olması gereken coin $FIL
hedefim 560 dolar uzun vade sıkılmadan bekliye bilceginiz 120 dolara kadar toplanılması gereken bir xoin
$FIL towards $25 coming week
$FIL towards $25 coming week
DePIN $Fil will be $25~250~2500 Plus with institutional investments.
DePIN $Fil will be $25~250~2500 Plus with institutional investments.
DePIN $Fil will be $250 plus
DePIN $Fil will be $2500 plus
92 проголосовали • Голосование закрыто
Probability of #DePIN #Filecoin $FIL going through $25 ~ 250 ~ 2500 is more, given the context of potential and the institutional investments. Soon, Major publishing units would talk about It's intensity.
Probability of #DePIN #Filecoin $FIL going through $25 ~ 250 ~ 2500 is more, given the context of potential and the institutional investments. Soon, Major publishing units would talk about It's intensity.
Wei Gosson wyV8
胡安个死胖子都不敢去fil香港大会,狗庄砸盘,啪啪打脸官方$FIL $BTC $SOL #热门话题

⭐️ Investment ⭐️

💰 $FIL

Entry 1 & 2 highlighted in light blue &
Targets in orange.

🎯1st Target: 17$ (100%)
🎯2nd Target:21$(150%)
🎯Mid-Term Target: 46.9$ (805%)
🎯Long-Term Targets: 86.9-113$ (1560-2140%)


#DePIN Narrative

#HotTrends #BTCHalvingApril2024

Have you checked out the latest version of @FilscanOfficial Filecoin Explorer? It provides valuable insights into: 🔹Network Overview 🔹Data Analysis 🔹Filecoin Ecosystem 🔹Contract Transactions 🔹Storage Providers' Ranking 🔹Contact Rank And more!
Techub News
释放 Web3 的力量:走向去中心化物理基础设施(DePIN)的革命
撰文:Leo Lin, Jesse Zheng, David Lee 
















当我们航行在一个日益不确定的世界中,审视Web3 DePIN的优势以及其在灾难面前提高我们韧性的潜力至关重要。通过拥抱去中心化的电力供应和分布式通信,我们可以建立一个不再将停电与黑暗视为同义词的未来,而是视为创新和社区赋权的催化剂。


因此,下一次你打开灯光开关或在智能手机上发送信息时,请花点时间思考Web3的可能性——一个超越停电和灾难的愿景,照亮通向更加联系和弹性世界的道路。(本节 超越停电和灾难的愿景 由ChatGPT 产生)


1. 去中心化物理基础设施网络(DePIN)的概念


近年来,区块链技术和加密货币的兴起已经改变了人们在现实生活的互动方式。区块链的去中心化特性已经深刻影响了数字生活的各个方面,涵盖了从链游、社交网络、网络会议等元宇宙场景。需要注意的是,这场变革不仅仅局限于虚拟领域。一些行业从业者和政策制定者已经开始关注DePIN(Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network),试图通过加密货币来推动实体经济的增长。如果说去中心化金融(DeFi)是Web3在现实世界第一个落地的应用,促进全球资本的流动。那么DePIN则是下一个即将引爆的应用实例。DePIN指的是去中心化物理基础设施网络,利用加密货币激励和协调去中心化基础设施的启动和持续经营。DePIN作为虚拟的加密圈和现实世界之间的重要连接,有助于促进数据安全、有效协调闲置资源,在提升我们生活质量的同时,也为更多人展示了加密货币的实用价值和魅力。Messari在Twitter上进行了一次关于命名的投票,随后根据投票结果在其2022年的报告中首次提出了“DePIN”这个概念。据Connor在2023年的报告,DePIN行业的总可寻址市场约为2.2万亿美元,到2024年可能会达到3.5万亿美元,这是当今所有加密货币市值的三倍。



























2. 供应商:公司或个人提供更具成本效益的服务或未充分利用的资源,并期望获得代币奖励。


3. 消费者:公司或个人购买或使用产品和服务。


4. 通证经济学:使用代币奖励吸引供应商为系统做出贡献并补贴消费者。


5. 物理基础设施:供应商用于提供服务的设备。


在项目启动初期,DePIN 使用代币或者空投预期去激励用户参与生态建设,吸引强有力的开发者来提供更具性价比的产品。随着越来越多的用户使用产品或者服务,项目方的收入增加,收入可用于市值管理和进一步营销,给予产品的需求方和供给方回报,激励更多的参与者和引起市场资金的注意,打造繁荣的生态。代币在牛市期间对DePIN项目产生了飞轮效应。

























