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ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains.
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Hey DEAR lovers! How’s your DEAR nurturing journey going? Curious to dive deeper into DEAR’s world @redstonexyz? 🦌🔴🪨 Join us for a Space about DEAR’s launch on Redstone and get all your burning questions answered! 📍: 🗓️: Monday, May 20th at 1:30pm UTC 🎙️: @biscaryn (Ecosystem @latticexyz ) @dear_dyr (DEAR) @MK_0x5F3759DF (CTO @arpaofficial) @felixmxu (CEO @arpaofficial) See you there! 🤠
Hey DEAR lovers! How’s your DEAR nurturing journey going? Curious to dive deeper into DEAR’s world @redstonexyz? 🦌🔴🪨

Join us for a Space about DEAR’s launch on Redstone and get all your burning questions answered!

🗓️: Monday, May 20th at 1:30pm UTC
@biscaryn (Ecosystem @latticexyz )
@dear_dyr (DEAR)
@MK_0x5F3759DF (CTO @arpaofficial)
@felixmxu (CEO @arpaofficial)

See you there! 🤠
🚀 Get Ready for the DEAR Leaderboard Challenge! 🏆 Think you’ve got what it takes to be a good @dear_dyr nurturer? Prove your skills and win big in $ARPA! Here’s the scoop: 🌟 May 17-19: Who’s the best companion? Rack up blocks by spending the most time in "Stay with Me"! ⏳💖 🌟 May 20-22: Emotion overload! Own the most LOVE or HATRED and dominate the leaderboard! ❤️💔 The tournament runs for 14 days, with all rewards showered on top caretakers at the end. Ready to bond with DEAR and climb the ranks? Join
🚀 Get Ready for the DEAR Leaderboard Challenge! 🏆

Think you’ve got what it takes to be a good @dear_dyr nurturer? Prove your skills and win big in $ARPA! Here’s the scoop:

🌟 May 17-19: Who’s the best companion? Rack up blocks by spending the most time in "Stay with Me"! ⏳💖

🌟 May 20-22: Emotion overload! Own the most LOVE or HATRED and dominate the leaderboard! ❤️💔

The tournament runs for 14 days, with all rewards showered on top caretakers at the end.

Ready to bond with DEAR and climb the ranks? Join
🌟 The spotlight’s on DEAR @dear_dyr! As the final star in the @redstonexyz Community Spotlight, we're thrilled to introduce DEAR, a fully on-chain game incubated by ARPA and brought to life with the whimsical artwork of artists @Poppel20 and @e11_w00d.
🌟 The spotlight’s on DEAR @dear_dyr! As the final star in the @redstonexyz Community Spotlight, we're thrilled to introduce DEAR, a fully on-chain game incubated by ARPA and brought to life with the whimsical artwork of artists @Poppel20 and @e11_w00d.
DEAR — Project IntroductionDEAR — Project Introduction DEAR is: An Approach to Fair Launch by Proof of Participation A Simulation of Digital Life with an Absolute Passing of Time An On-chain Social Experiment of Collaborative Competition A Blockchain Interactive Installation Art of On-chain Behavior A Trial of Composability and Extensibility of Smart Contract Standards An Attempt of FOCG for Conscious Crypto Users Originality Pledge: We handcrafted, with heart, every word of this article, just like DEAR; every graphic, every frame of animation, every second of the background music, every sound effect, every part of the gameplay mechanism, and every line of code, WITHOUT the help from generative AI models. Co-authored by DEAR and @MK_0x5F3759DF from ARPA Network A Shift in Perspective: DEAR is our first attempt to build an FOCG, inheriting the vision of MUD. Before the idea of DEAR was born, we had been developing several other concepts of an FOCG. Still, almost all of them followed one single path: Finding and adapting a suitable type of existing traditional gameplay mechanism on the Blockchain. Due to the Blockchain’s constraints, merely trying to adopt existing gameplay mechanisms while adding Blockchain-native features like assets or tokens hardly makes the games more appealing and fun than their traditional counterparts. Walking on this path, we were stuck with a bunch of board games, turn-based strategy games, loot-based games, and card game ideas, none of which seemed to be particularly and undistinguishably more fun on-chain vs. off-chain. We also often fell into the trap of beginning to think about how to improve or eliminate these constraints so that the adoption of existing traditional gameplay mechanisms can work better on the Blockchain. And that is no longer about building an FOCG but improving the infrastructure. After a trip to DEVCON in Istanbul and several fascinating idea exchanges with the trailblazers of FOCG and Autonomous World, we have realized that firstly, also per Gubsheep and Lattice’s vision and motivation to build Dark Forest and MUD, “game” in FOCG is not just in the sense of entertainment like in the traditional gaming industry, but a less risky, more open and creative approach of designing and developing decentralized applications and mechanisms in general that also helps to test and push the technical boundary of the Blockchain infrastructure. Secondly, we could see the Blockchain’s constraints as unique features, which could be treated as amplifiers and valuable tools when building an FOCG. This shift in perspective led us to reconsider how we can leverage the constraints of Blockchain to experiment with a different approach to designing and developing an FOCG. We have listed some of the significant constraints of Blockchain and begun thinking about how we could latch our creativity onto them and use them as storytelling and gameplay devices rather than viewing them as limitations we need to work around. After analyzing the constraints from this perspective, we examined some of the most frequent types of user interactions with the Blockchain and some of the most frequently deployed types of smart contracts in a different light. Through that light, an idea started to emerge. The Things We “Made Up”: The ERC-20 standard was created nine years ago, and the term “token” was quite the apparent word of choice for such a simple yet powerful form of smart contract application. What’s interesting about the standard is that it only defines the interface, which dictates the general behavior of such applications. However, the implementation could be anything as long as it conforms to the interface. That means there is room for creativity in the implementation, and as long as the interface defined in the standard is implemented, every wallet, every dex, and every DApps that is compatible with ERC-20 will also recognize our heavily modded ERC-20 token implementation through the composability. Naturally, anything that could interact with the ERC-20 token can interact with our modded ERC-20 token and, therefore, becomes an instrument that facilitates our gameplay mechanisms. We then dwelled on the word “token” itself. In what context is the word used besides the familiar and obvious meaning of financial assets? “Token of Love” immediately came to mind. After digging into the etymology, we have found: token (n.) Old English tacen “ sign, symbol, evidence, portent ” (Philosophy) A particular thing to which a concept applies Something serving as an expression of something else This definition of “token” is more ancient than “token as a coin.” What if, in our game, we give the original meaning back to the word “token” and use ERC-20 to represent emotions? “Token as Token,” if you will. A series of questions and problems came up: What if we use a modded ERC-20 token to represent emotions in the game? But emotion is not transferred but transmitted. You can spread emotions to others, but you still feel the emotion yourself. It is not like money. What do you do with that? What if this ERC-20 token is double-spending? Then, the emotion can be transmitted! An infectious ERC-20 token that can spread like a virus? Just like emotions? But then the number will quickly spin out of control like nuclear fission to cause an overflow. How do you deal with that? People hardly spread their emotions to others at 100% efficiency. Can we control the efficiency of the spread? … … You get the gist of it. Eventually, we designed a pair of “Controlled Double-Spending ERC-20 Tokens”, not representing assets or money but two fundamental emotions: Love and hatred. People can directly “transfer” them into others’ wallets to spread their love or hate. Due to the “infectious” nature of these two tokens, we intuitively turned them into an invitation mechanism for growth hacking: only the wallets with either one of these two tokens are qualified to interact with the game. You can only “connect” with others when you share some emotions. You can only “connect” with yourself when you understand your emotions. “Token Transfer to Invite,” if you will. But what’s the point of doing this? Going back to the constraints of Blockchain that we have listed: “the cumbersome wallet interaction,” “everything is a transaction,” “every transaction costs money,” and “transaction is slow.” We took a step back to think about how we can turn them to our advantage to amplify the gameplay experience instead of poorly adapting existing game ideas to cope with these constraints, trying to improve transaction speed or lower gas cost, or embedding a burner wallet to workaround the user-wallet interaction. The train of thought goes as follows: The crypto wallet interaction and paid/slow transactions deeply root into how cryptography and Blockchain technology work. You sacrifice simple, free, and fast interaction to achieve security, decentralization, trustlessness, and complete freedom for transacting digital assets. It is a tradeoff by design. As a matter of fact, every single attempt we have seen so far to “improve” upon the above has to “go backward” to either compromise on the level of security or to abandon some degree of decentralization and trustlessness, similar to the “impossible triangle of Blockchain.” Therefore, until the researchers and developers make breakthroughs on the cryptographic primitives that the Blockchain is built upon or reiterate the cryptographic protocol design, any attempt to “improve” these fundamental features will always be just trade-offs or compromises. Once, searching for technical advice as the beneficiary and fellow practitioner of cryptography and Blockchain, we came across a subreddit community (r/crypto) that has long outdated the entire young and thriving Blockchain industry. The community description goes as follows: Cryptography is the art of creating mathematical assurances for who can do what with data, including but not limited to encryption of messages such that only the key-holder can read it. Cryptography lives at an intersection of math and computer science. This is a technical subreddit covering the theory and practice of modern and *strong* cryptography. But that was not the most interesting part. The locked pinned to the top thread from six years ago is. (You can take a look at it yourself: r/crypto) And there is only one sentence and one link to a website in this thread: Crypto is not cryptocurrency. And following the link to the website, there is still only one single statement: IT REFERS TO CRYPTOGRAPHY And, of course, aside from the emoji, which already says a lot, they will take every opportunity to mock your ignorance. If you click on that link in the website again, “Let me Google that for you: Cryptography (you idiot!)” is thrown at your face. But just why are they doing this??? Cryptocurrency is one of the most famous cryptographic inventions that put cryptography at the center of the stage. Shouldn’t they feel happy to be associated with and proud of it? After all, they are the cryptographers and the OG cypherpunks who collectively draft and advocate almost EVERYTHING that shapes the ideology behind Blockchain and cryptocurrency long before either came into existence. Now they are invented, adopted, and even hyped, should they be happy??? Identity is our answer. The reason these hardcore cypherpunks eagerly want to separate themselves from cryptocurrency is that they do not want to be mistakenly identified as cryptocurrency holders, though their work directly or indirectly resulted in the inception of Blockchain, because they envision a much better world based on cryptography, the Blockchain, and cryptocurrency are just two minor manifestations of that ideology. So, what is the identity of crypto builders, users, and enthusiasts? First, create a seed phrase, memorize or safely store it yourself, and know that math guarantees no one can touch what you own. Meanwhile, sacrifice the ease of use in exchange for peace of mind. Trust no one who claims can store your seed phrase safely for you. That is not enduring the cumbersome wallet interaction but a conscious choice for security. Second, sign every transaction on the Blockchain, pay for the gas fee, and know that you can safely clear any transaction to any account on the planet within the Internet Nation with no geopolitical border. And you always “pay” more with something else when using a “free” service. That is not the case when you pay the fees using Blockchain. The gas fee is calculated for precisely what you are requesting, nothing more, nothing less. That is not an expensive service but a conscious choice for a more transparent and interconnected financial system. Third, wait for the confirmation of every transaction you have signed, knowing that it is permanently and unchangeably written onto the Blockchain with no room for ambiguity. That is not slow but a conscious choice for trustlessness. Fourth, write a smart contract that interacts with others and write bots or scripts to interact with the Blockchain. That is not user-unfriendly but a conscious choice for composability and interoperability. Disclaimer: We are not trying to advocate against a better user experience or a path to achieve mass adoption. We only want to discuss the identity of conscious crypto builders, users, and enthusiasts to attempt to capture that sense of belonging and coolness in the context of FOCG, and not to void of it or workaround it because we believe it is this identity that will make a FOCG distinguishably fun. Know-how and knowing-why are knowledge, similar to knowing the world settings and rulesets of DND, the skills and heroes of Dota2, and the optimization techniques in Factorio. Every community thinks they are cool because they share a deep context, speak a common and particular language derived from that context, and know things that people outside of the community don’t. In DEAR, we are trying to emphasize the knowledge of being a crypto user, adding a layer of story on top of the familiar actions a crypto user takes all too often: “Connect the wallet” is to connect with DEAR, a digital creature, and other players. “Approve to spend” means to pause and think carefully about your following action before you decide. “Transfer tokens” is to influence by selectively spreading your double spending love and hatred to others. “Transfer amount” is inscribing a message to DEAR and others into the transaction. Clicking the “connect,” “approve,” “send,” “reject,” and “confirm” buttons in your wallet calls for impulse because there is money, risk, and expectation involved. That is a very intimate and emotional moment. This moment is arguably more intense, impactful, and “real” than any other “free” actions on centralized social media or traditional games. DEAR attempts to fuse a conscious crypto user’s knowledge, identity, and emotional impulses into a story/narrative to create an experience. Merely adding colors to the everyday actions on Blockchain is far from enough to make a “game.” In a broad sense, everything about Blockchain and cryptocurrency is a “game:” the game theory behind PoW and PoS, the tokenomics and incentive/penalty mechanisms, and the “buy” or “sell,” “long” or “short” battles between the whales and the holders. The essence is that a game is not fun without conflict; a conflict feels thin and trivial without partnership and betrayal; a partnership or betrayal tastes bland without reflection. This sounds foolish, but we have eventually decided that the game’s core is a twisted version of one of the simplest and most distilled forms of collaborative competition: Tug of War. There will be two factions: Love and Hatred; inspired by r/place, players will form and organize their factions and strategize “attacks” and “coups” to compete and collaborate to find the meaning of “winning.” With our modded version of the ERC20 token mechanism, to participate in the game and influence the outcome, the players in each faction can directly interact with DEAR through UI or smart contract and other players through the most common action of “token transfer.” “Token Transfer to Play,” if you will. Now, beyond the nature of being a FOCG, DEAR is also a simulation of digital life, inspired by Conway’s Game of Life, Digital Pet Tamagotchi, and a 2009 email thread discussion of Bitcoin being a distributed secure timestamp server from Satoshi Nakamoto. One core concept behind these inspirations is “time.” The universe combines fundamental rigid laws of physics and a variety of more specific but less rigid subsets of rules (cellular structure and DNA) that spawn life. The constraints of Blockchain and how it works are the fundamental rigid “laws of physics”; smart contract codes are like the subsets of rules to make cellular structures and DNA alike, and the way smart contract code functions has to obey the “laws of physics” of Blockchain. The smart contract state changes mark the arrow of time of Blockchain, just like the ever-increasing entropy denotes the arrow of time of the universe. The state change “ticks” the smart contract program’s “time.” The ever-increasing block creates an absolute time dimension in the digital world. Only with a time dimension can we simulate “life” and “death.” It is the first time on the Internet, and in the digital world, with the help of math and cryptography, that we managed to keep an irreversible and non-stoppable decentralized “time.” Ironically, what we hold dear is often impossible to grasp eternally and quickly fades away. We designed DEAR on top of the time dimension to have a lifespan and a limited time frame of participation so that the interactions between you and DEAR can feel memorable and precious. “Blockheight as Entropy.” if you will. Within this ever-increasing entropy of Blockchain, there is another topic we would like to discuss in DEAR: the amount of data Blockchain has been incurring in one single direction. There are countless obsolete or dead smart contracts, scam tokens, and unintended transactions among that data. For lack of a better analogy, this part of the data piles up into a digital landfill. Within it, the scam token contracts and their data are still active and harmful. For example, those fake USDT transfers with similar address suffixes in your wallet history aim to confuse you into sending real valuable assets to their addresses. In the gameplay of DEAR, we attempt to “recycle” these harmful scam tokens by turning them into “toxins,” which you can use to “abuse” DEAR, not only to raise awareness of the problem but also to embed the narrative more deeply into how Blockchain works. “Cryptocurrency Toxic Waste,” if you will. DEAR is also influenced by the trending concepts behind inscriptions, soul-bound tokens, NFTs, and POAP. We carefully designed and incorporated such concepts to be blended into the narrative of DEAR and attempted to eventually treat the participation of the game as a “ticket” to a fair launch experiment. “Proof of Participation for Fair Launch,” if you will. Retrospective: In the end, looking at the current state of Blockchain, the central theme still revolves around assets, value, pricing, liquidity, trading, transacting, and ultimately money. Therefore, for an FOCG to be fun, at the core, the concept of “game” should be more in the context of “game theory,” where people fairly compete and collaborate in the “war of money” rather than merely in the context of “gaming as entertainment.” However, if an FOCG is only bluntly about “money” and “trading,” it essentially becomes a DEX or a DeFi App. It might appeal to traders but is less exciting or attractive to a broader audience or participants, especially when an average Joe feels disadvantaged and uncompetitive compared to a professional trader or institution with the upper hand. Therefore, a well-crafted story and world setting with a coherent gameplay mechanism are essential to make an FOCG feel more fair and fun for a bigger audience. In the digital world of consumerism, seeking money beyond basic needs is, without exception, a search for identity and emotional fulfillment within the social and cultural construct. Blockchain has allowed us to seamlessly integrate storytelling with an open yet structured financial transaction system. And DEAR is such an attempt. Thank you for reading til the end! The above is everything behind the ideation and design of DEAR. We welcome any further discussion, debates, and development of these topics! If you have anything to say to us, please find us here: Discord Twitter We have yet to talk about the story of DEAR, which is worth another article. About DEAR: DEAR is a smart-contract-based creature living on-chain. It challenges players to nurture, influence, and ultimately shape the life of a digital entity through interactions by transactions. DEAR’s mechanisms are naturally grown out of the blockchain, exploring not only the composability and extensibility of smart contracts, but also the relationship between people through the medium of blockchain.

DEAR — Project Introduction

DEAR — Project Introduction

DEAR is:

An Approach to Fair Launch by Proof of Participation

A Simulation of Digital Life with an Absolute Passing of Time

An On-chain Social Experiment of Collaborative Competition

A Blockchain Interactive Installation Art of On-chain Behavior

A Trial of Composability and Extensibility of Smart Contract Standards

An Attempt of FOCG for Conscious Crypto Users

Originality Pledge: We handcrafted, with heart, every word of this article, just like DEAR; every graphic, every frame of animation, every second of the background music, every sound effect, every part of the gameplay mechanism, and every line of code, WITHOUT the help from generative AI models.

Co-authored by DEAR and @MK_0x5F3759DF from ARPA Network

A Shift in Perspective:

DEAR is our first attempt to build an FOCG, inheriting the vision of MUD. Before the idea of DEAR was born, we had been developing several other concepts of an FOCG. Still, almost all of them followed one single path: Finding and adapting a suitable type of existing traditional gameplay mechanism on the Blockchain. Due to the Blockchain’s constraints, merely trying to adopt existing gameplay mechanisms while adding Blockchain-native features like assets or tokens hardly makes the games more appealing and fun than their traditional counterparts. Walking on this path, we were stuck with a bunch of board games, turn-based strategy games, loot-based games, and card game ideas, none of which seemed to be particularly and undistinguishably more fun on-chain vs. off-chain. We also often fell into the trap of beginning to think about how to improve or eliminate these constraints so that the adoption of existing traditional gameplay mechanisms can work better on the Blockchain. And that is no longer about building an FOCG but improving the infrastructure.

After a trip to DEVCON in Istanbul and several fascinating idea exchanges with the trailblazers of FOCG and Autonomous World, we have realized that firstly, also per Gubsheep and Lattice’s vision and motivation to build Dark Forest and MUD, “game” in FOCG is not just in the sense of entertainment like in the traditional gaming industry, but a less risky, more open and creative approach of designing and developing decentralized applications and mechanisms in general that also helps to test and push the technical boundary of the Blockchain infrastructure. Secondly, we could see the Blockchain’s constraints as unique features, which could be treated as amplifiers and valuable tools when building an FOCG.

This shift in perspective led us to reconsider how we can leverage the constraints of Blockchain to experiment with a different approach to designing and developing an FOCG. We have listed some of the significant constraints of Blockchain and begun thinking about how we could latch our creativity onto them and use them as storytelling and gameplay devices rather than viewing them as limitations we need to work around.

After analyzing the constraints from this perspective, we examined some of the most frequent types of user interactions with the Blockchain and some of the most frequently deployed types of smart contracts in a different light. Through that light, an idea started to emerge.

The Things We “Made Up”:

The ERC-20 standard was created nine years ago, and the term “token” was quite the apparent word of choice for such a simple yet powerful form of smart contract application. What’s interesting about the standard is that it only defines the interface, which dictates the general behavior of such applications. However, the implementation could be anything as long as it conforms to the interface. That means there is room for creativity in the implementation, and as long as the interface defined in the standard is implemented, every wallet, every dex, and every DApps that is compatible with ERC-20 will also recognize our heavily modded ERC-20 token implementation through the composability. Naturally, anything that could interact with the ERC-20 token can interact with our modded ERC-20 token and, therefore, becomes an instrument that facilitates our gameplay mechanisms.

We then dwelled on the word “token” itself. In what context is the word used besides the familiar and obvious meaning of financial assets? “Token of Love” immediately came to mind. After digging into the etymology, we have found:

token (n.)

Old English tacen “ sign, symbol, evidence, portent ”

(Philosophy) A particular thing to which a concept applies

Something serving as an expression of something else

This definition of “token” is more ancient than “token as a coin.” What if, in our game, we give the original meaning back to the word “token” and use ERC-20 to represent emotions?

“Token as Token,” if you will.

A series of questions and problems came up:

What if we use a modded ERC-20 token to represent emotions in the game?

But emotion is not transferred but transmitted. You can spread emotions to others, but you still feel the emotion yourself. It is not like money. What do you do with that?

What if this ERC-20 token is double-spending? Then, the emotion can be transmitted!

An infectious ERC-20 token that can spread like a virus? Just like emotions?

But then the number will quickly spin out of control like nuclear fission to cause an overflow. How do you deal with that?

People hardly spread their emotions to others at 100% efficiency. Can we control the efficiency of the spread?

… … You get the gist of it.

Eventually, we designed a pair of “Controlled Double-Spending ERC-20 Tokens”, not representing assets or money but two fundamental emotions: Love and hatred. People can directly “transfer” them into others’ wallets to spread their love or hate. Due to the “infectious” nature of these two tokens, we intuitively turned them into an invitation mechanism for growth hacking: only the wallets with either one of these two tokens are qualified to interact with the game. You can only “connect” with others when you share some emotions. You can only “connect” with yourself when you understand your emotions.

“Token Transfer to Invite,” if you will.

But what’s the point of doing this? Going back to the constraints of Blockchain that we have listed: “the cumbersome wallet interaction,” “everything is a transaction,” “every transaction costs money,” and “transaction is slow.” We took a step back to think about how we can turn them to our advantage to amplify the gameplay experience instead of poorly adapting existing game ideas to cope with these constraints, trying to improve transaction speed or lower gas cost, or embedding a burner wallet to workaround the user-wallet interaction.

The train of thought goes as follows: The crypto wallet interaction and paid/slow transactions deeply root into how cryptography and Blockchain technology work. You sacrifice simple, free, and fast interaction to achieve security, decentralization, trustlessness, and complete freedom for transacting digital assets. It is a tradeoff by design. As a matter of fact, every single attempt we have seen so far to “improve” upon the above has to “go backward” to either compromise on the level of security or to abandon some degree of decentralization and trustlessness, similar to the “impossible triangle of Blockchain.” Therefore, until the researchers and developers make breakthroughs on the cryptographic primitives that the Blockchain is built upon or reiterate the cryptographic protocol design, any attempt to “improve” these fundamental features will always be just trade-offs or compromises.

Once, searching for technical advice as the beneficiary and fellow practitioner of cryptography and Blockchain, we came across a subreddit community (r/crypto) that has long outdated the entire young and thriving Blockchain industry. The community description goes as follows:

Cryptography is the art of creating mathematical assurances for who can do what with data, including but not limited to encryption of messages such that only the key-holder can read it. Cryptography lives at an intersection of math and computer science. This is a technical subreddit covering the theory and practice of modern and *strong* cryptography.

But that was not the most interesting part. The locked pinned to the top thread from six years ago is. (You can take a look at it yourself: r/crypto)

And there is only one sentence and one link to a website in this thread:

Crypto is not cryptocurrency.

And following the link to the website, there is still only one single statement:


And, of course, aside from the emoji, which already says a lot, they will take every opportunity to mock your ignorance. If you click on that link in the website again, “Let me Google that for you: Cryptography (you idiot!)” is thrown at your face.

But just why are they doing this??? Cryptocurrency is one of the most famous cryptographic inventions that put cryptography at the center of the stage. Shouldn’t they feel happy to be associated with and proud of it? After all, they are the cryptographers and the OG cypherpunks who collectively draft and advocate almost EVERYTHING that shapes the ideology behind Blockchain and cryptocurrency long before either came into existence. Now they are invented, adopted, and even hyped, should they be happy???

Identity is our answer. The reason these hardcore cypherpunks eagerly want to separate themselves from cryptocurrency is that they do not want to be mistakenly identified as cryptocurrency holders, though their work directly or indirectly resulted in the inception of Blockchain, because they envision a much better world based on cryptography, the Blockchain, and cryptocurrency are just two minor manifestations of that ideology.

So, what is the identity of crypto builders, users, and enthusiasts?

First, create a seed phrase, memorize or safely store it yourself, and know that math guarantees no one can touch what you own. Meanwhile, sacrifice the ease of use in exchange for peace of mind. Trust no one who claims can store your seed phrase safely for you. That is not enduring the cumbersome wallet interaction but a conscious choice for security.

Second, sign every transaction on the Blockchain, pay for the gas fee, and know that you can safely clear any transaction to any account on the planet within the Internet Nation with no geopolitical border. And you always “pay” more with something else when using a “free” service. That is not the case when you pay the fees using Blockchain. The gas fee is calculated for precisely what you are requesting, nothing more, nothing less. That is not an expensive service but a conscious choice for a more transparent and interconnected financial system.

Third, wait for the confirmation of every transaction you have signed, knowing that it is permanently and unchangeably written onto the Blockchain with no room for ambiguity. That is not slow but a conscious choice for trustlessness.

Fourth, write a smart contract that interacts with others and write bots or scripts to interact with the Blockchain. That is not user-unfriendly but a conscious choice for composability and interoperability.

Disclaimer: We are not trying to advocate against a better user experience or a path to achieve mass adoption. We only want to discuss the identity of conscious crypto builders, users, and enthusiasts to attempt to capture that sense of belonging and coolness in the context of FOCG, and not to void of it or workaround it because we believe it is this identity that will make a FOCG distinguishably fun.

Know-how and knowing-why are knowledge, similar to knowing the world settings and rulesets of DND, the skills and heroes of Dota2, and the optimization techniques in Factorio. Every community thinks they are cool because they share a deep context, speak a common and particular language derived from that context, and know things that people outside of the community don’t.

In DEAR, we are trying to emphasize the knowledge of being a crypto user, adding a layer of story on top of the familiar actions a crypto user takes all too often:

“Connect the wallet” is to connect with DEAR, a digital creature, and other players.

“Approve to spend” means to pause and think carefully about your following action before you decide.

“Transfer tokens” is to influence by selectively spreading your double spending love and hatred to others.

“Transfer amount” is inscribing a message to DEAR and others into the transaction.

Clicking the “connect,” “approve,” “send,” “reject,” and “confirm” buttons in your wallet calls for impulse because there is money, risk, and expectation involved. That is a very intimate and emotional moment. This moment is arguably more intense, impactful, and “real” than any other “free” actions on centralized social media or traditional games. DEAR attempts to fuse a conscious crypto user’s knowledge, identity, and emotional impulses into a story/narrative to create an experience.

Merely adding colors to the everyday actions on Blockchain is far from enough to make a “game.” In a broad sense, everything about Blockchain and cryptocurrency is a “game:” the game theory behind PoW and PoS, the tokenomics and incentive/penalty mechanisms, and the “buy” or “sell,” “long” or “short” battles between the whales and the holders. The essence is that a game is not fun without conflict; a conflict feels thin and trivial without partnership and betrayal; a partnership or betrayal tastes bland without reflection. This sounds foolish, but we have eventually decided that the game’s core is a twisted version of one of the simplest and most distilled forms of collaborative competition: Tug of War. There will be two factions: Love and Hatred; inspired by r/place, players will form and organize their factions and strategize “attacks” and “coups” to compete and collaborate to find the meaning of “winning.”

With our modded version of the ERC20 token mechanism, to participate in the game and influence the outcome, the players in each faction can directly interact with DEAR through UI or smart contract and other players through the most common action of “token transfer.”

“Token Transfer to Play,” if you will.

Now, beyond the nature of being a FOCG, DEAR is also a simulation of digital life, inspired by Conway’s Game of Life, Digital Pet Tamagotchi, and a 2009 email thread discussion of Bitcoin being a distributed secure timestamp server from Satoshi Nakamoto.

One core concept behind these inspirations is “time.”

The universe combines fundamental rigid laws of physics and a variety of more specific but less rigid subsets of rules (cellular structure and DNA) that spawn life.

The constraints of Blockchain and how it works are the fundamental rigid “laws of physics”; smart contract codes are like the subsets of rules to make cellular structures and DNA alike, and the way smart contract code functions has to obey the “laws of physics” of Blockchain.

The smart contract state changes mark the arrow of time of Blockchain, just like the ever-increasing entropy denotes the arrow of time of the universe. The state change “ticks” the smart contract program’s “time.”

The ever-increasing block creates an absolute time dimension in the digital world. Only with a time dimension can we simulate “life” and “death.” It is the first time on the Internet, and in the digital world, with the help of math and cryptography, that we managed to keep an irreversible and non-stoppable decentralized “time.”

Ironically, what we hold dear is often impossible to grasp eternally and quickly fades away. We designed DEAR on top of the time dimension to have a lifespan and a limited time frame of participation so that the interactions between you and DEAR can feel memorable and precious.

“Blockheight as Entropy.” if you will.

Within this ever-increasing entropy of Blockchain, there is another topic we would like to discuss in DEAR: the amount of data Blockchain has been incurring in one single direction. There are countless obsolete or dead smart contracts, scam tokens, and unintended transactions among that data. For lack of a better analogy, this part of the data piles up into a digital landfill. Within it, the scam token contracts and their data are still active and harmful. For example, those fake USDT transfers with similar address suffixes in your wallet history aim to confuse you into sending real valuable assets to their addresses.

In the gameplay of DEAR, we attempt to “recycle” these harmful scam tokens by turning them into “toxins,” which you can use to “abuse” DEAR, not only to raise awareness of the problem but also to embed the narrative more deeply into how Blockchain works.

“Cryptocurrency Toxic Waste,” if you will.

DEAR is also influenced by the trending concepts behind inscriptions, soul-bound tokens, NFTs, and POAP. We carefully designed and incorporated such concepts to be blended into the narrative of DEAR and attempted to eventually treat the participation of the game as a “ticket” to a fair launch experiment.

“Proof of Participation for Fair Launch,” if you will.


In the end, looking at the current state of Blockchain, the central theme still revolves around assets, value, pricing, liquidity, trading, transacting, and ultimately money. Therefore, for an FOCG to be fun, at the core, the concept of “game” should be more in the context of “game theory,” where people fairly compete and collaborate in the “war of money” rather than merely in the context of “gaming as entertainment.”

However, if an FOCG is only bluntly about “money” and “trading,” it essentially becomes a DEX or a DeFi App. It might appeal to traders but is less exciting or attractive to a broader audience or participants, especially when an average Joe feels disadvantaged and uncompetitive compared to a professional trader or institution with the upper hand. Therefore, a well-crafted story and world setting with a coherent gameplay mechanism are essential to make an FOCG feel more fair and fun for a bigger audience. In the digital world of consumerism, seeking money beyond basic needs is, without exception, a search for identity and emotional fulfillment within the social and cultural construct. Blockchain has allowed us to seamlessly integrate storytelling with an open yet structured financial transaction system. And DEAR is such an attempt.

Thank you for reading til the end! The above is everything behind the ideation and design of DEAR. We welcome any further discussion, debates, and development of these topics! If you have anything to say to us, please find us here: Discord Twitter

We have yet to talk about the story of DEAR, which is worth another article.

About DEAR:

DEAR is a smart-contract-based creature living on-chain. It challenges players to nurture, influence, and ultimately shape the life of a digital entity through interactions by transactions. DEAR’s mechanisms are naturally grown out of the blockchain, exploring not only the composability and extensibility of smart contracts, but also the relationship between people through the medium of blockchain.
Randcast Integrates Redstone: Accelerating Enhancement of On-Chain Gaming Experience and Autonomous…Randcast Integrates Redstone: Accelerating Enhancement of On-Chain Gaming Experience and Autonomous Worlds Building We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Randcast on Redstone (testnet)! Redstone is an Optimistic Rollup layer-2 framework crafted by Lattice. Lattice’s expertise in on-chain gaming is currently guiding the Autonomous Worlds (AW) initiative and enriching the development landscape through the MUD framework, which powers diverse on-chain games from OPCraft to Sky Strife, CCP’s Project Awakening to Primodium. This pivotal stride toward broadening ARPA’s horizons and reinforcing our capabilities bolsters our commitment to spearheading the exploration of Fully On-chain Game (FOCG) and AW. Why Redstone? We selected Redstone as the fourth chain to integrate Randcast, following the successful launch on Ethereum and integration with Optimism and Base. This decision is driven by several compelling factors. EVM-compatible and OP Stack-based. Redstone operates as an Ethereum blockchain, drawing the majority of its security assurances from layer-1. Its foundational architecture, inspired by Optimism Rollup, facilitates a seamless integration process. Innovative Alternative Data Availability (DA) Architecture. Redstone operates like a traditional optimistic rollup, except instead of posting the entire input state to L1, it posts a data commitment hash. The input state corresponding to the input commitment is stored off-chain by a Data Availability Provider. This is coupled with a permissionless DA challenge mechanism on the Ethereum L1, allowing for cost-effective alt-DA without relying on a permissioned DA council or on DA networks outside of Ethereum. Strong compatibility with MUD. Lattice’s another distinguished creation, MUD, an open-source on-chain framework, is considered to be the engine of Autonomous Worlds. Having already supported several prominent FOCGs like Sky Strife, OPCraft, and Primodium, MUD is poised to facilitate the development of additional games. Redstone inherently benefits from being highly compatible with applications built on MUD. Randcast and Redstone: Elevating On-Chain Gaming The integration of Randcast with Redstone aligns perfectly with our dedication to delivering a seamless and enriched on-chain gaming experience. Together, we anticipate streamlining the developer experience for those crafting ambitious applications and worlds. While Redstone aims to push the limits of what is possible to build on the EVM from the fundamental layer’s perspective, Randcast’s dev-friendly Smart Contract SDK allows for the effortless integration of randomness oracle into dApps. The SDK is designed to be flexible and extensible. The SDK is written in Solidity and can be used in any EVM-compatible blockchain. It aims to help request randomness as well as consume randomness in a secure and easy way. Randcast users can leverage our Randcast CLI tool to manage their subscription and consumer contracts, read and filter historical requests and fulfillment results, and estimate the gas cost of the callback function, all in one place. This is our recommended method to interact with Randcast, but we also offer additional methods, such as direct contract interaction. What’s Next? This integration with Redstone is a significant stride in our ongoing journey to explore and expand across multiple ecosystems. As we delve into research for potential integration with other OP Stack chains, we are also actively working on incorporating Randcast into MUD. We aim to benefit developers using the engine with standardized and modularized randomness functionalities, empowering them to concentrate on the creative aspects of game development. The successful launch on Redstone and the forthcoming integration with MUD are just further steps toward the promising future of FOCG and Autonomous Worlds. Our journey into uncharted territory persists, and we are confident in encountering more like-minded trailblazers. Stay tuned for more updates! About ARPA ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network. Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness. For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at Learn about ARPA’s recent official news: Twitter: @arpaofficial Medium: Discord: Telegram (English): Telegram (Turkish): Telegram (Korean): Telegram (Việt Nam): Telegram (Russian): Telegram (Indonesian): Telegram(Sri Lanka): Telegram(Africa): Reddit:

Randcast Integrates Redstone: Accelerating Enhancement of On-Chain Gaming Experience and Autonomous…

Randcast Integrates Redstone: Accelerating Enhancement of On-Chain Gaming Experience and Autonomous Worlds Building

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Randcast on Redstone (testnet)! Redstone is an Optimistic Rollup layer-2 framework crafted by Lattice. Lattice’s expertise in on-chain gaming is currently guiding the Autonomous Worlds (AW) initiative and enriching the development landscape through the MUD framework, which powers diverse on-chain games from OPCraft to Sky Strife, CCP’s Project Awakening to Primodium.

This pivotal stride toward broadening ARPA’s horizons and reinforcing our capabilities bolsters our commitment to spearheading the exploration of Fully On-chain Game (FOCG) and AW.

Why Redstone?

We selected Redstone as the fourth chain to integrate Randcast, following the successful launch on Ethereum and integration with Optimism and Base. This decision is driven by several compelling factors.

EVM-compatible and OP Stack-based. Redstone operates as an Ethereum blockchain, drawing the majority of its security assurances from layer-1. Its foundational architecture, inspired by Optimism Rollup, facilitates a seamless integration process.

Innovative Alternative Data Availability (DA) Architecture. Redstone operates like a traditional optimistic rollup, except instead of posting the entire input state to L1, it posts a data commitment hash. The input state corresponding to the input commitment is stored off-chain by a Data Availability Provider. This is coupled with a permissionless DA challenge mechanism on the Ethereum L1, allowing for cost-effective alt-DA without relying on a permissioned DA council or on DA networks outside of Ethereum.

Strong compatibility with MUD. Lattice’s another distinguished creation, MUD, an open-source on-chain framework, is considered to be the engine of Autonomous Worlds. Having already supported several prominent FOCGs like Sky Strife, OPCraft, and Primodium, MUD is poised to facilitate the development of additional games. Redstone inherently benefits from being highly compatible with applications built on MUD.

Randcast and Redstone: Elevating On-Chain Gaming

The integration of Randcast with Redstone aligns perfectly with our dedication to delivering a seamless and enriched on-chain gaming experience. Together, we anticipate streamlining the developer experience for those crafting ambitious applications and worlds.

While Redstone aims to push the limits of what is possible to build on the EVM from the fundamental layer’s perspective, Randcast’s dev-friendly Smart Contract SDK allows for the effortless integration of randomness oracle into dApps. The SDK is designed to be flexible and extensible. The SDK is written in Solidity and can be used in any EVM-compatible blockchain. It aims to help request randomness as well as consume randomness in a secure and easy way.