4. DePIN用例




4.1 去中心化存储






去中心化存储的一个例子是Filecoin。Filecoin的主网于2020年启动。它提供类似于Web2巨头谷歌云和亚马逊网络服务的云存储服务。Filecoin建立在InterPlanetary File System(IPFS)之上,引入了内容寻址存储,这种存储与位置无关,可以实现更强的韧性、更容易的数据可移植性和在涉及计算时更低的延迟。




除了Filecoin,还有一些强有力的竞争对手提供去中心化存储解决方案,包括Arweave、BNB Greenfield、EthStorage和Storj等。


4.2 去中心无线网络






Helium 于2019年推出了一种由全球各地个人运行的互连硬件设备支持的去中心化无线网络(DeWi)。Helium成立于2013年,旨在简化建立去中心化无线网络的过程。Helium网络代币(HNT)是Helium网络的协议代币。当热点主机和运营商部署网络覆盖时,可以使用HNT进行兑换。企业和开发者需要支付HNT以连接设备并在Helium网络上构建应用程序。


在电信行业中,有两种主要的模式:移动虚拟网络运营商和移动网络运营商。移动虚拟网络运营商管理客户关系,但缺少移动通信塔等必要的物理基础设施。他们向移动网络运营商支付费用以使用后者的基础设施。Helium的子项目Helium Mobile已成为去中心化的5G运营商,引入了一个称为移动混合网络运营商的新类别。$Mobile代币激励网络参与者部署和运营5G移动网络硬件,使客户能够在Helium网络内使用蜂窝和Wi-Fi热点。


设置和维护热点的贡献者可以获得$HNT补偿,其中一部分会被销毁。在Helium网络未覆盖的地区,Helium Mobile支付更高的T-Mobile费用,以便用户漫游到T-Mobile的移动通信塔,确保全国范围内的高质量覆盖。Helium Mobile用户可以通过贡献热点来改善覆盖不良地区的信号,也可以购买Helium Mobile热点设备成为提供者。提供者可以使用网络,当他人使用时就会获得奖励。


建设5G网络的主要成本是建造基站。Helium Mobile利用基于代币的经济激励措施鼓励个人购买热点设施,并在室内和室外部署它们。这个方法动员了大众的集体力量,用许多分散的小热点取代了大规模的基站。这导致了更低的建设成本、更广泛的网络覆盖以及更实惠的电信计划。根据J.D. Power(2023年)的数据,2023年美国用户的无线计划的平均月支出为157美元,而Helium Mobile每月只需20美元即可提供全国范围内无限的通话、数据和短信服务。在迈阿密,他们甚至提供了每月5美元的计划。




4.3 可再生能源


随着我们朝着可持续和绿色的未来迈进,将安全可靠的碳信用记录在不可篡改的区块链上变得越来越重要。Arkreen网络就是这样一种解决方案的例子。Arkreen 可以经济地收集可信的分布式可再生能源生成数据,并将数据转换为可再生能源证书(REC),出售给任何想要达到碳中和的人。Arkreen网络利用物联网和区块链连接进行轻松访问,并专注于太阳能光伏(PV)以进行大规模采用。它提供了嵌入式和集成的物联网连接选项,以实现可扩展性。有了这些,可以建立起分布式的可再生能源基础设施。与所有DePIN解决方案类似,Arkreen在自下而上的方式中深度应用了一种通过代币激励的全球协调方法。




4.4 去中心计算网络






HPChain 通过使用去中心、点对点的“云+链”协议,提供可访问和经济高效的高性能GPU计算服务。其模块化的区块链基础设施旨在降低用户成本,并实现灵活的可扩展性以满足不断增长的需求,而不牺牲资源分配的安全性或透明度。




其他DePIN项目,如、Akash Network、Render Network和Aethir 也是领先去中心化计算基础设施。由于人工智能的巨大增长,对计算的需求正在增加。但是,随着许多去中心化GPU协议的出现以及A100和H100等高性能GPU持续短缺,提供商将GPU转移到能够获得最丰厚代币激励的计算网络。来自代币激励的通货膨胀压力可能会损害代币持有者。如何创建差异化的服务并保留消费者是这些GPU协议需要考虑的。此外,高性能GPU需求旺盛,很少有空闲时间。因此,利用空闲资源的假设可能不可行。只有在空闲时间内才有计算能力可用,这使得去中心化计算的性能不稳定 (Sami et al., 2024)。除了成本之外,稳定的性能也是用户考虑的关键因素。