Randcast users can leverage our Randcast CLI tool to manage their subscription and consumer contracts, read and filter historical requests and fulfillment results, and estimate the gas cost of the callback function, all in one place. This is our recommended method to interact with Randcast, but we also offer additional methods, such as direct contract interaction.

What’s Next?

This integration with Redstone is a significant stride in our ongoing journey to explore and expand across multiple ecosystems. As we delve into research for potential integration with other OP Stack chains, we are also actively working on incorporating Randcast into MUD. We aim to benefit developers using the engine with standardized and modularized randomness functionalities, empowering them to concentrate on the creative aspects of game development.

The successful launch on Redstone and the forthcoming integration with MUD are just further steps toward the promising future of FOCG and Autonomous Worlds. Our journey into uncharted territory persists, and we are confident in encountering more like-minded trailblazers. Stay tuned for more updates!

About ARPA

ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains.

ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network.

Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness.

For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at

Learn about ARPA’s recent official news:

Twitter: @arpaofficial



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ARPA Randcast and Cradles Forge Strategic Partnership to Advance Web3 Gaming InnovationARPA Network, the powerhouse behind Randcast, a secure on-chain verifiable random number generator (RNG), is excited to announce a strategic partnership with Cradles, a AAA MMORPG blockchain game known for its unique blend of PvP, PvE, and ecological strategy gameplay. This collaboration signifies a monumental stride in ARPA’s pursuit to nurture the evolution of Web3 gaming experiences. Cradles distinguishes itself with its captivating gameplay, offering an adventure where exploration, combat, and puzzle-solving converge within a dynamically evolving universe, meticulously designed to mirror the laws of real-world physics and the passage of time. Since its launch in July 2021, Cradles has been committed to delivering an enriching, immersive gaming experience. As adventurers, players traverse expansive landscapes, unravel historical tales, and engage with sophisticated game mechanics. In Cradles, players are not merely competitors or allies; they are architects of the ecosystem’s destiny. This strategic collaboration embarks on a journey to blend ARPA’s cryptographic expertise and Randcast’s dev-friendly sample SDKs with Cradles’ innovative gaming mechanics to forge new frontiers in gaming experiences. Together, we aspire to enrich the gaming community with unparalleled adventures and discoveries. Felix Xu, CEO of ARPA Network, expressed his excitement for the collaboration: “Partnering with Cradles opens exciting new avenues for ARPA in the Web3 gaming realm. We are keen to see how our combined technologies and innovative approaches can create a gaming experience that is not only more immersive but also fundamentally fairer for players across the globe.” “At Cradles, we are constantly striving to push the boundaries of what’s possible in blockchain gaming,” said Abner Koengdsorf, CEO of Cradles. “Partnering with ARPA Network and integrating their cutting-edge Randcast RNG technology allows us to introduce truly random and unpredictable elements into our game mechanics and world generation. This unlocks new levels of immersion, replayability and fair gameplay that benefits our community of adventurers. We’re thrilled to collaborate with the ARPA team to craft gaming experiences that leverage blockchain in innovative ways.” Looking ahead, the partnership between ARPA Network and Cradles is poised to introduce a spectrum of novel applications and gaming experiences. From pioneering unique game mechanics and enriching NFT attributes to cultivating a fully immersive virtual world, the collaboration between ARPA Randcast and Cradles promises to inaugurate a new epoch of creativity and player engagement within the expanding Web3 gaming landscape. About Cradles Cradles is a world’s top 3A game, also a solution for all the open world. For Cradles players, you can do PvE, PvP in the game with the most exciting experience, with more than 40 countries’ players all over the world. Also, Cradles are creating infrastructures for the open world lovers to generate their own future world. Also, players can use the tools to customize a dream world, by using Cradles’ technology. Moreover, Cradles now is looking into the Meme industry, and will build a meme world for all the meme lovers to generate their own values there. About ARPA ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network. Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness. For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at Learn about ARPA’s recent official news: Twitter: @arpaofficial Medium: Discord: Telegram (English): Telegram (Turkish): Telegram (Korean): Telegram (Việt Nam): Telegram (Russian): Telegram (Indonesian): Telegram(Sri Lanka): Telegram(Africa): Reddit:

ARPA Randcast and Cradles Forge Strategic Partnership to Advance Web3 Gaming Innovation

ARPA Network, the powerhouse behind Randcast, a secure on-chain verifiable random number generator (RNG), is excited to announce a strategic partnership with Cradles, a AAA MMORPG blockchain game known for its unique blend of PvP, PvE, and ecological strategy gameplay. This collaboration signifies a monumental stride in ARPA’s pursuit to nurture the evolution of Web3 gaming experiences.

Cradles distinguishes itself with its captivating gameplay, offering an adventure where exploration, combat, and puzzle-solving converge within a dynamically evolving universe, meticulously designed to mirror the laws of real-world physics and the passage of time. Since its launch in July 2021, Cradles has been committed to delivering an enriching, immersive gaming experience. As adventurers, players traverse expansive landscapes, unravel historical tales, and engage with sophisticated game mechanics. In Cradles, players are not merely competitors or allies; they are architects of the ecosystem’s destiny.

This strategic collaboration embarks on a journey to blend ARPA’s cryptographic expertise and Randcast’s dev-friendly sample SDKs with Cradles’ innovative gaming mechanics to forge new frontiers in gaming experiences. Together, we aspire to enrich the gaming community with unparalleled adventures and discoveries.

Felix Xu, CEO of ARPA Network, expressed his excitement for the collaboration: “Partnering with Cradles opens exciting new avenues for ARPA in the Web3 gaming realm. We are keen to see how our combined technologies and innovative approaches can create a gaming experience that is not only more immersive but also fundamentally fairer for players across the globe.”

“At Cradles, we are constantly striving to push the boundaries of what’s possible in blockchain gaming,” said Abner Koengdsorf, CEO of Cradles. “Partnering with ARPA Network and integrating their cutting-edge Randcast RNG technology allows us to introduce truly random and unpredictable elements into our game mechanics and world generation. This unlocks new levels of immersion, replayability and fair gameplay that benefits our community of adventurers. We’re thrilled to collaborate with the ARPA team to craft gaming experiences that leverage blockchain in innovative ways.”

Looking ahead, the partnership between ARPA Network and Cradles is poised to introduce a spectrum of novel applications and gaming experiences. From pioneering unique game mechanics and enriching NFT attributes to cultivating a fully immersive virtual world, the collaboration between ARPA Randcast and Cradles promises to inaugurate a new epoch of creativity and player engagement within the expanding Web3 gaming landscape.

About Cradles

Cradles is a world’s top 3A game, also a solution for all the open world. For Cradles players, you can do PvE, PvP in the game with the most exciting experience, with more than 40 countries’ players all over the world. Also, Cradles are creating infrastructures for the open world lovers to generate their own future world. Also, players can use the tools to customize a dream world, by using Cradles’ technology. Moreover, Cradles now is looking into the Meme industry, and will build a meme world for all the meme lovers to generate their own values there.

About ARPA

ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains.

ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network.

Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness.

For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at

Learn about ARPA’s recent official news:

Twitter: @arpaofficial



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ARPA Monthly Report | January & February Combined Progress ReviewDear ARPA Community, To ensure that the ARPA community is well-informed on the team’s latest improvements, we update ARPA’s development dynamics and progress through our monthly report. Thank you all for your support! Here is a look back at January and February. Enjoy! 01 ARPA Development Dynamics & Technology Progress Supported ETH Holesky, Redstone Holesky and OP Sepolia Deprecated OP Goerli and Base Goerli Fixed issues reported by bug bounty program Preparing to synchronize updates for the OP Stack Ecotone version 02 Community, Marketing & Listings Ecosystem Partnership with zk.Link On February 29th, ARPA proudly announced our ecosystem partnership with zk.Link. zk.Link stands out as the first aggregated Layer3 rollup solution that utilizes ZK-Snarks to seamlessly unite Ethereum’s Layer 2 solutions. Our partnership with zk.Link is a testament to our commitment to exploring and adopting cutting-edge technologies that empower developers and users alike. Stay tuned for more updates on our partnership with zk.Link and the exciting possibilities this unlocks for our community and beyond. Smartereum Highlights Randcast in On-Chain Gaming Revolution On February 12th, we were thrilled to see Smartereum’s deep dive into the on-chain gaming revolution, featuring ARPA’s Randcast. This recognition underscores Randcast’s role in introducing verifiable randomness to on-chain gaming, a key that enhances the authenticity and unpredictability of the gaming experience. It’s not just about the precision of code; it’s about bringing a natural unpredictability to the digital realm, crafting a more dynamic and captivating experience for everyone. For a closer look at how technologies are leading the on-chain gaming revolution, check out the article here: A Closer Look at the Technologies That Lead the On-chain Gaming Revolution | Smartereum ARPA Network Partners with Vertu to Redefine Luxury Mobile Privacy with Web3 Innovation On February 6th, ARPA Network proudly announced its partnership with Vertu, the iconic luxury mobile phone brand known for its unparalleled craftsmanship and dedication to privacy and security. This collaboration is set to redefine the boundaries between sophisticated mobile technology and decentralized digital innovation. ARPA Network has been working on innovating cryptographic systems to make blockchains more versatile, reliable, and interlinked. Dedicated to fostering a fair, secure, and privacy-centric blockchain ecosystem, ARPA’s collaboration with Vertu will catalyze Web3 adoption on a global scale. Vertu’s luxury phones, offering seamless Web2 and Web3 integration, are set to make blockchain technology accessible to a broader audience, including those new to blockchain. ARPA Network Partners with Vertu to Redefine Luxury Mobile Privacy with Web3 Innovation Opinion Article: Autonomous Worlds Are Shaping the New Web3 Narrative On January 21st, Felix Xu penned a thought-provoking opinion piece on the emerging paradigm of Autonomous Worlds. The article, published on, offers a deep dive into how this innovative concept is poised to revolutionize gaming and virtual worlds, challenging the status quo and setting the stage for a transformative narrative in digital interaction. Autonomous Worlds represent a shift away from traditional gaming technologies, which have long been constrained by their centralized architectures and limited scope for user engagement and ownership. These worlds promise a new era where gaming and virtual environments are not only built on the principles of decentralization but are also inherently dynamic, evolving through the interactions and creativity of their users. Dive into the full discussion and explore the potential of Autonomous Worlds here: Autonomous worlds are shaping the new web3 narrative | Opinion Opinion Article on Random Number Technology in Web3 Games On January 16th, ARPA proudly shared a comprehensive exploration into the critical role of randomness within the gaming and blockchain sphere. This insightful piece delves deep into the mechanisms of randomness, revealing its foundational impact on the integrity and excitement of Web3 gaming. Highlighting the innovative solutions provided by ARPA’s Randcast, the piece showcases our commitment to pushing the boundaries of secure, transparent, and reliable RNG technology. For gaming enthusiasts and developers alike, this article not only sheds light on the complexities of RNG in Web3 but also emphasizes ARPA’s pivotal role in enhancing security and trust within the digital world. For a deeper understanding of how randomness shapes the future of gaming and to discover how ARPA is leading the charge with Randcast, we invite you to read the full article on HackerNoon: Securing the Unpredictable: Random Number Technology In Web3 Games | HackerNoon Recap of ARPA AW X Spaces: A Discussion on On-Chain Gaming and Autonomous Worlds On January12th, we had the opportunity to host a conversation with several experts in the field of on-chain gaming and autonomous worlds. Our panel included Felix from ARPA Network, Gink from AW Research, Mike from AGLD, Tabasco from Particle Network, and Chris from Mirror World. Key highlights included ARPA Network’s advancements in cryptographic algorithms for random number generation, AGLD’s focus on the Loot Chain for efficient transactions, Particle Network’s efforts to make Web3 more user-friendly, and AW Research’s commitment to exploring innovative Autonomous World projects. Mirror World highlighted its role in facilitating omnichain liquidity infrastructure for gaming projects. The panelists also shared their excitement about the potential bull market following the approval of the ETF and the increasing diversity in the autonomous worlds and on-chain games sector. Delving deep into the intricacies and future trajectories of autonomous worlds, the panelists unpacked challenges such as adoption hurdles, infrastructural needs, and the imperative for more compelling content. The panelists agreed on the necessity of developing unique experiences leveraging blockchain technology to attract and retain users. They explored the potential of composability and modularity in games to revolutionize the gaming experience. The session concluded with a consensus on the unique opportunities presented by fully on-chain games in creating autonomous, permissionless ecosystems, highlighting their potential as major onboarding points into Web3 and the critical role of crypto-native features in fostering industry growth. Learn more details here: Recap of ARPA AW X Spaces: A Discussion on On-Chain Gaming and Autonomous Worlds ARPA Network Joins Optimism Community Demo Day On January 4th, ARPA Network proudly participated in the Optimism Community Demo Day, showcasing our innovative randomness solution, Randcast. Held on the OP Discord server, the event was a significant opportunity for ARPA to demonstrate the capabilities of Randcast to a wider audience. Randcast is our on-chain, verifiable random number generator (RNG), designed with a comprehensive suite of APIs to support Fully On-Chain Games (FOCG) and Autonomous Worlds. The demo day offered an exclusive look into how developers can seamlessly integrate Randcast into their DApps, unlocking new possibilities in game design and functionality within Autonomous Worlds. For more information and to revisit the insights shared during the demo, visit the Optimism Discord server: Join the Optimism Discord Server! Insightful Roundup of 2024 Predictions by The Defiant As we closed the year of 2023, The Defiant offered an invaluable glimpse into the future with their comprehensive roundup of 2024 predictions. This piece is a treasure trove of insights, covering a wide spectrum from market trends to the burgeoning role of AI in web3. For those invested in the heartbeat of our industry, this roundup is shedding light on the evolving landscape and what to anticipate as we forge ahead. A highlight of the roundup was the contribution from ARPA Network and Bella Protocol’s Felix Xu, who shared his views on the tokenization trend gaining momentum in major financial sectors. For a deep dive and to catch Felix’s full take, don’t miss this read: Crypto Leaders Outline Predictions For 2024 - The Defiant About ARPA ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network. Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness. For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at Learn about ARPA’s recent official news: Twitter: @arpaofficial Medium: Discord: Telegram (English): Telegram (Turkish): Telegram (Korean): Telegram (Việt Nam): Telegram (Russian): Telegram (Indonesian): Telegram(Sri Lanka): Telegram(Africa): Reddit:

ARPA Monthly Report | January & February Combined Progress Review

Dear ARPA Community,

To ensure that the ARPA community is well-informed on the team’s latest improvements, we update ARPA’s development dynamics and progress through our monthly report. Thank you all for your support!

Here is a look back at January and February. Enjoy!

01 ARPA Development Dynamics & Technology Progress

Supported ETH Holesky, Redstone Holesky and OP Sepolia

Deprecated OP Goerli and Base Goerli

Fixed issues reported by bug bounty program

Preparing to synchronize updates for the OP Stack Ecotone version

02 Community, Marketing & Listings

Ecosystem Partnership with zk.Link

On February 29th, ARPA proudly announced our ecosystem partnership with zk.Link. zk.Link stands out as the first aggregated Layer3 rollup solution that utilizes ZK-Snarks to seamlessly unite Ethereum’s Layer 2 solutions. Our partnership with zk.Link is a testament to our commitment to exploring and adopting cutting-edge technologies that empower developers and users alike. Stay tuned for more updates on our partnership with zk.Link and the exciting possibilities this unlocks for our community and beyond.

Smartereum Highlights Randcast in On-Chain Gaming Revolution

On February 12th, we were thrilled to see Smartereum’s deep dive into the on-chain gaming revolution, featuring ARPA’s Randcast. This recognition underscores Randcast’s role in introducing verifiable randomness to on-chain gaming, a key that enhances the authenticity and unpredictability of the gaming experience. It’s not just about the precision of code; it’s about bringing a natural unpredictability to the digital realm, crafting a more dynamic and captivating experience for everyone.

For a closer look at how technologies are leading the on-chain gaming revolution, check out the article here:

A Closer Look at the Technologies That Lead the On-chain Gaming Revolution | Smartereum

ARPA Network Partners with Vertu to Redefine Luxury Mobile Privacy with Web3 Innovation

On February 6th, ARPA Network proudly announced its partnership with Vertu, the iconic luxury mobile phone brand known for its unparalleled craftsmanship and dedication to privacy and security. This collaboration is set to redefine the boundaries between sophisticated mobile technology and decentralized digital innovation.

ARPA Network has been working on innovating cryptographic systems to make blockchains more versatile, reliable, and interlinked. Dedicated to fostering a fair, secure, and privacy-centric blockchain ecosystem, ARPA’s collaboration with Vertu will catalyze Web3 adoption on a global scale. Vertu’s luxury phones, offering seamless Web2 and Web3 integration, are set to make blockchain technology accessible to a broader audience, including those new to blockchain.

ARPA Network Partners with Vertu to Redefine Luxury Mobile Privacy with Web3 Innovation

Opinion Article: Autonomous Worlds Are Shaping the New Web3 Narrative

On January 21st, Felix Xu penned a thought-provoking opinion piece on the emerging paradigm of Autonomous Worlds. The article, published on, offers a deep dive into how this innovative concept is poised to revolutionize gaming and virtual worlds, challenging the status quo and setting the stage for a transformative narrative in digital interaction. Autonomous Worlds represent a shift away from traditional gaming technologies, which have long been constrained by their centralized architectures and limited scope for user engagement and ownership. These worlds promise a new era where gaming and virtual environments are not only built on the principles of decentralization but are also inherently dynamic, evolving through the interactions and creativity of their users.

Dive into the full discussion and explore the potential of Autonomous Worlds here:

Autonomous worlds are shaping the new web3 narrative | Opinion

Opinion Article on Random Number Technology in Web3 Games

On January 16th, ARPA proudly shared a comprehensive exploration into the critical role of randomness within the gaming and blockchain sphere. This insightful piece delves deep into the mechanisms of randomness, revealing its foundational impact on the integrity and excitement of Web3 gaming. Highlighting the innovative solutions provided by ARPA’s Randcast, the piece showcases our commitment to pushing the boundaries of secure, transparent, and reliable RNG technology. For gaming enthusiasts and developers alike, this article not only sheds light on the complexities of RNG in Web3 but also emphasizes ARPA’s pivotal role in enhancing security and trust within the digital world.

For a deeper understanding of how randomness shapes the future of gaming and to discover how ARPA is leading the charge with Randcast, we invite you to read the full article on HackerNoon:

Securing the Unpredictable: Random Number Technology In Web3 Games | HackerNoon

Recap of ARPA AW X Spaces: A Discussion on On-Chain Gaming and Autonomous Worlds

On January12th, we had the opportunity to host a conversation with several experts in the field of on-chain gaming and autonomous worlds. Our panel included Felix from ARPA Network, Gink from AW Research, Mike from AGLD, Tabasco from Particle Network, and Chris from Mirror World.

Key highlights included ARPA Network’s advancements in cryptographic algorithms for random number generation, AGLD’s focus on the Loot Chain for efficient transactions, Particle Network’s efforts to make Web3 more user-friendly, and AW Research’s commitment to exploring innovative Autonomous World projects. Mirror World highlighted its role in facilitating omnichain liquidity infrastructure for gaming projects. The panelists also shared their excitement about the potential bull market following the approval of the ETF and the increasing diversity in the autonomous worlds and on-chain games sector.

Delving deep into the intricacies and future trajectories of autonomous worlds, the panelists unpacked challenges such as adoption hurdles, infrastructural needs, and the imperative for more compelling content. The panelists agreed on the necessity of developing unique experiences leveraging blockchain technology to attract and retain users. They explored the potential of composability and modularity in games to revolutionize the gaming experience. The session concluded with a consensus on the unique opportunities presented by fully on-chain games in creating autonomous, permissionless ecosystems, highlighting their potential as major onboarding points into Web3 and the critical role of crypto-native features in fostering industry growth.

Learn more details here:

Recap of ARPA AW X Spaces: A Discussion on On-Chain Gaming and Autonomous Worlds

ARPA Network Joins Optimism Community Demo Day

On January 4th, ARPA Network proudly participated in the Optimism Community Demo Day, showcasing our innovative randomness solution, Randcast. Held on the OP Discord server, the event was a significant opportunity for ARPA to demonstrate the capabilities of Randcast to a wider audience.

Randcast is our on-chain, verifiable random number generator (RNG), designed with a comprehensive suite of APIs to support Fully On-Chain Games (FOCG) and Autonomous Worlds. The demo day offered an exclusive look into how developers can seamlessly integrate Randcast into their DApps, unlocking new possibilities in game design and functionality within Autonomous Worlds.

For more information and to revisit the insights shared during the demo, visit the Optimism Discord server:

Join the Optimism Discord Server!

Insightful Roundup of 2024 Predictions by The Defiant

As we closed the year of 2023, The Defiant offered an invaluable glimpse into the future with their comprehensive roundup of 2024 predictions. This piece is a treasure trove of insights, covering a wide spectrum from market trends to the burgeoning role of AI in web3. For those invested in the heartbeat of our industry, this roundup is shedding light on the evolving landscape and what to anticipate as we forge ahead. A highlight of the roundup was the contribution from ARPA Network and Bella Protocol’s Felix Xu, who shared his views on the tokenization trend gaining momentum in major financial sectors.

For a deep dive and to catch Felix’s full take, don’t miss this read:

Crypto Leaders Outline Predictions For 2024 - The Defiant

About ARPA

ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains.

ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network.

Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness.

For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at

Learn about ARPA’s recent official news:

Twitter: @arpaofficial



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ARPA Randcast Joins Force With Ancient8 to Elevate Web3 Gaming ExperienceARPA Network, the powerhouse behind Randcast, a secure on-chain verifiable random number generator (RNG), is thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with Ancient8. Following ARPA’s collaboration with Space3 — a fast-growing Web3 game publisher incubated by Ancient8, this partnership marks a significant step forward in ARPA’s engagement within the Ancient8 ecosystem. The aim is to bolster support for more Web3 game builders, ultimately driving innovation in gaming experiences that resonate with a broader audience. Ancient8 is building a gaming Layer 2 based on OP Stack. Their dedication to fostering outstanding games aligns with ARPA’s goal of granting Web3 developers and game builders effortless access to a diverse range of tools. Together, we aspire to cultivate a future characterized by fairness and transparency within the Web3 ecosystem. As ARPA Randcast substantially mitigates the load for game developers with our convenient sample SDKs, covering a wide array of functionalities like randomness generator (for DKG), dice rolling, winner selection, lottery draws, card shuffling, Ancient8 is focused on onboarding millions of Web3 gamers. They will achieve this through its high-performance Layer 2 and multiple subsidiaries including Space3 Game Publishing Platform, Ancient8 Gaming Guild, Reneverse Web3 Ads engine, A8ID, and Gosu Network. “It’s crucial for Web3 games to combine enjoyment, user-friendliness, and profit potential to ensure sustainability and widespread adoption. To achieve this, we must assist game developers in focusing on creativity,” stated Felix Xu, CEO of ARPA Network. “ARPA and Ancient8 are aligned in this vision. We handle the complex foundational tasks, empowering game developers to fully unleash their potential and imagination.” Going forward, we’re excited to see more innovative applications emerge from this partnership. Whether it’s the creation of unique gaming experiences, diversified NFT attributes, or a truly immersive virtual realm, the combination of ARPA Randcast and Ancient8 will undoubtedly usher in a new era of creativity and engagement within the growing Web3 gaming ecosystem. About Ancient8 Ancient8 is building a ETH gaming Layer2. We offer a suite of Web3 gaming infrastructure tools that serve as the distribution and marketing channel for games globally. With Space3 Game Publishing Platform, PlayNation, Dojo Launchpad, Eko ID, and GameDesk, Ancient8 is dedicated to onboard millions of gamers to Web3 gaming, while providing unparalleled support to game developers looking to reach more players. Ancient8’s products have helped 100+ web3 games and 200K+ users better navigate Web3. Ancient8 has raised $10M in total financing from leading investors including Pantera, Dragonfly, Hashed, Makers Fund, C² Ventures, Mechanism, Coinbase, IOSG, Jump, Animoca. About ARPA ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network. Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness. For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at Learn about ARPA’s recent official news: Twitter: @arpaofficial Medium: Discord: Telegram (English): Telegram (Turkish): Telegram (Việt Nam): Telegram (Russian): Telegram (Indonesian): Telegram(Sri Lanka): Telegram(Africa): Reddit:

ARPA Randcast Joins Force With Ancient8 to Elevate Web3 Gaming Experience

ARPA Network, the powerhouse behind Randcast, a secure on-chain verifiable random number generator (RNG), is thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with Ancient8. Following ARPA’s collaboration with Space3 — a fast-growing Web3 game publisher incubated by Ancient8, this partnership marks a significant step forward in ARPA’s engagement within the Ancient8 ecosystem. The aim is to bolster support for more Web3 game builders, ultimately driving innovation in gaming experiences that resonate with a broader audience.

Ancient8 is building a gaming Layer 2 based on OP Stack. Their dedication to fostering outstanding games aligns with ARPA’s goal of granting Web3 developers and game builders effortless access to a diverse range of tools. Together, we aspire to cultivate a future characterized by fairness and transparency within the Web3 ecosystem.

As ARPA Randcast substantially mitigates the load for game developers with our convenient sample SDKs, covering a wide array of functionalities like randomness generator (for DKG), dice rolling, winner selection, lottery draws, card shuffling, Ancient8 is focused on onboarding millions of Web3 gamers. They will achieve this through its high-performance Layer 2 and multiple subsidiaries including Space3 Game Publishing Platform, Ancient8 Gaming Guild, Reneverse Web3 Ads engine, A8ID, and Gosu Network.

“It’s crucial for Web3 games to combine enjoyment, user-friendliness, and profit potential to ensure sustainability and widespread adoption. To achieve this, we must assist game developers in focusing on creativity,” stated Felix Xu, CEO of ARPA Network. “ARPA and Ancient8 are aligned in this vision. We handle the complex foundational tasks, empowering game developers to fully unleash their potential and imagination.”

Going forward, we’re excited to see more innovative applications emerge from this partnership. Whether it’s the creation of unique gaming experiences, diversified NFT attributes, or a truly immersive virtual realm, the combination of ARPA Randcast and Ancient8 will undoubtedly usher in a new era of creativity and engagement within the growing Web3 gaming ecosystem.

About Ancient8

Ancient8 is building a ETH gaming Layer2. We offer a suite of Web3 gaming infrastructure tools that serve as the distribution and marketing channel for games globally. With Space3 Game Publishing Platform, PlayNation, Dojo Launchpad, Eko ID, and GameDesk, Ancient8 is dedicated to onboard millions of gamers to Web3 gaming, while providing unparalleled support to game developers looking to reach more players. Ancient8’s products have helped 100+ web3 games and 200K+ users better navigate Web3.

Ancient8 has raised $10M in total financing from leading investors including Pantera, Dragonfly, Hashed, Makers Fund, C² Ventures, Mechanism, Coinbase, IOSG, Jump, Animoca.

About ARPA

ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains.

ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network.

Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness.

For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at

Learn about ARPA’s recent official news:

Twitter: @arpaofficial



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ARPA Monthly Report | December Progress ReviewDear ARPA Community, To ensure that the ARPA community is well-informed on the team’s latest improvements, we update ARPA’s development dynamics and progress through our monthly report. Thank you all for your support! Here is a look back at December. Enjoy! 01 ARPA Development Dynamics & Technology Progress Added L2-related scenario test cases to the existing suite Published and continuously follow up on bug bounty on Immunefi 02 Community, Marketing & Listings Community Pool Staking Program Round II Now Live On December 31st, ARPA launched the Community Pool Staking Program Round II, following the resounding success of our initial 6-month program that began in late June 2023. A heartfelt thanks goes out to our community for your steadfast support during Round I. We warmly invite you to join us in the next phase of ARPA’s ecosystem expansion. The ARPA Network Community Pool Staking Program is an initiative designed to reward our early supporters. It’s a great opportunity for those interested in contributing to our network’s growth while earning passive income. The program is tailored for participants who prefer not to run a node. Through our user-friendly staking portal, ARPA token holders can easily stake their tokens. This not only contributes to the network’s robustness but also allows stakers to earn an attractive yield. We encourage both new and returning participants to take advantage of this opportunity to be a part of ARPA’s exciting journey ahead. ARPA Network Community Pool Staking Program Round II: Join Us in Ecosystem Expansion Introducing ARPA’s Korean Community Accounts On December 28th, we made a significant stride in global outreach by introducing @ARPA_Korea on Twitter and ARPA Korea on Telegram. This initiative is a step towards strengthening our global presence and fostering closer ties with our Korean audience. By providing dedicated channels for our Korean community, we aim to ensure more personalized and accessible interactions, updates, and support. <a href=""></a> ARPA Released a Layman’s Guide to Cryptography in Decentralized Systems On December 26th, we published an enlightening piece on the crucial role of cryptography in decentralized systems. Aimed at both beginners and enthusiasts, this article demystifies the complex world of cryptography, revealing its pivotal part in blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized finance (DeFi). Delve into our comprehensive guide to understand how cryptography goes beyond being a mere buzzword, anchoring the security and integrity of modern digital systems. Explore the intricacies of cryptographic principles and their practical applications in today’s tech landscape. Read the full article: A Layman’s Guide to Cryptography in Decentralized Systems Bitget Türkçe x ARPA: Telegram AMA Event On December 21, 2023, ARPA partnered with Bitget Türkçe for an exciting AMA session on Telegram. This event provided a unique opportunity for the community to engage directly with the ARPA team, offering a platform to ask anything about ARPA. This event was a part of ARPA’s ongoing efforts to foster community engagement and provide transparency and insight into our projects and developments. Stay tuned for more such events and opportunities to connect with the ARPA team! Opinion Article: Not All Random Number Generators Are Created Equal In a recent feature on Digital IT News, Yemu Xu, co-founder of ARPA, provides an in-depth analysis of Random Number Generators (RNGs) and their critical role in modern computing and blockchain technology. The article delves into the importance of RNGs in ensuring fairness, security, and unpredictability across various digital platforms. Whether it’s participating in online lotteries, acquiring rare NFTs, or engaging in gaming for exclusive items, the essence of true randomness is indispensable. The article encourages readers to gain a better understanding of what constitutes a high-quality RNG, the challenges with existing solutions, and what differentiates a good RNG in the tech world. Read the full article here: Not all Random Number Generators are Created Equal: Here's Why | 2024 Crypto Events Calendar: Your Q1 Guide As 2024 dawns, the crypto and Web3 universe is brimming with anticipation and groundbreaking developments. To ensure our community stays ahead of the curve, ARPA proudly released the 2024 Crypto Events Calendar on December 20th. This comprehensive guide is an essential tool for navigating the dynamic landscape of crypto events in the first quarter of 2024. From the investor hotspots in Dubai to the vibrant ETHDenver, the guide covers a broad spectrum of gatherings that are crucial for enthusiasts, developers, investors, and innovators in the space. 2024 Crypto Events Calendar: Your Q1 Guide ARPA Joins Forces with Mirror World for World Store Launch On December 18th, ARPA proudly participated in the grand launch of World Store, a revolutionary trading platform powered by AI Asset Agents, in collaboration with Mirror World. This event not only showcased the versatility of $ARPA, but also brought forward a new era of asset trading and management. To celebrate this collaboration, we organized a special giveaway, offering our community members a chance to win 3 World Store Raffle Tickets. This giveaway was a unique opportunity for participants to engage with both ARPA and Mirror World, and to explore the innovative World Store platform. <a href=""></a> Launch of ARPA Network Bug Bounty Program with Immunefi On December 12th, ARPA Network took a significant step towards fortifying its ecosystem by launching the ARPA Network Bug Bounty Program. This initiative, in partnership with Immunefi, web3’s leading bug bounty platform, underscores our unwavering dedication to security and our commitment to the continuous enhancement of the ARPA ecosystem. In an effort to incentivize the discovery and reporting of vulnerabilities, the program offers substantial rewards, with a maximum bounty of USD 50,000 for critical smart contract bugs. The reward structure is tiered, reflecting the severity of the identified threats. Contributors can expect different levels of rewards based on the threat level of the bugs they uncover. For a comprehensive understanding of the reward tiers and guidelines, visit: Join ARPA’s Bug Bounty Program with Immunefi — Up to $50,000 in Rewards! ARPA Bug Bounties | Immunefi Opinion Article on Threshold Signatures: Their Potential in Blockchain Security and Practical Applications On December 4th, we took our community on an informative journey through the intricate world of threshold signatures, with our featured article on Hackernoon. This piece is a must-read for technology enthusiasts and professionals alike. It breaks down the complex concepts of threshold signatures, an essential element in blockchain technology, into an easily digestible format. Whether you’re a blockchain expert or just starting to explore this exciting field, this article offers valuable insights into how threshold signatures contribute to the robustness and efficiency of blockchain systems. For an engaging and informative read, check out the full article here: .css-1q79kkk-skeletonStyles-Skeleton{background-color:#eee;background-image:linear-gradient( 90deg,#eee,#f5f5f5,#eee );background-size:200px 100%;background-repeat:no-repeat;border-radius:4px;display:inline-block;line-height:1;width:100%;-webkit-animation:animation-bzdot9 1.2s ease-in-out infinite;animation:animation-bzdot9 1.2s ease-in-out infinite;}@-webkit-keyframes animation-bzdot9{0%{background-position:-200px 0;}100%{background-position:calc(200px + 100%) 0;}}@keyframes animation-bzdot9{0%{background-position:-200px 0;}100%{background-position:calc(200px + 100%) 0;}}‌ ARPA/TRY Now Available on Bitget Türkiye We are thrilled to announce that starting from December 1st, ARPA/TRY trading pair is now available on Bitget Türkiye! This marks a significant step in expanding our presence in the Turkish market and offering our community more flexibility and accessibility in trading. We’re excited about this development and look forward to seeing increased engagement from our Turkish community. For more information on this listing, visit: New Trading Pairs: BLUR/TRY and ARPA/TRY About ARPA ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network. Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness. For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at Learn about ARPA’s recent official news: Twitter: @arpaofficial Medium: Discord: Telegram (English): Telegram (Turkish): Telegram (Việt Nam): Telegram (Russian): Telegram (Korean): Telegram (Indonesian): Telegram(Sri Lanka): Telegram(Africa): Reddit:

ARPA Monthly Report | December Progress Review

Dear ARPA Community,

To ensure that the ARPA community is well-informed on the team’s latest improvements, we update ARPA’s development dynamics and progress through our monthly report. Thank you all for your support!

Here is a look back at December. Enjoy!

01 ARPA Development Dynamics & Technology Progress

Added L2-related scenario test cases to the existing suite

Published and continuously follow up on bug bounty on Immunefi

02 Community, Marketing & Listings

Community Pool Staking Program Round II Now Live

On December 31st, ARPA launched the Community Pool Staking Program Round II, following the resounding success of our initial 6-month program that began in late June 2023. A heartfelt thanks goes out to our community for your steadfast support during Round I. We warmly invite you to join us in the next phase of ARPA’s ecosystem expansion.

The ARPA Network Community Pool Staking Program is an initiative designed to reward our early supporters. It’s a great opportunity for those interested in contributing to our network’s growth while earning passive income. The program is tailored for participants who prefer not to run a node. Through our user-friendly staking portal, ARPA token holders can easily stake their tokens. This not only contributes to the network’s robustness but also allows stakers to earn an attractive yield. We encourage both new and returning participants to take advantage of this opportunity to be a part of ARPA’s exciting journey ahead.

ARPA Network Community Pool Staking Program Round II: Join Us in Ecosystem Expansion

Introducing ARPA’s Korean Community Accounts

On December 28th, we made a significant stride in global outreach by introducing @ARPA_Korea on Twitter and ARPA Korea on Telegram. This initiative is a step towards strengthening our global presence and fostering closer ties with our Korean audience. By providing dedicated channels for our Korean community, we aim to ensure more personalized and accessible interactions, updates, and support.

<a href=""></a> ARPA Released a Layman’s Guide to Cryptography in Decentralized Systems

On December 26th, we published an enlightening piece on the crucial role of cryptography in decentralized systems. Aimed at both beginners and enthusiasts, this article demystifies the complex world of cryptography, revealing its pivotal part in blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized finance (DeFi). Delve into our comprehensive guide to understand how cryptography goes beyond being a mere buzzword, anchoring the security and integrity of modern digital systems. Explore the intricacies of cryptographic principles and their practical applications in today’s tech landscape.

Read the full article:

A Layman’s Guide to Cryptography in Decentralized Systems

Bitget Türkçe x ARPA: Telegram AMA Event

On December 21, 2023, ARPA partnered with Bitget Türkçe for an exciting AMA session on Telegram. This event provided a unique opportunity for the community to engage directly with the ARPA team, offering a platform to ask anything about ARPA. This event was a part of ARPA’s ongoing efforts to foster community engagement and provide transparency and insight into our projects and developments. Stay tuned for more such events and opportunities to connect with the ARPA team!

Opinion Article: Not All Random Number Generators Are Created Equal

In a recent feature on Digital IT News, Yemu Xu, co-founder of ARPA, provides an in-depth analysis of Random Number Generators (RNGs) and their critical role in modern computing and blockchain technology. The article delves into the importance of RNGs in ensuring fairness, security, and unpredictability across various digital platforms.

Whether it’s participating in online lotteries, acquiring rare NFTs, or engaging in gaming for exclusive items, the essence of true randomness is indispensable. The article encourages readers to gain a better understanding of what constitutes a high-quality RNG, the challenges with existing solutions, and what differentiates a good RNG in the tech world. Read the full article here:

Not all Random Number Generators are Created Equal: Here's Why |

2024 Crypto Events Calendar: Your Q1 Guide

As 2024 dawns, the crypto and Web3 universe is brimming with anticipation and groundbreaking developments. To ensure our community stays ahead of the curve, ARPA proudly released the 2024 Crypto Events Calendar on December 20th. This comprehensive guide is an essential tool for navigating the dynamic landscape of crypto events in the first quarter of 2024. From the investor hotspots in Dubai to the vibrant ETHDenver, the guide covers a broad spectrum of gatherings that are crucial for enthusiasts, developers, investors, and innovators in the space.