4.5 去中心化人工智能体




面对以上问题,LingoAI推出的LingoPod是一个实用的跨语言翻译器,同时也是一个可以保护用户数据隐私的、真正为用户自己服务并可以用语料挖矿的去中心化AI智能体。DePINs行业通过代币激励人们按照感应器,共享来自物理世界的真实的、实时的数据,用以各种模型训练。LingoPod通过代币激励机制在保护个人隐私的前提下可汇集大语言模型训练与微调所需的全球各种语音语料,包括濒危的语种和没有文字的语种语料。LingoAI是AI民主化与可持续发展的一个AI x DePIN基础项目。






LingoPod只是LingoAI的冰山一角,LingoAI开创性的从根部融合了Web3.0与AI的MetaGraph技术协议栈。MetaGraph使AI大语言模型LLM与知识图谱RAG结合体在更底层的语义网层面通过SOLID和MetaLife的数据与应用分离、点到点通讯与区块链账本技术实现价值互联网,彻底解决人工智能数据短缺和数据确权的瓶颈问题,实现A Web of Data的构想,让AI可持续发展。

5. 总结


DePIN利用区块链技术提供透明度,并利用加密货币扩展其网络。DePIN代表了虚拟和实体经济的融合。它是一个向大众介绍加密货币好处的重要渠道,通过提供成本效益的服务来改善社会。利用加密货币的融资功能,DePIN降低了项目启动的门槛,并有望通过改进现有产品和服务来改变各个行业。DePIN可能与现有的行业巨头竞争,也可能形成互补或合作伙伴关系。代币经济的智能设计和服务质量将对DePIN项目的成功至关重要。 我们预计DePIN项目将在2024年和2025年出现并蓬勃发展。






新加坡社科大学普惠金融科技节点 (SUSS NiFT) 是引领大学所有金融科技活动的“卓越中心”,致力于提供高质量的研究、公共教育和金融技术领域包容性的政策倡导,以造福社会。
Binance Academy
What Is DePIN in Crypto?
Key Takeaways

DePIN extends blockchain's decentralization principles to tangible infrastructure like energy grids and supply chains. It leverages blockchain and IoT technologies to create autonomous and transparent systems.

DePIN can offer enhanced security, efficiency, and transparency in physical infrastructure, democratizing access to resources like energy and transportation. It can also empower economic participation through peer-to-peer transactions and token rewards.


From finance to art, blockchain has revolutionized various aspects of our lives. But this revolution isn't just limited to the digital world. Blockchain is also being used in a variety of fields in the physical world, which relates to the concept of DePIN – decentralized physical infrastructure networks.

What Are Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks?

DePIN refers to the application of blockchain technology to physical infrastructure and systems. It seeks to leverage blockchain and other technologies to create decentralized networks for tangible infrastructure such as energy grids, supply chains, telecommunications, transportation systems, and more.

How DePIN Works

DePIN involves the decentralization of control of a network using blockchain technology. Typically, it relies on a combination of blockchain technology and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Blockchain serves as a secure and transparent ledger that records transactions and data exchanges within the network. It ensures trust and transparency by providing an immutable record of all transactions. Meanwhile, the IoT consists of interconnected devices that collect and exchange data in real time. In a DePIN system, these devices communicate with each other and with the blockchain database, enabling autonomous and responsive interactions within physical infrastructures.

DePINs utilize blockchain to distribute authority across networks, and it can be applied to various fields, including energy, supply chains, telecommunications, data storage, transportation, and real estate.

In energy, for instance, decentralized grids can enable peer-to-peer energy trading, with all interactions recorded transparently on the blockchain. Smart contracts can automate transactions, promoting efficiency and renewable energy use. In some cases, users may also receive cryptocurrency rewards as incentives to encourage participation and growth.

Why DePIN Matters

Security and efficiency

DePIN can enhance the security and efficiency of physical infrastructure by eliminating single points of failure and reducing the risk of tampering or manipulation. With blockchain technology, transactions and data exchanges are secured by cryptography, and the distributed database helps protect against attacks or unauthorized access.

Transparency and traceability

In industries like supply chain management, DePIN can provide greater transparency and traceability. By recording every step of the production and distribution process on a blockchain, companies can ensure the authenticity and integrity of their products. This can help prevent fraud, counterfeiting, and other illicit activities.