2024 Crypto Events Calendar: Your Q1 Guide

ARPA Joins Forces with Mirror World for World Store Launch

On December 18th, ARPA proudly participated in the grand launch of World Store, a revolutionary trading platform powered by AI Asset Agents, in collaboration with Mirror World. This event not only showcased the versatility of $ARPA , but also brought forward a new era of asset trading and management.

To celebrate this collaboration, we organized a special giveaway, offering our community members a chance to win 3 World Store Raffle Tickets. This giveaway was a unique opportunity for participants to engage with both ARPA and Mirror World, and to explore the innovative World Store platform.

<a href=""></a> Launch of ARPA Network Bug Bounty Program with Immunefi

On December 12th, ARPA Network took a significant step towards fortifying its ecosystem by launching the ARPA Network Bug Bounty Program. This initiative, in partnership with Immunefi, web3’s leading bug bounty platform, underscores our unwavering dedication to security and our commitment to the continuous enhancement of the ARPA ecosystem.

In an effort to incentivize the discovery and reporting of vulnerabilities, the program offers substantial rewards, with a maximum bounty of USD 50,000 for critical smart contract bugs. The reward structure is tiered, reflecting the severity of the identified threats. Contributors can expect different levels of rewards based on the threat level of the bugs they uncover. For a comprehensive understanding of the reward tiers and guidelines, visit:

Join ARPA’s Bug Bounty Program with Immunefi — Up to $50,000 in Rewards!

ARPA Bug Bounties | Immunefi

Opinion Article on Threshold Signatures: Their Potential in Blockchain Security and Practical Applications

On December 4th, we took our community on an informative journey through the intricate world of threshold signatures, with our featured article on Hackernoon. This piece is a must-read for technology enthusiasts and professionals alike. It breaks down the complex concepts of threshold signatures, an essential element in blockchain technology, into an easily digestible format.

Whether you’re a blockchain expert or just starting to explore this exciting field, this article offers valuable insights into how threshold signatures contribute to the robustness and efficiency of blockchain systems. For an engaging and informative read, check out the full article here:

.css-1q79kkk-skeletonStyles-Skeleton{background-color:#eee;background-image:linear-gradient( 90deg,#eee,#f5f5f5,#eee );background-size:200px 100%;background-repeat:no-repeat;border-radius:4px;display:inline-block;line-height:1;width:100%;-webkit-animation:animation-bzdot9 1.2s ease-in-out infinite;animation:animation-bzdot9 1.2s ease-in-out infinite;}@-webkit-keyframes animation-bzdot9{0%{background-position:-200px 0;}100%{background-position:calc(200px + 100%) 0;}}@keyframes animation-bzdot9{0%{background-position:-200px 0;}100%{background-position:calc(200px + 100%) 0;}}‌

ARPA/TRY Now Available on Bitget Türkiye

We are thrilled to announce that starting from December 1st, ARPA/TRY trading pair is now available on Bitget Türkiye! This marks a significant step in expanding our presence in the Turkish market and offering our community more flexibility and accessibility in trading. We’re excited about this development and look forward to seeing increased engagement from our Turkish community. For more information on this listing, visit:

New Trading Pairs: BLUR/TRY and ARPA/TRY

About ARPA

ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains.

ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network.

Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness.

For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at

Learn about ARPA’s recent official news:

Twitter: @arpaofficial



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Recap of ARPA AW X Spaces: a Discussion on On-Chain Gaming and Autonomous WorldsIn our recent X Spaces, we had the opportunity to host a conversation with several experts in the field of on-chain gaming and autonomous worlds. Our panel included Felix from ARPA Network, Gink from AW Research, Mike from AGLD, Tabasco from Particle Network, and Chris from Mirror World. Key highlights included ARPA Network’s advancements in cryptographic algorithms for random number generation, AGLD’s focus on the Loot Chain for efficient transactions, Particle Network’s efforts to make Web3 more user-friendly, and AW Research’s commitment to exploring innovative Autonomous World projects. Mirror World highlighted its role in facilitating omnichain liquidity infrastructure for gaming projects. The panelists also shared their excitement about the potential bull market following the approval of the ETF and the increasing diversity in the autonomous worlds and on-chain games sector. Delving deep into the intricacies and future trajectories of autonomous worlds, the panelists unpacked challenges such as adoption hurdles, infrastructural needs, and the imperative for more compelling content. The panelists agreed on the necessity of developing unique experiences leveraging blockchain technology to attract and retain users. They explored the potential of composability and modularity in games to revolutionize the gaming experience. The session concluded with a consensus on the unique opportunities presented by fully on-chain games in creating autonomous, permissionless ecosystems, highlighting their potential as major onboarding points into Web3 and the critical role of crypto-native features in fostering industry growth. We invite you to explore the diverse perspectives and insights shared by our panelists, offering a comprehensive view of the current trends and potential future of blockchain gaming and autonomous worlds. Felix (ARPA Network): At ARPA Network, we utilize threshold signature scheme cryptographic algorithms to generate verifiable random numbers on-chain. Our use cases include fair launch lotteries, games like Autonomous World games or gambling games, and other on-chain randomness applications in dapps. Recently, we integrated with Base and Optimism Mainnet, and we’re progressing toward integration with MUD, Redstone, and other chains. Mike (AGLD): I’m one of the core contributors at AGLD. Our primary focus is on the Loot Chain to enable low gas transactions for builders in autonomous worlds. We’re collaborating on projects like Gabby World and developing our own fully on-chain games. We’re gearing up for a major push in Q1 and Q2, with more details to come soon. Tabasco (Particle Network): I handle developer relations at Particle Network. After attending AW Day in Istanbul and keeping up with ARPA and others, I’d like to offer an overview of Particle. Our tagline is “the intent-centric modular access layer of Web3,” which means we’re focused on simplifying onboarding and interaction with Web3 to make it more accessible and seamless. We primarily do that through our Smart Wallet-as-a-Service, which simplifies onboarding by implementing social logins and account abstraction, streamlining user entry into Web3 with familiar tools like Google accounts and emails. Once in, users gain access to smart accounts for seamless gas transactions and session keys, eliminating pop-ups and enhancing the user experience. We’re building this alongside other things like intents. We’re doing a lot of privacy technology, offering diverse solutions that shift Web3 from its engineering-centric roots towards a more user-friendly, consumer-oriented industry. We empower applications, particularly fully on-chain games, by simplifying user onboarding and retention with their familiar means. We also leverage MPC-TSS for robust account generation and management, utilizing various methods like social logins and JWTs, with the goal of hopefully bringing some level of adoption to web3. Felix (ARPA Network): I’ve been closely following Particle Network’s progress for quite some time, particularly since the inception of the Wallet-as-a-Service. They’ve consistently been at the forefront in terms of both usability and user experience, setting a high standard in wallet services. Gink (AW Research): I am a principal investigator at AW Research. AW Research stands as an up-and-coming Triple-A: Chain Agnostic, Engine Agnostic, and Language Agnostic research institution for the builder, by the builder, and of the builder. We’re committed to exploring the potential of innovative Autonomous World projects and also future primitives. We’re actively focusing on moonshot projects and hosting a hackathon and co-living space at ETHGlobal London, with a keen interest in small proof-of-concept games that utilize cryptography, on-chain composability, and interoperability. Chris (Mirror World): I’m the co-founder and CEO of Mirror World. Mirror World is an omnichain liquidity infrastructure that allows for on-ramp aggregation as well as cross-chain DEX aggregation. And our main vertical is essentially serving gaming projects. To date, we’ve supported over 100 applications, with more than 50 in gaming, many of which are exploring autonomous worlds. Our partnership approach enables these gaming projects to on-ramp or access on-chain liquidity through our World Store, our latest product offering. This integration allows for a seamless interaction between gamers and gaming assets across different chains, enhancing the overall gaming experience. Personally, I am a very big fan of some of the AW games out there. Felix (ARPA Network): That’s awesome. Actually, before we delve deeper into the autonomous world and gaming sector, one thing that everyone must know is the ETF finally got approved. This likely signals the onset of a bull market, opening up exciting possibilities both within and outside the autonomous world sector. What are your thoughts on the most exciting developments in the first quarter? Mike (AGLD): There’s a noticeable surge in autonomous worlds and fully on-chain games. The market is becoming increasingly dynamic, with the emergence of new launchpads and a variety of projects. One notable example is a fully on-chain gaming launchpad on Polygon called While the details about the team behind it and the types of games they plan to launch are still unclear, it’s certainly intriguing. Additionally, there’s a distinct sense of renewal with an array of new game titles on the horizon. I’m excited to see what these new builders will bring to the table. Up until now, the AW space has been somewhat predictable, with familiar founders and their projects. However, it seems that fresh people are starting to enter the space, signaling an exciting phase of growth and innovation. Tabasco (Particle Network): In the next quarter, or even over the next two or three, my excitement remains the same. Over the past four months and looking forward to the next six, both I and Particle as an organization believe we’re on the cusp of a significant shift in web3 user experience and accessibility. The challenges in bringing consumers, especially gamers, onto fully on-chain platforms have been substantial, there’s a lot of friction points and challenges involved in getting people on chain and actually using these applications. However, a collection of emerging technologies is now poised to make large-scale consumer engagement a reality. This goes beyond just Wallet-as-a-Service and social logins. Developments in account abstraction, intent space, and overall blockchain scalability are reaching a point where creating expansive, fully on-chain games and high throughput consumer applications is not just feasible, but imminent. These technologies are still underutilized, but I anticipate a surge in sophisticated consumer-centric applications soon, especially with the recent approval of the BTC ETF and the improving public perception of web3. This change, I believe, will foster a wave of new, advanced use cases in the near future. Gink (AW Research): The Cancun upgrade and EIP-4844 are pivotal for the first quarter. The introduction of proto-danksharding is set to unlock scalability, transitioning the focus from solely DeFi and speculative activities to more consumer-centric applications in crypto, including layer twos and innovations in Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) cryptography. This transition is crucial for diversifying blockchain applications beyond their traditional speculative uses. Most participants in the crypto space, especially after the passing of the BTC ETF, are comfortable with speculation and arbitrage activities. Current platforms like Ethereum layer one, Binance, and Coinbase OKX suffice for these purposes. However, our vision extends beyond these conventional activities. We’re looking towards introducing new, innovative applications in the blockchain space. The forthcoming EIP-4844 is a step in this direction, heralding a new era of blockchain. Additionally, the development of storage proofs and decentralized provers, which I believe are already in use on Arbitrum, along with other scalability and TPS RPC solutions like Redstone — somewhat aligned with the Plasma concept — are part of this new wave of innovation. The advancements in STARKs and SNARKs are particularly exciting. As Vitalik put it, “ZK roots in everything around me.” This statement resonates with our focus for 2024, as we delve deeply into the world of ZK and their myriad applications. Felix (ARPA Network): That’s definitely something interesting happening in the ZK space. For instance, making game data private is a crypto-native move. We are currently conducting a lot of research on zero-knowledge proofs, including ZKML, and we are eager to explore new use cases in gaming. Chris (Mirror World): My involvement extends to the EVM space in terms of our product offerings. Personally, I’m also keenly observing the growth of alternative ecosystems, such as Solana’s. The autonomous worlds within Solana are still nascent, but the upcoming Jupiter airdrop this month is set to bring a new wave of liquidity. As an omnichain liquidity protocol, something that we think about is to create seamless connections between different ecosystems, such as bridging a larger one like EVM with smaller ones like Solana. The Jupiter airdrop, anticipated to inject probably billions of dollars into the Solana ecosystem, is a significant event on my radar. Although slightly off-topic, I’m excited about the potential changes this airdrop could bring. Felix: Absolutely, the Jupiter airdrop is highly anticipated within the Solana ecosystem. I’ve been holding my Solana bag since 2021, through thick and thin, and it’s heartening to see its resurgence. The developer community in Solana is particularly interesting, showing remarkable loyalty and resilience through various market conditions. Chris (Mirror World): Indeed. That’s what we saw as well, and it was one of the key reasons we started supporting various standards within the ecosystem. What’s noteworthy is the neutrality within the Solana developer community. Many Solana developers initially worked with EVM and eventually expanded to both platforms. Contrary to initial assumptions, we’ve found the community to be more open-minded and less hostile. Felix (ARPA Network): I’d like to share something that excites us at ARPA. We’ve been dedicated to infrastructure development over the past few years, focusing on creating developer tools, particularly our random number generator. We aim to cater to the AW sector and beyond. Recognizing the need to truly understand and cater to the gaming sector, we’ve ventured into game development. For the past two months, we’ve been working on a small-scale, mobile, fully on-chain game. We’re looking to launch it in the next month or so, and I feel really proud about it. Now, shifting our focus to the Autonomous World section, we’ve discussed a lot about infrastructure. But what do you think is the most pressing challenge in the Autonomous World space currently? Is it the lack of developers or adequate developer tools? Could it be the user experience, or perhaps the limited user base? What are the biggest challenges you perceive in the AW domain? Mike (AGLD): The main hurdle is adoption. In efforts to enhance user accessibility in autonomous worlds, significant strides have been made, such as simplifying account creation and focusing on Testnet operations. Paima Studios, for instance, allows users to engage in games without necessitating transactions at the outset. However, a persistent challenge lies in the user experience, particularly the need to wait for playtests and find other users to participate. To mitigate this, the incorporation of AI agents could be instrumental. Implementing more AI-driven characters or NPCs in these games, perhaps with mechanics that reset after certain intervals, could significantly enrich the user experience. This approach addresses the content limitations inherent in fully on-chain games, which currently act as a barrier to continuous and rich gameplay. Although the resolution of these issues is a work in progress, their potential impact on user engagement is promising. Felix (ARPA Network): I agree. Reflecting on the early days of Sky Strife’s playtests, the challenge was evident in the requirement to gather several players to start a game. The number of users actively engaged in fully on-chain games is limited, complicating the process of gathering enough players for a game. This issue has been a common occurrence in many newly launched fully on-chain games, highlighting the need for innovative solutions to boost user engagement and participation. Tabasco (Particle Network): The challenges are a mix of infrastructure and adoption. AW is a niche within a niche, so naturally, attracting millions of users is not immediately feasible. However, AW’s strength lies in its unique position within the gaming sector. Historically, most on-chain or Web3 games have been a hybrid of Web2 and Web3 elements, and this has led to various issues in existing Web3 games. AW, in contrast, is carving out an entirely new vertical in gaming — a feat not seen since the rise of Web2 games like battle royales. AW is crafting its own category in terms of a new type of gaming and entertainment that just wasn’t possible before. Yet, the infrastructure supporting this vision of AW and fully on-chain games is still in its nascent stages. Our discussions earlier highlighted this, especially regarding blockchain scalability and user onboarding. The upcoming EIP-4844, for instance, is a significant development that will enhance our infrastructural capabilities, enabling us to better support the expansive autonomous worlds. This goes beyond merely attracting users for speculative investment; it’s about offering something uniquely engaging that traditional Web2 gaming does not. Currently, we’re on the cusp of realizing this potential, held back primarily by the aforementioned infrastructural limitations and the niche nature of AW. However, as we overcome these initial challenges, I believe we’ll see a natural progression in user engagement. In my view, gaming, particularly fully on-chain games, could emerge as a primary gateway for introducing people to Web3. This is due to their unique ability to offer tangible and novel experiences to players and general consumers. So, while the industry has only recently become ready for this paradigm shift, I’m optimistic about the future, especially from the perspectives of developer tooling and blockchain infrastructure. Looking ahead, I’m excited about the prospects of fully on-chain games as they are primed for significant success, hopefully making a substantial impact in 2024. Gink (AW Research): As I previously noted, the current state of cryptocurrency is already okay if you are just into DeFi. However, the existing UI/UX solutions cater primarily to degens. These users typically operate through specific wallets like Metamask, Rainbow, Soul Wallet, or a combination of CEX and DEX. Yet, this approach does not align with mainstream preferences and the core infrastructure still faces significant hurdles. For instance, issues like gas limits and RPC errors impede transactions, especially in layer two, during high-frequency in-game activities. Another critical aspect is the uncertainty of transaction outcomes. Back in Istanbul, I believe it was at the AW Assembly, someone was talking about abstraction leaks, which also means breaking the fourth wall. We aim for immersive games, not ones where a browser extension disrupts the flow, reminding players they’re merely interacting with a dated game in a web browser. Another challenge lies in the scarcity of developers and the limited time available for game iteration. To be honest, many web3 or fully on-chain games lack engaging elements beyond their tokenomics or social aspects. They appeal to a specific group of enthusiasts playing games like Dark Forest, Primodium, or Loot Survivor, but fail to resonate with a broader audience. Even if we enhance the user experience, allowing seamless login and swift transactions, these games still struggle to captivate players as effectively as mainstream web2 games like Dota II or CS Go. To truly evolve and thrive, the fully on-chain game industry needs to develop a PMF with unique, crypto-native game features. These features must offer a novel, engaging experience that distinguishes them from traditional web2 gaming offerings, catering not just to current enthusiasts but also to a wider, more diverse player base. Chris (Mirror World): The points made about infrastructure and user experience are spot-on. My personal experience with current AW games highlights a significant issue: the limited content available. Initially, the AW space seemed promising for many developers. However, the reality is that larger teams need a substantial user base to justify creating extensive content, and presently, that user base is small. For instance, consider Primodium. I’ve known the team behind it for some time, and they’re a small group of five or six people crafting an experimental game. It will likely take a considerable amount of time for such teams to develop enough content to attract a broader audience. For now, we’re looking at a relatively small group of players, engaged in what might be a repetitive gaming process with occasional updates or seasonal events to enhance the guild-like experience. We have to acknowledge that, for the time being, there is only going to be a small group of people playing these games and the mass adoption is not anywhere near before the content is actually there. From a business standpoint, this model could still be viable. Looking at Sky Strife’s ticketing and cost structure reveals that their audience comprises a small group of users willing to pay high gas and entrance fees. This raises a crucial question for development teams: should they focus on this high net-worth user base or strive to attract a larger, more diverse audience? I think those are two different routes that we can see teams go into. Presently, I believe catering to a smaller, wealthier user group might be sufficient. These users, often possessing significant amounts of ETH, can contribute to a high TVL within these games. However, the lack of substantial content limits the potential for continuous, live operational gameplay, a challenge compounded by the small size of these development teams. I’m eager to see the evolution of this space, but for now, it seems more pragmatic for teams to focus on the existing user pool rather than attempting to scale massively. I don’t see a large-scale adoption as a feasible or strategic approach currently. Felix (ARPA Network): When we look at GameFi and play-to-earn models, such as STEPN, they boast millions of users. This contrasts sharply with the user base of fully on-chain games. Consequently, teams developing fully on-chain games often don’t raise substantial funds, usually comprising less than ten members. This limits their ability to create rich content and immersive gameplay. However, this also highlights the nascent stage of fully on-chain game and autonomous world development. Swinging back to Tabasco’s earlier point, I’m curious: what unique experiences can we craft with a smart contract, fully on-chain autonomous world, that are distinct from centralized or play-to-earn environments? What specific mechanisms can unite players in such a way that they are willing to pay, thereby fostering a healthier ecosystem? Tabasco (Particle Network): I think this is a really good question. My view is that autonomous worlds and fully on-chain games should not be seen as direct competitors to web2 games. Many web3 developers fall into the trap of trying to outdo billion-dollar game studios or large indie games that benefit from the convenience of web2. However, fully on-chain games offer something fundamentally different. They present an opportunity to create a gaming vertical exclusive to web3, providing experiences unattainable in web2. This is primarily defined by the idea of a continuously evolving, autonomous, and permissionless ecosystem. In this landscape, anyone can build, monetize, and participate, free from the risks of centralization or censorship, and independent of the limitations inherent to web2 games. In web2, games are fundamentally permission-based, controlled by centralized entities, and subject to their notion regarding monetization. If a publisher goes bankrupt, the game disappears. In fully on-chain games, players have unparalleled freedom. They can build, contribute, monetize, and participate in ways that are impossible in Web2 games. This freedom spans from creating mods and plugins to establishing entirely separate economies within the game. Our vision at Particle is that as we lower the barrier to entry, players will begin to recognize the unique potential of on-chain games. The initial challenge is attracting a dedicated user base, even if it starts with just a hundred or a thousand core users. Once this is achieved, we anticipate a rapid increase in adoption, creating a positive feedback loop of more funding, more players, and more innovative contributions, culminating in the realization of a truly autonomous world. To summarize, the key difference between fully on-chain games and traditional Web2 games lies in their open, decentralized nature, offering players a level of freedom and creativity that redefines the gaming experience. Mike (AGLD): What captivates me is the evolution of the game Parallel. Initially, it wasn’t designed as an autonomous world game, but it’s gradually aligning with that concept. The game, fundamentally a card game, allows players to create their own rule sets and win conditions. This is possible because it’s fully on-chain, rendering the game to be both composable and modular. Imagine a gaming universe where each board game is interconnected, yet distinct, allowing players to retain their characters across different games or even design expansion sets, potentially using AI, for an existing game. This concept of full composability is thrilling. It resonates with Vitalik Buterin’s vision for Ethereum, where the flexibility and interactivity of components are central. So, for me, the excitement lies in the realm of composability within these gaming worlds. Felix (ARPA Network): Gink, I’m intrigued by your perspective. If we consider a typical person unfamiliar with crypto, even providing them with a wallet that utilizes social login might not be enough to engage them in a fully on-chain game. I share this sentiment; given a choice, I’d prefer playing Dota II over a fully on-chain game. But what do you think could be a compelling hook or tagline to attract such users to fully on-chain games? Gink (AW Research): Being involved in moonshot experiments, our focus isn’t primarily on gas fees or immediate profitability, though these are important in the long run. We envision AW and fully on-chain games as testbeds or sandboxes mirroring real-world dynamics. In my opinion, the ‘magic touch’ in the fully on-chain game industry lies in integrating DeFi, SocialFi, on-chain credentials, and privacy elements. A prime example could be the approach taken by Blast or Manta Network, where players stake their ETH in a game or contract to earn interest, governance tokens, or higher APRs. However, creating a successful AW requires aligning the game’s physics and governance structures. This approach is distinct from the web2 world, where there’s a lack of interoperability and composability. For instance, in a web2 scenario, my life savings deposited in a bank cannot be utilized in games like Genshin Impact or World of Warcraft. This limitation doesn’t exist in the fully on-chain gaming world. Currently, the concept of integrating governance and DeFi economics (tokenomics) into the core game loop of autonomous worlds is still somewhat nebulous. However, there’s a growing trend toward this integration. For instance, last week, tax cuts, a key figure behind Primodium, tweeted about establishing an open creator economy on top of Primodium. This development mirrors earlier trends seen in OG fully on-chain games like Loot Survivor and Dark Forest. Before Loot Survivor, initiatives like Loot DAO, Realmstone, and AGLD had already begun implementing their governance plans. This indicates a strong inclination toward governance tokens as a PMF in these games. Players are motivated to participate in governance not just for the sake of control, but because it aligns with their interests. Chris (Mirror World): From our perspective, identifying the ‘killer feature’ to attract more players to the game is complex, blending elements of entertainment and financial products. In discussions with Emerson, co-founder of Primodium, we’ve emphasized the importance of capturing attention or mindshare in this sector. The value of tokens is a direct measure of this attention. When we look at products in the AW or broader crypto space, they serve as mediums to capture and magnify user attention. A game that excels in engaging players, ensuring they return consistently, naturally secures a significant share of their mindshare. This engagement makes it easier to integrate other DeFi elements, thereby increasing token share and overall involvement. As Gink pointed out, the foundation is DeFi, augmented by entertainment elements to sustain user interest. For me, the ultimate ‘killer feature’ remains the content itself. If the goal is to maximize efficiency and profitability for users, why would they opt for an on-chain game over direct engagement with platforms like Uniswap? The answer lies in the unique blend of excitement and stimulus that gaming offers, an aspect that traditional DeFi activities might lack. Like a lot of people said, it is still a PvP arbitrage game. The overlap between seasoned crypto traders and gamers is significant. Both groups seek thrill and engagement, making Autonomous Worlds an attractive platform. I envision games that not only provide exhilarating gameplay but also incorporate traditional DeFi trading elements. Such games, offering both excitement and financial incentives, are what I believe will truly invigorate the AW space. Felix (ARPA Network): Chris, that’s a great conclusion, and I totally agree. Discussing autonomous worlds or fully on-chain games, it strikes me that they represent more than just games. They are akin to intricate rabbit holes for crypto enthusiasts to delve into. If we focus on creating truly crypto-native experiences, utilizing mechanisms unique to the crypto sphere, we can capture the attention of these ‘crypto OGs,’ who have been deeply rooted in the industry for a long time. These individuals are likely to play around with their ETH or with their other cryptos and then support a game. I believe that all great journeys begin with small steps. We need to cultivate a core community of these crypto veterans. By designing our games to be inherently crypto-native, we can gradually draw in an expanding audience. There’s a need for a defining moment in fully on-chain gaming, similar to the ‘yield farming’ phenomenon in DeFi. I recall back in June 2020 when Compound launched their token, marking a pivotal moment where people recognized the tangible rewards available through DeFi. This was followed by innovations like’s pool tool, which set a precedent for the industry. Given this context, it seems evident that small teams, including ours, are focused on developing games that resonate with the ethos of the crypto world. The aim isn’t necessarily mass adoption, which is more the realm of AAA titles and play-to-earn games. Instead, our lean approach is about experimenting and catering primarily to the crypto-savvy audience. We are committed to crafting gaming mechanisms that diverge from traditional models, potentially paving the way for new paradigms in the world of on-chain gaming. About ARPA ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network. Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness. For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at Learn about ARPA’s recent official news: Twitter: @arpaofficial Medium: Discord: Telegram (English): Telegram (Turkish): Telegram (Việt Nam): Telegram (Russian): Telegram (Indonesian): Telegram(Sri Lanka): Telegram(Africa): Reddit:

Recap of ARPA AW X Spaces: a Discussion on On-Chain Gaming and Autonomous Worlds

In our recent X Spaces, we had the opportunity to host a conversation with several experts in the field of on-chain gaming and autonomous worlds. Our panel included Felix from ARPA Network, Gink from AW Research, Mike from AGLD, Tabasco from Particle Network, and Chris from Mirror World.

Key highlights included ARPA Network’s advancements in cryptographic algorithms for random number generation, AGLD’s focus on the Loot Chain for efficient transactions, Particle Network’s efforts to make Web3 more user-friendly, and AW Research’s commitment to exploring innovative Autonomous World projects. Mirror World highlighted its role in facilitating omnichain liquidity infrastructure for gaming projects. The panelists also shared their excitement about the potential bull market following the approval of the ETF and the increasing diversity in the autonomous worlds and on-chain games sector.

Delving deep into the intricacies and future trajectories of autonomous worlds, the panelists unpacked challenges such as adoption hurdles, infrastructural needs, and the imperative for more compelling content. The panelists agreed on the necessity of developing unique experiences leveraging blockchain technology to attract and retain users. They explored the potential of composability and modularity in games to revolutionize the gaming experience. The session concluded with a consensus on the unique opportunities presented by fully on-chain games in creating autonomous, permissionless ecosystems, highlighting their potential as major onboarding points into Web3 and the critical role of crypto-native features in fostering industry growth.

We invite you to explore the diverse perspectives and insights shared by our panelists, offering a comprehensive view of the current trends and potential future of blockchain gaming and autonomous worlds.

Felix (ARPA Network): At ARPA Network, we utilize threshold signature scheme cryptographic algorithms to generate verifiable random numbers on-chain. Our use cases include fair launch lotteries, games like Autonomous World games or gambling games, and other on-chain randomness applications in dapps. Recently, we integrated with Base and Optimism Mainnet, and we’re progressing toward integration with MUD, Redstone, and other chains.

Mike (AGLD): I’m one of the core contributors at AGLD. Our primary focus is on the Loot Chain to enable low gas transactions for builders in autonomous worlds. We’re collaborating on projects like Gabby World and developing our own fully on-chain games. We’re gearing up for a major push in Q1 and Q2, with more details to come soon.

Tabasco (Particle Network): I handle developer relations at Particle Network. After attending AW Day in Istanbul and keeping up with ARPA and others, I’d like to offer an overview of Particle. Our tagline is “the intent-centric modular access layer of Web3,” which means we’re focused on simplifying onboarding and interaction with Web3 to make it more accessible and seamless. We primarily do that through our Smart Wallet-as-a-Service, which simplifies onboarding by implementing social logins and account abstraction, streamlining user entry into Web3 with familiar tools like Google accounts and emails. Once in, users gain access to smart accounts for seamless gas transactions and session keys, eliminating pop-ups and enhancing the user experience. We’re building this alongside other things like intents. We’re doing a lot of privacy technology, offering diverse solutions that shift Web3 from its engineering-centric roots towards a more user-friendly, consumer-oriented industry. We empower applications, particularly fully on-chain games, by simplifying user onboarding and retention with their familiar means. We also leverage MPC-TSS for robust account generation and management, utilizing various methods like social logins and JWTs, with the goal of hopefully bringing some level of adoption to web3.

Felix (ARPA Network): I’ve been closely following Particle Network’s progress for quite some time, particularly since the inception of the Wallet-as-a-Service. They’ve consistently been at the forefront in terms of both usability and user experience, setting a high standard in wallet services.

Gink (AW Research): I am a principal investigator at AW Research. AW Research stands as an up-and-coming Triple-A: Chain Agnostic, Engine Agnostic, and Language Agnostic research institution for the builder, by the builder, and of the builder. We’re committed to exploring the potential of innovative Autonomous World projects and also future primitives. We’re actively focusing on moonshot projects and hosting a hackathon and co-living space at ETHGlobal London, with a keen interest in small proof-of-concept games that utilize cryptography, on-chain composability, and interoperability.

Chris (Mirror World): I’m the co-founder and CEO of Mirror World. Mirror World is an omnichain liquidity infrastructure that allows for on-ramp aggregation as well as cross-chain DEX aggregation. And our main vertical is essentially serving gaming projects. To date, we’ve supported over 100 applications, with more than 50 in gaming, many of which are exploring autonomous worlds. Our partnership approach enables these gaming projects to on-ramp or access on-chain liquidity through our World Store, our latest product offering. This integration allows for a seamless interaction between gamers and gaming assets across different chains, enhancing the overall gaming experience. Personally, I am a very big fan of some of the AW games out there.

Felix (ARPA Network): That’s awesome. Actually, before we delve deeper into the autonomous world and gaming sector, one thing that everyone must know is the ETF finally got approved. This likely signals the onset of a bull market, opening up exciting possibilities both within and outside the autonomous world sector. What are your thoughts on the most exciting developments in the first quarter?

Mike (AGLD): There’s a noticeable surge in autonomous worlds and fully on-chain games. The market is becoming increasingly dynamic, with the emergence of new launchpads and a variety of projects. One notable example is a fully on-chain gaming launchpad on Polygon called While the details about the team behind it and the types of games they plan to launch are still unclear, it’s certainly intriguing. Additionally, there’s a distinct sense of renewal with an array of new game titles on the horizon. I’m excited to see what these new builders will bring to the table. Up until now, the AW space has been somewhat predictable, with familiar founders and their projects. However, it seems that fresh people are starting to enter the space, signaling an exciting phase of growth and innovation.

Tabasco (Particle Network): In the next quarter, or even over the next two or three, my excitement remains the same. Over the past four months and looking forward to the next six, both I and Particle as an organization believe we’re on the cusp of a significant shift in web3 user experience and accessibility. The challenges in bringing consumers, especially gamers, onto fully on-chain platforms have been substantial, there’s a lot of friction points and challenges involved in getting people on chain and actually using these applications. However, a collection of emerging technologies is now poised to make large-scale consumer engagement a reality. This goes beyond just Wallet-as-a-Service and social logins. Developments in account abstraction, intent space, and overall blockchain scalability are reaching a point where creating expansive, fully on-chain games and high throughput consumer applications is not just feasible, but imminent. These technologies are still underutilized, but I anticipate a surge in sophisticated consumer-centric applications soon, especially with the recent approval of the BTC ETF and the improving public perception of web3. This change, I believe, will foster a wave of new, advanced use cases in the near future.

Gink (AW Research): The Cancun upgrade and EIP-4844 are pivotal for the first quarter. The introduction of proto-danksharding is set to unlock scalability, transitioning the focus from solely DeFi and speculative activities to more consumer-centric applications in crypto, including layer twos and innovations in Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) cryptography. This transition is crucial for diversifying blockchain applications beyond their traditional speculative uses.

Most participants in the crypto space, especially after the passing of the BTC ETF, are comfortable with speculation and arbitrage activities. Current platforms like Ethereum layer one, Binance, and Coinbase OKX suffice for these purposes. However, our vision extends beyond these conventional activities. We’re looking towards introducing new, innovative applications in the blockchain space. The forthcoming EIP-4844 is a step in this direction, heralding a new era of blockchain.

Additionally, the development of storage proofs and decentralized provers, which I believe are already in use on Arbitrum, along with other scalability and TPS RPC solutions like Redstone — somewhat aligned with the Plasma concept — are part of this new wave of innovation. The advancements in STARKs and SNARKs are particularly exciting. As Vitalik put it, “ZK roots in everything around me.” This statement resonates with our focus for 2024, as we delve deeply into the world of ZK and their myriad applications.

Felix (ARPA Network): That’s definitely something interesting happening in the ZK space. For instance, making game data private is a crypto-native move. We are currently conducting a lot of research on zero-knowledge proofs, including ZKML, and we are eager to explore new use cases in gaming.

Chris (Mirror World): My involvement extends to the EVM space in terms of our product offerings. Personally, I’m also keenly observing the growth of alternative ecosystems, such as Solana’s. The autonomous worlds within Solana are still nascent, but the upcoming Jupiter airdrop this month is set to bring a new wave of liquidity. As an omnichain liquidity protocol, something that we think about is to create seamless connections between different ecosystems, such as bridging a larger one like EVM with smaller ones like Solana. The Jupiter airdrop, anticipated to inject probably billions of dollars into the Solana ecosystem, is a significant event on my radar. Although slightly off-topic, I’m excited about the potential changes this airdrop could bring.

Felix: Absolutely, the Jupiter airdrop is highly anticipated within the Solana ecosystem. I’ve been holding my Solana bag since 2021, through thick and thin, and it’s heartening to see its resurgence. The developer community in Solana is particularly interesting, showing remarkable loyalty and resilience through various market conditions.

Chris (Mirror World): Indeed. That’s what we saw as well, and it was one of the key reasons we started supporting various standards within the ecosystem. What’s noteworthy is the neutrality within the Solana developer community. Many Solana developers initially worked with EVM and eventually expanded to both platforms. Contrary to initial assumptions, we’ve found the community to be more open-minded and less hostile.

Felix (ARPA Network): I’d like to share something that excites us at ARPA. We’ve been dedicated to infrastructure development over the past few years, focusing on creating developer tools, particularly our random number generator. We aim to cater to the AW sector and beyond. Recognizing the need to truly understand and cater to the gaming sector, we’ve ventured into game development. For the past two months, we’ve been working on a small-scale, mobile, fully on-chain game. We’re looking to launch it in the next month or so, and I feel really proud about it.

Now, shifting our focus to the Autonomous World section, we’ve discussed a lot about infrastructure. But what do you think is the most pressing challenge in the Autonomous World space currently? Is it the lack of developers or adequate developer tools? Could it be the user experience, or perhaps the limited user base? What are the biggest challenges you perceive in the AW domain?

Mike (AGLD): The main hurdle is adoption. In efforts to enhance user accessibility in autonomous worlds, significant strides have been made, such as simplifying account creation and focusing on Testnet operations. Paima Studios, for instance, allows users to engage in games without necessitating transactions at the outset. However, a persistent challenge lies in the user experience, particularly the need to wait for playtests and find other users to participate. To mitigate this, the incorporation of AI agents could be instrumental. Implementing more AI-driven characters or NPCs in these games, perhaps with mechanics that reset after certain intervals, could significantly enrich the user experience. This approach addresses the content limitations inherent in fully on-chain games, which currently act as a barrier to continuous and rich gameplay. Although the resolution of these issues is a work in progress, their potential impact on user engagement is promising.

Felix (ARPA Network): I agree. Reflecting on the early days of Sky Strife’s playtests, the challenge was evident in the requirement to gather several players to start a game. The number of users actively engaged in fully on-chain games is limited, complicating the process of gathering enough players for a game. This issue has been a common occurrence in many newly launched fully on-chain games, highlighting the need for innovative solutions to boost user engagement and participation.

Tabasco (Particle Network): The challenges are a mix of infrastructure and adoption. AW is a niche within a niche, so naturally, attracting millions of users is not immediately feasible. However, AW’s strength lies in its unique position within the gaming sector. Historically, most on-chain or Web3 games have been a hybrid of Web2 and Web3 elements, and this has led to various issues in existing Web3 games. AW, in contrast, is carving out an entirely new vertical in gaming — a feat not seen since the rise of Web2 games like battle royales.

AW is crafting its own category in terms of a new type of gaming and entertainment that just wasn’t possible before. Yet, the infrastructure supporting this vision of AW and fully on-chain games is still in its nascent stages. Our discussions earlier highlighted this, especially regarding blockchain scalability and user onboarding. The upcoming EIP-4844, for instance, is a significant development that will enhance our infrastructural capabilities, enabling us to better support the expansive autonomous worlds. This goes beyond merely attracting users for speculative investment; it’s about offering something uniquely engaging that traditional Web2 gaming does not. Currently, we’re on the cusp of realizing this potential, held back primarily by the aforementioned infrastructural limitations and the niche nature of AW. However, as we overcome these initial challenges, I believe we’ll see a natural progression in user engagement. In my view, gaming, particularly fully on-chain games, could emerge as a primary gateway for introducing people to Web3. This is due to their unique ability to offer tangible and novel experiences to players and general consumers.

So, while the industry has only recently become ready for this paradigm shift, I’m optimistic about the future, especially from the perspectives of developer tooling and blockchain infrastructure. Looking ahead, I’m excited about the prospects of fully on-chain games as they are primed for significant success, hopefully making a substantial impact in 2024.