Democratization of resources

DePIN has the potential to democratize access to essential resources such as energy and transportation. Instead of relying on centralized providers, individuals and communities can participate directly in the production, distribution, and utilization of these resources. For example, with a decentralized energy grid, homeowners can generate and sell excess electricity to their neighbors, creating a more equitable and sustainable energy ecosystem.

Economic empowerment

By decentralizing control over physical infrastructure, DePIN can empower individuals and communities economically. It can enable peer-to-peer transactions and incentivize participation through token rewards. This can create new opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation, particularly in underserved or marginalized communities.

Examples of DePIN Projects


Filecoin addresses the need for decentralized storage solutions by leveraging blockchain technology. It allows users to rent out their unused storage space and earn cryptocurrency in return. This decentralized storage network ensures data security, redundancy, and availability through a distributed network of storage providers.


Render is a DePIN project focused on offering decentralized GPU-based rendering solutions. It connects node operators who want to monetize their idle GPU computing power with artists who need to scale intensive 3D rendering work and applications. In addition to the decentralized GPU computing network, Render offers a platform for artists and developers to build services and applications.

The Graph

The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying blockchain data. It’s focused on organizing data while making it easily accessible to everyone. Graph Explorer allows developers to search, find, and publish all the public data they need to build decentralized applications (DApps).

Challenges and Future Outlook

While DePIN holds great promise, it also faces several challenges. Regulatory hurdles, technical scalability issues, and interoperability concerns are among the key obstacles to widespread adoption. Additionally, integrating blockchain technology with physical systems requires robust security measures and user-friendly interfaces.

However, despite these challenges, the future of DePIN looks promising. As technology continues to evolve and innovate, DePIN projects will likely overcome these obstacles and unlock new opportunities for decentralized physical infrastructure. By empowering individuals and communities to shape their own infrastructure and resources, DePIN has the potential to transform the way we interact with the physical world.

Closing Thoughts

DePIN, or decentralized physical infrastructure networks, revolutionizes tangible infrastructure by applying blockchain and IoT technologies, ensuring autonomy and transparency. It can offer improved security, efficiency, and transparency while democratizing access to essential resources like energy and transportation.

Further Reading

What Are Real World Assets (RWA) in DeFi and Crypto?

Blockchain Use Cases: Supply Chain

Blockchain Use Cases: The Internet of Things (IoT)

Disclaimer: This content is presented to you on an “as is” basis for general information and educational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind. It should not be construed as financial, legal or other professional advice, nor is it intended to recommend the purchase of any specific product or service. You should seek your own advice from appropriate professional advisors. Where the article is contributed by a third party contributor, please note that those views expressed belong to the third party contributor, and do not necessarily reflect those of Binance Academy. Please read our full disclaimer here for further details. Digital asset prices can be volatile. The value of your investment may go down or up and you may not get back the amount invested. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions and Binance Academy is not liable for any losses you may incur. This material should not be construed as financial, legal or other professional advice. For more information, see our Terms of Use and Risk Warning.
$BNB Pumping leg started for the Day
$BNB Pumping leg started for the Day
#Bitcoin $BTC The Best Money, Best Digital Gold, Best Generational Wealth, Base currency for all Assets in the Universe. If #DePIN potential improves to next standard, which token would stand along Bitcoin ? I think it would be #Filecoin $FIL
#Bitcoin $BTC The Best Money, Best Digital Gold, Best Generational Wealth, Base currency for all Assets in the Universe.

If #DePIN potential improves to next standard, which token would stand along Bitcoin ? I think it would be #Filecoin $FIL
Probability of $BTC getting to ATH of 80k, is more before halving. Same would go for $BNB to new ATH
Probability of $BTC getting to ATH of 80k, is more before halving.

Same would go for $BNB to new ATH
Vote your opinion and share the content to spread the message. Pump the Trend to Trend the Pump for $BNB It could be a game changing scenario If $BNB gets pumped to New ATH in this BTC correlated crypto down trend.
Vote your opinion and share the content to spread the message. Pump the Trend to Trend the Pump for $BNB

It could be a game changing scenario If $BNB gets pumped to New ATH in this BTC correlated crypto down trend.
Yes. BNB New ATH
Not immediate
27 проголосовали • Голосование закрыто
It could be a game changing scenario If $BNB gets pumped to New ATH in this BTC correlated crypto down trend.
It could be a game changing scenario If $BNB gets pumped to New ATH in this BTC correlated crypto down trend.
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