Gink (AW Research): As I previously noted, the current state of cryptocurrency is already okay if you are just into DeFi. However, the existing UI/UX solutions cater primarily to degens. These users typically operate through specific wallets like Metamask, Rainbow, Soul Wallet, or a combination of CEX and DEX. Yet, this approach does not align with mainstream preferences and the core infrastructure still faces significant hurdles. For instance, issues like gas limits and RPC errors impede transactions, especially in layer two, during high-frequency in-game activities. Another critical aspect is the uncertainty of transaction outcomes. Back in Istanbul, I believe it was at the AW Assembly, someone was talking about abstraction leaks, which also means breaking the fourth wall. We aim for immersive games, not ones where a browser extension disrupts the flow, reminding players they’re merely interacting with a dated game in a web browser.

Another challenge lies in the scarcity of developers and the limited time available for game iteration. To be honest, many web3 or fully on-chain games lack engaging elements beyond their tokenomics or social aspects. They appeal to a specific group of enthusiasts playing games like Dark Forest, Primodium, or Loot Survivor, but fail to resonate with a broader audience. Even if we enhance the user experience, allowing seamless login and swift transactions, these games still struggle to captivate players as effectively as mainstream web2 games like Dota II or CS Go. To truly evolve and thrive, the fully on-chain game industry needs to develop a PMF with unique, crypto-native game features. These features must offer a novel, engaging experience that distinguishes them from traditional web2 gaming offerings, catering not just to current enthusiasts but also to a wider, more diverse player base.

Chris (Mirror World): The points made about infrastructure and user experience are spot-on. My personal experience with current AW games highlights a significant issue: the limited content available. Initially, the AW space seemed promising for many developers. However, the reality is that larger teams need a substantial user base to justify creating extensive content, and presently, that user base is small. For instance, consider Primodium. I’ve known the team behind it for some time, and they’re a small group of five or six people crafting an experimental game. It will likely take a considerable amount of time for such teams to develop enough content to attract a broader audience. For now, we’re looking at a relatively small group of players, engaged in what might be a repetitive gaming process with occasional updates or seasonal events to enhance the guild-like experience. We have to acknowledge that, for the time being, there is only going to be a small group of people playing these games and the mass adoption is not anywhere near before the content is actually there.

From a business standpoint, this model could still be viable. Looking at Sky Strife’s ticketing and cost structure reveals that their audience comprises a small group of users willing to pay high gas and entrance fees. This raises a crucial question for development teams: should they focus on this high net-worth user base or strive to attract a larger, more diverse audience? I think those are two different routes that we can see teams go into. Presently, I believe catering to a smaller, wealthier user group might be sufficient. These users, often possessing significant amounts of ETH, can contribute to a high TVL within these games. However, the lack of substantial content limits the potential for continuous, live operational gameplay, a challenge compounded by the small size of these development teams. I’m eager to see the evolution of this space, but for now, it seems more pragmatic for teams to focus on the existing user pool rather than attempting to scale massively. I don’t see a large-scale adoption as a feasible or strategic approach currently.

Felix (ARPA Network): When we look at GameFi and play-to-earn models, such as STEPN, they boast millions of users. This contrasts sharply with the user base of fully on-chain games. Consequently, teams developing fully on-chain games often don’t raise substantial funds, usually comprising less than ten members. This limits their ability to create rich content and immersive gameplay. However, this also highlights the nascent stage of fully on-chain game and autonomous world development. Swinging back to Tabasco’s earlier point, I’m curious: what unique experiences can we craft with a smart contract, fully on-chain autonomous world, that are distinct from centralized or play-to-earn environments? What specific mechanisms can unite players in such a way that they are willing to pay, thereby fostering a healthier ecosystem?

Tabasco (Particle Network): I think this is a really good question. My view is that autonomous worlds and fully on-chain games should not be seen as direct competitors to web2 games. Many web3 developers fall into the trap of trying to outdo billion-dollar game studios or large indie games that benefit from the convenience of web2. However, fully on-chain games offer something fundamentally different. They present an opportunity to create a gaming vertical exclusive to web3, providing experiences unattainable in web2.

This is primarily defined by the idea of a continuously evolving, autonomous, and permissionless ecosystem. In this landscape, anyone can build, monetize, and participate, free from the risks of centralization or censorship, and independent of the limitations inherent to web2 games. In web2, games are fundamentally permission-based, controlled by centralized entities, and subject to their notion regarding monetization. If a publisher goes bankrupt, the game disappears.

In fully on-chain games, players have unparalleled freedom. They can build, contribute, monetize, and participate in ways that are impossible in Web2 games. This freedom spans from creating mods and plugins to establishing entirely separate economies within the game.

Our vision at Particle is that as we lower the barrier to entry, players will begin to recognize the unique potential of on-chain games. The initial challenge is attracting a dedicated user base, even if it starts with just a hundred or a thousand core users. Once this is achieved, we anticipate a rapid increase in adoption, creating a positive feedback loop of more funding, more players, and more innovative contributions, culminating in the realization of a truly autonomous world. To summarize, the key difference between fully on-chain games and traditional Web2 games lies in their open, decentralized nature, offering players a level of freedom and creativity that redefines the gaming experience.

Mike (AGLD): What captivates me is the evolution of the game Parallel. Initially, it wasn’t designed as an autonomous world game, but it’s gradually aligning with that concept. The game, fundamentally a card game, allows players to create their own rule sets and win conditions. This is possible because it’s fully on-chain, rendering the game to be both composable and modular. Imagine a gaming universe where each board game is interconnected, yet distinct, allowing players to retain their characters across different games or even design expansion sets, potentially using AI, for an existing game. This concept of full composability is thrilling. It resonates with Vitalik Buterin’s vision for Ethereum, where the flexibility and interactivity of components are central. So, for me, the excitement lies in the realm of composability within these gaming worlds.

Felix (ARPA Network): Gink, I’m intrigued by your perspective. If we consider a typical person unfamiliar with crypto, even providing them with a wallet that utilizes social login might not be enough to engage them in a fully on-chain game. I share this sentiment; given a choice, I’d prefer playing Dota II over a fully on-chain game. But what do you think could be a compelling hook or tagline to attract such users to fully on-chain games?

Gink (AW Research): Being involved in moonshot experiments, our focus isn’t primarily on gas fees or immediate profitability, though these are important in the long run. We envision AW and fully on-chain games as testbeds or sandboxes mirroring real-world dynamics. In my opinion, the ‘magic touch’ in the fully on-chain game industry lies in integrating DeFi, SocialFi, on-chain credentials, and privacy elements. A prime example could be the approach taken by Blast or Manta Network, where players stake their ETH in a game or contract to earn interest, governance tokens, or higher APRs. However, creating a successful AW requires aligning the game’s physics and governance structures. This approach is distinct from the web2 world, where there’s a lack of interoperability and composability. For instance, in a web2 scenario, my life savings deposited in a bank cannot be utilized in games like Genshin Impact or World of Warcraft. This limitation doesn’t exist in the fully on-chain gaming world.

Currently, the concept of integrating governance and DeFi economics (tokenomics) into the core game loop of autonomous worlds is still somewhat nebulous. However, there’s a growing trend toward this integration. For instance, last week, tax cuts, a key figure behind Primodium, tweeted about establishing an open creator economy on top of Primodium. This development mirrors earlier trends seen in OG fully on-chain games like Loot Survivor and Dark Forest. Before Loot Survivor, initiatives like Loot DAO, Realmstone, and AGLD had already begun implementing their governance plans. This indicates a strong inclination toward governance tokens as a PMF in these games. Players are motivated to participate in governance not just for the sake of control, but because it aligns with their interests.

Chris (Mirror World): From our perspective, identifying the ‘killer feature’ to attract more players to the game is complex, blending elements of entertainment and financial products. In discussions with Emerson, co-founder of Primodium, we’ve emphasized the importance of capturing attention or mindshare in this sector. The value of tokens is a direct measure of this attention.

When we look at products in the AW or broader crypto space, they serve as mediums to capture and magnify user attention. A game that excels in engaging players, ensuring they return consistently, naturally secures a significant share of their mindshare. This engagement makes it easier to integrate other DeFi elements, thereby increasing token share and overall involvement.

As Gink pointed out, the foundation is DeFi, augmented by entertainment elements to sustain user interest. For me, the ultimate ‘killer feature’ remains the content itself. If the goal is to maximize efficiency and profitability for users, why would they opt for an on-chain game over direct engagement with platforms like Uniswap? The answer lies in the unique blend of excitement and stimulus that gaming offers, an aspect that traditional DeFi activities might lack. Like a lot of people said, it is still a PvP arbitrage game.

The overlap between seasoned crypto traders and gamers is significant. Both groups seek thrill and engagement, making Autonomous Worlds an attractive platform. I envision games that not only provide exhilarating gameplay but also incorporate traditional DeFi trading elements. Such games, offering both excitement and financial incentives, are what I believe will truly invigorate the AW space.

Felix (ARPA Network): Chris, that’s a great conclusion, and I totally agree. Discussing autonomous worlds or fully on-chain games, it strikes me that they represent more than just games. They are akin to intricate rabbit holes for crypto enthusiasts to delve into. If we focus on creating truly crypto-native experiences, utilizing mechanisms unique to the crypto sphere, we can capture the attention of these ‘crypto OGs,’ who have been deeply rooted in the industry for a long time. These individuals are likely to play around with their ETH or with their other cryptos and then support a game.

I believe that all great journeys begin with small steps. We need to cultivate a core community of these crypto veterans. By designing our games to be inherently crypto-native, we can gradually draw in an expanding audience. There’s a need for a defining moment in fully on-chain gaming, similar to the ‘yield farming’ phenomenon in DeFi. I recall back in June 2020 when Compound launched their token, marking a pivotal moment where people recognized the tangible rewards available through DeFi. This was followed by innovations like’s pool tool, which set a precedent for the industry.

Given this context, it seems evident that small teams, including ours, are focused on developing games that resonate with the ethos of the crypto world. The aim isn’t necessarily mass adoption, which is more the realm of AAA titles and play-to-earn games. Instead, our lean approach is about experimenting and catering primarily to the crypto-savvy audience. We are committed to crafting gaming mechanisms that diverge from traditional models, potentially paving the way for new paradigms in the world of on-chain gaming.

About ARPA

ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains.

ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network.

Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness.

For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at

Learn about ARPA’s recent official news:

Twitter: @arpaofficial



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ARPA Network Community Pool Staking Program Round II: Join Us in Ecosystem ExpansionDear Community, We are thrilled to announce the Community Pool Staking Program Round II is live! This exciting move follows the successful 6-month Community Pool Staking Program Round I launched in late June 2023, along with the epic MainNet launch of the ARPA Network. We would like to thank our community for your unwavering support throughout the first round and sincerely invite you to join us on the future journey of ARPA ecosystem expansion. Records on Community Pool Staking Program Round I Throughout the last 6 months, Round I has seen an average monthly staking of over 50 million ARPA from over 120 unique wallet addresses. This substantial support bolstered our network security and stability, enabling the tech team to successfully launch ARPA Randcast on Ethereum, Optimism, and Base. As a token of gratitude, early supporters of the staking program have reaped annual reward rates ranging from a minimum of 18% to over 40%. Details of Community Pool Staking Program Round For those unfamiliar with the ARPA Network Community Pool Staking Program, it’s designed to reward early supporters who want to contribute to our network’s growth and earn passive income without running a node. Through an intuitive staking portal, ARPA holders can effortlessly stake their tokens, contributing to network robustness and enjoying a satisfying yield. In Round II, we are allocating 1.5 million ARPA tokens monthly as rewards. Stakers in the Community Pool will receive rewards based on their staking proportion to the pool’s cap, which remains at 100 million tokens. Elsewhere, reflecting our incremental cap increase during Round I, the individual cap grows from 2.5 million to 5 million, maintaining the no minimum requirement rule. Depositing and claiming remain flexible. However, it’s important to be aware that unstaking incurs a 14-day unlock period before tokens can be claimed. For detailed information on the staking program, please visit our documentation and the tutorial. In the future, we’re committed to advancing ARPA Network’s multi-chain strategy and expanding the Randcast ecosystem. Our focus includes pushing boundaries in Autonomous Worlds, fully on-chain games (FOCG), NFT distribution, wallet management, and DAO governance. For developers interested in building on ARPA Network and Randcast, make no hesitation and start exploring our code base now to bring forth innovative ideas and use cases. Or, try warming up with the ongoing bug bounty for some cool rewards! For developers keen on building with ARPA Network and Randcast, don’t hesitate to dive into our code base now to bring forth innovative ideas and use cases, or get started with our ongoing bug bounty for exciting rewards! Should you have any inquiries, please reach out via, or follow us on Twitter and join our community for future updates on the ARPA Network. ARPA Team About ARPA ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network. Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness. For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at Learn about ARPA’s recent official news: Twitter: @arpaofficial Medium: Discord: Telegram (English): Telegram (Turkish): Telegram (Việt Nam): Telegram (Russian): Telegram (Indonesian): Telegram(Sri Lanka): Telegram(Africa): Reddit:

ARPA Network Community Pool Staking Program Round II: Join Us in Ecosystem Expansion

Dear Community,

We are thrilled to announce the Community Pool Staking Program Round II is live! This exciting move follows the successful 6-month Community Pool Staking Program Round I launched in late June 2023, along with the epic MainNet launch of the ARPA Network. We would like to thank our community for your unwavering support throughout the first round and sincerely invite you to join us on the future journey of ARPA ecosystem expansion.

Records on Community Pool Staking Program Round I

Throughout the last 6 months, Round I has seen an average monthly staking of over 50 million ARPA from over 120 unique wallet addresses. This substantial support bolstered our network security and stability, enabling the tech team to successfully launch ARPA Randcast on Ethereum, Optimism, and Base. As a token of gratitude, early supporters of the staking program have reaped annual reward rates ranging from a minimum of 18% to over 40%.

Details of Community Pool Staking Program Round

For those unfamiliar with the ARPA Network Community Pool Staking Program, it’s designed to reward early supporters who want to contribute to our network’s growth and earn passive income without running a node. Through an intuitive staking portal, ARPA holders can effortlessly stake their tokens, contributing to network robustness and enjoying a satisfying yield.

In Round II, we are allocating 1.5 million ARPA tokens monthly as rewards. Stakers in the Community Pool will receive rewards based on their staking proportion to the pool’s cap, which remains at 100 million tokens. Elsewhere, reflecting our incremental cap increase during Round I, the individual cap grows from 2.5 million to 5 million, maintaining the no minimum requirement rule.

Depositing and claiming remain flexible. However, it’s important to be aware that unstaking incurs a 14-day unlock period before tokens can be claimed. For detailed information on the staking program, please visit our documentation and the tutorial.

In the future, we’re committed to advancing ARPA Network’s multi-chain strategy and expanding the Randcast ecosystem. Our focus includes pushing boundaries in Autonomous Worlds, fully on-chain games (FOCG), NFT distribution, wallet management, and DAO governance.

For developers interested in building on ARPA Network and Randcast, make no hesitation and start exploring our code base now to bring forth innovative ideas and use cases. Or, try warming up with the ongoing bug bounty for some cool rewards!

For developers keen on building with ARPA Network and Randcast, don’t hesitate to dive into our code base now to bring forth innovative ideas and use cases, or get started with our ongoing bug bounty for exciting rewards!

Should you have any inquiries, please reach out via, or follow us on Twitter and join our community for future updates on the ARPA Network.


About ARPA

ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains.

ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network.

Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness.

For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at

Learn about ARPA’s recent official news:

Twitter: @arpaofficial



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A Layman’s Guide to Cryptography in Decentralized SystemsEveryone talks about “crypto” when discussing blockchain, cryptocurrencies, or DeFi- but what does “crypto” mean? Why is it being used here? Most importantly, what does that mean for how all of these things work? The word “crypto” comes from Greek. It means “hidden” or “concealed.” The use of the word in blockchain-based applications comes to us from the word “cryptography,” which is the practice of secure communication. The goal of cryptography is to take a message and make it “hidden” or “concealed” in such a way that it cannot be viewed by anyone not authorized to see it but can be made legible again for the intended audience without too much trouble. Cryptography has been around for millennia and is always evolving. Cryptography can be fairly simple. At the most basic level, it requires turning a readable message, called “plaintext,” into something that makes no sense to anyone but the intended reader, called “ciphertext, ” and back again. This can be something as easy as the Caesar cipher. This code replaces each letter in a message with the letter three spots after it in the alphabet. Anyone who knows that replacement rule can easily decode the message, while anyone who does not will only see gibberish. Some of the most famous examples of cryptography are centralized. For much of history, this was necessary, as the codes needed to encode and decode text had to be physically exchanged between individuals each time the system changed or new parties were brought on board. In many use cases, this is fine. However, centralization can have problems. For example, if a large number of people are all using the exact same system to encode or decode messages -like if they all use the same standardized codebook- then all of their messages will all be easy to crack if an outsider acquires the codebook. Looking at history, we see that many extremely difficult-to-crack codes were solved by the code breakers getting their hands on the answers. Because one player in the centralized system made an error, the entire system was compromised. Some of the major breakthroughs in deciphering the Enigma code were made this way. However, as blockchain technology demonstrates, there is almost always a decentralized alternative to large, centralized systems. It turns out you don’t need a central authority to exchange accurate, secure, encrypted information between people. In this article, we will look at how cryptography is used in decentralized systems to make blockchain and cryptocurrency applications work. First, let’s look at how Bitcoin uses cryptography in a decentralized manner. The Bitcoin protocol uses “Asymmetric” or “public-key” cryptography1. This model, invented in the 1970s, allows for large groups of people to interact and share data securely with minimal oversight within an established infrastructure. In this system, every participant is issued two cryptographic keys. The first is a “public key.” This allows for people to encrypt a message for a specific recipient. This key can be shared far and wide. The second key a participant has is called the “private key.” It differs from the first and is very difficult to guess. This key is what allows for messages encrypted by the public key to be decrypted. To use an example from cryptocurrency and blockchain, the public key allows you to send tokens to your friend’s wallet. The private key allows them to access the wallet and use the tokens. Anyone can encrypt a message to send them tokens; only they can decrypt the message and get the tokens. Systems like this, not every blockchain operation relies on the same model, can run with minimal oversight once they are set up. It allows for all the benefits of a secure cryptographic system and the benefits of decentralization. This makes the advances we’ve seen in blockchain technology possible. In addition to letting you send and receive encoded messages, cryptography has many other uses in decentralized systems. Perhaps most importantly, they allow for secure communications between two parties. These systems allow for digital signatures and other authentication methods, allowing users to know they are talking with the right person, even while maintaining a degree of anonymity. They allow for data to be confirmed and for the integrity of transactions to be verified. They permit consensus algorithms to operate. By ensuring all participants have a consistent version of the transaction history, these algorithms maintain the integrity and security of decentralized blockchains. Of course, theory and practice are two different things. Let’s take a look at how decentralized cryptography works in a number of applications that are used every day. Digital Wallets Suppose that your friend to whom you sent tokens before wants to spend them on something. He’ll use his wallet to order a transaction from him to the vendor. When the action is phrased like that, it almost sounds like there are coins in his computer that your friend can take out and spend like dollar bills at a gas station. However, this isn’t the most accurate picture. If we look deeper, we can see how decentralized cryptography makes this action possible. First and foremost, the public key works like your address in this situation. By knowing their public key, you can send them tokens but can’t use them in the same way that you might know their physical address but can’t claim to own their house. Meanwhile, the private key allows them to access their wallet and confirm they own the tokens. It works like the key to their house- anyone can mail them something, but only the person with the key to the front door can go in. The tokens your friend wants to spend don’t exist in the wallet; they exist as records on the blockchain. When he wants to send his tokens out, he uses his private key to confirm that he owns his tokens and then does with them as he wishes. This is why it is so important to keep your private keys secret- anyone who has a private key to a wallet has full control over the funds. Digital Signatures Now imagine that your friend wants to send you a message. However, it is very important that you know it was from them and not an impostor. This is no problem for you two, as he can send you that message with a digital signature on the bottom. He sends it, and you are able to confirm that it was him. Digital signatures allow for messages or documents to be verified. The recipient of a message with a digital signature can be certain that it came from a specific sender. They rely on asymmetric systems, like the ones described above, but they work a little differently than most messages sent in those systems. Here, a signature is encoded using a private key and decoded using the public key. This signature is attached to another message. Just like before, there is only one private key per person, while the public key for that person can be widely shared. In algorithms that allow for digital signatures, such as DSA, ECDSA, or RSA, the public key can be used to determine that the matching private key was used to send the message. Smart Contracts Smart contracts are one of the more interesting programs run on blockchains. A contract is written and deployed on the platform, let’s say the Ethereum blockchain, that will interact with people in ways that are predetermined by the code. Let’s imagine that your friend has decided to start an art business. He writes a smart contract that will send a pre-made digital artwork for download to anyone who sends him enough money. This is stored in the blockchain and can be interacted with by anyone using that chain. You decide to be his first customer. Using the public key of the contract; you send it one coin. The contract, seeing that you sent enough money, grants access to your public key to download your picture. While you do that, the contract then sends your friend the money you paid using his public key. It then goes to his wallet. Data storage and retrieval Cryptography makes storing information on blockchains easy. As you probably know, when transactions occur on blockchains, they are recorded on a block and then stored for all time on distributed ledgers. The decentralized nature of this database keeps it honest, as updates to each ledger make any errors one a single one obvious. When the data is stored, shards of data are copied to prevent loss of data and encrypted with a private key. The copies are sent to many different ledgers for safekeeping, and the record of the copies being sent is recorded in the public ledger. The data is now safely stored, where it cannot be altered, in several different locations. When you want it back, you can use the private key to decode it. While different data storage systems have different advantages, this is an inexpensive way to record data, keep it encoded, and to secure it from a single-point failure. Cryptography gives blockchain and cryptocurrencies the tools they need to keep communications secret, secure, and stable. Decentralizing cryptography gives users the ability to communicate, securely send money, execute contracts, and store data without the need for an overbearing central authority. 1. As you might guess, “asymmetric” cryptography implies that a “symmetric” one exists. In these, the same key is used to decrypt and encrypt. It can be faster than asymmetric operations but has the problem of having to share the first key securely. About ARPA ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network. Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness. For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at Learn about ARPA’s recent official news: Twitter: @arpaofficial Medium: Discord: Telegram (English): Telegram (Turkish): Telegram (Việt Nam): Telegram (Russian): Telegram (Indonesian): Telegram(Sri Lanka): Telegram(Africa): Reddit:

A Layman’s Guide to Cryptography in Decentralized Systems

Everyone talks about “crypto” when discussing blockchain, cryptocurrencies, or DeFi- but what does “crypto” mean? Why is it being used here? Most importantly, what does that mean for how all of these things work?

The word “crypto” comes from Greek. It means “hidden” or “concealed.” The use of the word in blockchain-based applications comes to us from the word “cryptography,” which is the practice of secure communication. The goal of cryptography is to take a message and make it “hidden” or “concealed” in such a way that it cannot be viewed by anyone not authorized to see it but can be made legible again for the intended audience without too much trouble. Cryptography has been around for millennia and is always evolving.

Cryptography can be fairly simple. At the most basic level, it requires turning a readable message, called “plaintext,” into something that makes no sense to anyone but the intended reader, called “ciphertext, ” and back again. This can be something as easy as the Caesar cipher. This code replaces each letter in a message with the letter three spots after it in the alphabet. Anyone who knows that replacement rule can easily decode the message, while anyone who does not will only see gibberish.

Some of the most famous examples of cryptography are centralized. For much of history, this was necessary, as the codes needed to encode and decode text had to be physically exchanged between individuals each time the system changed or new parties were brought on board. In many use cases, this is fine. However, centralization can have problems. For example, if a large number of people are all using the exact same system to encode or decode messages -like if they all use the same standardized codebook- then all of their messages will all be easy to crack if an outsider acquires the codebook.

Looking at history, we see that many extremely difficult-to-crack codes were solved by the code breakers getting their hands on the answers. Because one player in the centralized system made an error, the entire system was compromised. Some of the major breakthroughs in deciphering the Enigma code were made this way.

However, as blockchain technology demonstrates, there is almost always a decentralized alternative to large, centralized systems. It turns out you don’t need a central authority to exchange accurate, secure, encrypted information between people. In this article, we will look at how cryptography is used in decentralized systems to make blockchain and cryptocurrency applications work. First, let’s look at how Bitcoin uses cryptography in a decentralized manner. The Bitcoin protocol uses “Asymmetric” or “public-key” cryptography1. This model, invented in the 1970s, allows for large groups of people to interact and share data securely with minimal oversight within an established infrastructure.

In this system, every participant is issued two cryptographic keys. The first is a “public key.” This allows for people to encrypt a message for a specific recipient. This key can be shared far and wide.

The second key a participant has is called the “private key.” It differs from the first and is very difficult to guess. This key is what allows for messages encrypted by the public key to be decrypted.

To use an example from cryptocurrency and blockchain, the public key allows you to send tokens to your friend’s wallet. The private key allows them to access the wallet and use the tokens. Anyone can encrypt a message to send them tokens; only they can decrypt the message and get the tokens.

Systems like this, not every blockchain operation relies on the same model, can run with minimal oversight once they are set up. It allows for all the benefits of a secure cryptographic system and the benefits of decentralization. This makes the advances we’ve seen in blockchain technology possible.

In addition to letting you send and receive encoded messages, cryptography has many other uses in decentralized systems.

Perhaps most importantly, they allow for secure communications between two parties. These systems allow for digital signatures and other authentication methods, allowing users to know they are talking with the right person, even while maintaining a degree of anonymity. They allow for data to be confirmed and for the integrity of transactions to be verified. They permit consensus algorithms to operate. By ensuring all participants have a consistent version of the transaction history, these algorithms maintain the integrity and security of decentralized blockchains.

Of course, theory and practice are two different things. Let’s take a look at how decentralized cryptography works in a number of applications that are used every day.

Digital Wallets

Suppose that your friend to whom you sent tokens before wants to spend them on something. He’ll use his wallet to order a transaction from him to the vendor. When the action is phrased like that, it almost sounds like there are coins in his computer that your friend can take out and spend like dollar bills at a gas station. However, this isn’t the most accurate picture. If we look deeper, we can see how decentralized cryptography makes this action possible.

First and foremost, the public key works like your address in this situation. By knowing their public key, you can send them tokens but can’t use them in the same way that you might know their physical address but can’t claim to own their house. Meanwhile, the private key allows them to access their wallet and confirm they own the tokens. It works like the key to their house- anyone can mail them something, but only the person with the key to the front door can go in.

The tokens your friend wants to spend don’t exist in the wallet; they exist as records on the blockchain. When he wants to send his tokens out, he uses his private key to confirm that he owns his tokens and then does with them as he wishes. This is why it is so important to keep your private keys secret- anyone who has a private key to a wallet has full control over the funds.

Digital Signatures

Now imagine that your friend wants to send you a message. However, it is very important that you know it was from them and not an impostor. This is no problem for you two, as he can send you that message with a digital signature on the bottom. He sends it, and you are able to confirm that it was him.

Digital signatures allow for messages or documents to be verified. The recipient of a message with a digital signature can be certain that it came from a specific sender. They rely on asymmetric systems, like the ones described above, but they work a little differently than most messages sent in those systems. Here, a signature is encoded using a private key and decoded using the public key. This signature is attached to another message.

Just like before, there is only one private key per person, while the public key for that person can be widely shared. In algorithms that allow for digital signatures, such as DSA, ECDSA, or RSA, the public key can be used to determine that the matching private key was used to send the message.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are one of the more interesting programs run on blockchains. A contract is written and deployed on the platform, let’s say the Ethereum blockchain, that will interact with people in ways that are predetermined by the code.

Let’s imagine that your friend has decided to start an art business. He writes a smart contract that will send a pre-made digital artwork for download to anyone who sends him enough money. This is stored in the blockchain and can be interacted with by anyone using that chain. You decide to be his first customer. Using the public key of the contract; you send it one coin. The contract, seeing that you sent enough money, grants access to your public key to download your picture. While you do that, the contract then sends your friend the money you paid using his public key. It then goes to his wallet.

Data storage and retrieval

Cryptography makes storing information on blockchains easy. As you probably know, when transactions occur on blockchains, they are recorded on a block and then stored for all time on distributed ledgers. The decentralized nature of this database keeps it honest, as updates to each ledger make any errors one a single one obvious.

When the data is stored, shards of data are copied to prevent loss of data and encrypted with a private key. The copies are sent to many different ledgers for safekeeping, and the record of the copies being sent is recorded in the public ledger. The data is now safely stored, where it cannot be altered, in several different locations. When you want it back, you can use the private key to decode it. While different data storage systems have different advantages, this is an inexpensive way to record data, keep it encoded, and to secure it from a single-point failure.

Cryptography gives blockchain and cryptocurrencies the tools they need to keep communications secret, secure, and stable. Decentralizing cryptography gives users the ability to communicate, securely send money, execute contracts, and store data without the need for an overbearing central authority.

1. As you might guess, “asymmetric” cryptography implies that a “symmetric” one exists. In these, the same key is used to decrypt and encrypt. It can be faster than asymmetric operations but has the problem of having to share the first key securely.

About ARPA

ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains.

ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network.

Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness.

For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at

Learn about ARPA’s recent official news:

Twitter: @arpaofficial



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2024 Crypto Events Calendar: Your Q1 GuideAs we approach 2024, the pace in crypto and Web 3.0 is already accelerating. 2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year, and we are here to guide you through the must-visit events of Q1. Think of this as your insider’s roadmap to where the crypto magic happens — from Dubai’s bustling investor hubs to Lisbon’s creative crypto gatherings. Ready to explore, network, and get ahead in the world of crypto and Web 3.0? Let’s dive into where you need to be this quarter! METAVSUMMIT Link: Time: January 10–11, 2024 Location: Dubai, UAE METAVSUMMIT stands out as a premier gathering in Dubai, attracting investors eager to discover the next big thing in Metaverse and Web 3.0 technologies. This summit is not just about networking; it’s a strategic convergence point for companies to gain deep insights into the rapidly evolving Web 3.0 landscape. Attendees, including major strategic partners and Fortune 500 companies, immerse themselves in an environment ripe for education, partnership-building, and high-quality, targeted interactions. For startups and established entities alike, this summit is a gateway to forming long-lasting business relationships in the world of Blockchain, Metaverse, and NFTs. iFX EXPO Dubai Link: Time: January 16–18, 2024 Location: Dubai, UAE iFX EXPO in Dubai stands out as a comprehensive platform for the financial sector’s needs, ranging from market research to blockchain-powered solutions. This event is a haven for traders seeking reputable brokers and insights into the latest market trends. Its focus on educational content makes it indispensable for businesses in the ledger technology arena, offering a window to the newest in regulatory, audit, legal, and compliance aspects. World Crypto Forum Link: Time: January 15–19, 2024 Location: Davos, Switzerland Set against the backdrop of picturesque Davos, the World Crypto Forum is more than an event; it’s a revolutionary platform for industry leaders, experts, and innovators. This forum offers an interactive format filled with thematic dialogues, roundtables, and ample networking opportunities. It’s designed to foster a productive environment where influential voices exchange ideas, driving the advancement of the Web3 space. Attendees gain invaluable insights from global industry experts, learning about business transformation and the latest trends in Web3. CATALYST Link: Time: February 21–22, 2024 Location: Lisbon, Portugal CATALYST in Lisbon is an immersive networking event bringing together a diverse group ranging from artists to technologists. This event is an exploration of the future of money, offering thought-provoking discussions and impactful networking opportunities. Attendees will immerse themselves in an environment designed to inspire and educate through mainstage talks and hands-on workshops. Lisbon, with its unique blend of history and modernity, provides the perfect backdrop for this avant-garde gathering, promising attendees not just insights but an experience that resonates with the city’s vibrant culture. ETHDenver Link: Time: February 23 — March 3, 2024 Location: Denver, USA ETHDenver stands as the largest Web3 #BUIDLathon globally, attracting Ethereum and other blockchain protocol enthusiasts. This event is a creative hub for designers, developers, and blockchain companies, offering an open-source format for all attendees. The main event features influential talks, workshops, collaborative project spaces, art installations, live music, and networking events. The community participates to contribute to the global blockchain ecosystem in various capacities, from developing dApps to starting infrastructure projects. ETHDenver is community-funded, and SporkDAO’s mission to build a decentralized future in Colorado, including a $10 million fund for project investments, positions this event as an incubator and launchpad for year-round innovation. Blockchain Dubai Exhibition & Summit Link: Time: February 27–28, 2024 Location: Dubai, UAE The Blockchain Dubai Exhibition & Summit is a pinnacle event blending Blockchain, AI, and Gaming. This conference is not just about technology; it’s about shaping the future of industries and societies. Under the patronage of HH Sheikh Mohamed Bin Ahmed Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan, this event transcends a typical conference, offering a platform for pioneers to reimagine new realms of innovation. The summit invites participants to innovate within the thriving world of Blockchain Technology, with exhibitions, keynotes, and panels focusing on empowering attendees to shape the narrative of blockchain’s future. Blockchain Festival Asia Link: Time: March 2, 2024 Location: Singapore Blockchain Festival Singapore is a major innovative event in Southeast Asia, encompassing a wide range of topics from Blockchain technology to GameFi. As a crypto-friendly epicenter, Singapore invites global companies to partake in this remarkable event. The festival features top professionals and global leaders from diverse sectors, including blockchain, DeFi, NFTs, and the broader fintech industry. It’s an ideal venue for companies and individuals looking to engage with the latest innovations and opportunities in the cryptocurrency and fintech community. WOW Summit Link: Time: March 26–27, 2024 Location: Hong Kong The WOW Summit in Hong Kong is a major Web3 event in the APAC region, building on the success of previous summits. Hong Kong is experiencing a surge in the Web3 space, bolstered by new government guidelines and regulations. This summit offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with industry leaders, government officials, venture capitalists, and entrepreneurs. It’s designed to bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 spaces, providing a platform for high-class networking, critical discussions, and exploring business opportunities. Attendees will not only gain insights into the industry but also enjoy memorable experiences in one of the world’s most dynamic cities. About ARPA ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network. Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness. For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at Learn about ARPA’s recent official news: Twitter: @arpaofficial Medium: Discord: Telegram (English): Telegram (Turkish): Telegram (Việt Nam): Telegram (Russian): Telegram (Indonesian): Telegram(Sri Lanka): Telegram(Africa): Reddit:

2024 Crypto Events Calendar: Your Q1 Guide

As we approach 2024, the pace in crypto and Web 3.0 is already accelerating. 2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year, and we are here to guide you through the must-visit events of Q1. Think of this as your insider’s roadmap to where the crypto magic happens — from Dubai’s bustling investor hubs to Lisbon’s creative crypto gatherings. Ready to explore, network, and get ahead in the world of crypto and Web 3.0? Let’s dive into where you need to be this quarter!



Time: January 10–11, 2024

Location: Dubai, UAE

METAVSUMMIT stands out as a premier gathering in Dubai, attracting investors eager to discover the next big thing in Metaverse and Web 3.0 technologies. This summit is not just about networking; it’s a strategic convergence point for companies to gain deep insights into the rapidly evolving Web 3.0 landscape. Attendees, including major strategic partners and Fortune 500 companies, immerse themselves in an environment ripe for education, partnership-building, and high-quality, targeted interactions. For startups and established entities alike, this summit is a gateway to forming long-lasting business relationships in the world of Blockchain, Metaverse, and NFTs.

iFX EXPO Dubai


Time: January 16–18, 2024

Location: Dubai, UAE

iFX EXPO in Dubai stands out as a comprehensive platform for the financial sector’s needs, ranging from market research to blockchain-powered solutions. This event is a haven for traders seeking reputable brokers and insights into the latest market trends. Its focus on educational content makes it indispensable for businesses in the ledger technology arena, offering a window to the newest in regulatory, audit, legal, and compliance aspects.

World Crypto Forum


Time: January 15–19, 2024

Location: Davos, Switzerland

Set against the backdrop of picturesque Davos, the World Crypto Forum is more than an event; it’s a revolutionary platform for industry leaders, experts, and innovators. This forum offers an interactive format filled with thematic dialogues, roundtables, and ample networking opportunities. It’s designed to foster a productive environment where influential voices exchange ideas, driving the advancement of the Web3 space. Attendees gain invaluable insights from global industry experts, learning about business transformation and the latest trends in Web3.



Time: February 21–22, 2024

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

CATALYST in Lisbon is an immersive networking event bringing together a diverse group ranging from artists to technologists. This event is an exploration of the future of money, offering thought-provoking discussions and impactful networking opportunities. Attendees will immerse themselves in an environment designed to inspire and educate through mainstage talks and hands-on workshops. Lisbon, with its unique blend of history and modernity, provides the perfect backdrop for this avant-garde gathering, promising attendees not just insights but an experience that resonates with the city’s vibrant culture.



Time: February 23 — March 3, 2024

Location: Denver, USA

ETHDenver stands as the largest Web3 #BUIDLathon globally, attracting Ethereum and other blockchain protocol enthusiasts. This event is a creative hub for designers, developers, and blockchain companies, offering an open-source format for all attendees. The main event features influential talks, workshops, collaborative project spaces, art installations, live music, and networking events. The community participates to contribute to the global blockchain ecosystem in various capacities, from developing dApps to starting infrastructure projects. ETHDenver is community-funded, and SporkDAO’s mission to build a decentralized future in Colorado, including a $10 million fund for project investments, positions this event as an incubator and launchpad for year-round innovation.

Blockchain Dubai Exhibition & Summit


Time: February 27–28, 2024

Location: Dubai, UAE

The Blockchain Dubai Exhibition & Summit is a pinnacle event blending Blockchain, AI, and Gaming. This conference is not just about technology; it’s about shaping the future of industries and societies. Under the patronage of HH Sheikh Mohamed Bin Ahmed Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan, this event transcends a typical conference, offering a platform for pioneers to reimagine new realms of innovation. The summit invites participants to innovate within the thriving world of Blockchain Technology, with exhibitions, keynotes, and panels focusing on empowering attendees to shape the narrative of blockchain’s future.

Blockchain Festival Asia


Time: March 2, 2024

Location: Singapore

Blockchain Festival Singapore is a major innovative event in Southeast Asia, encompassing a wide range of topics from Blockchain technology to GameFi. As a crypto-friendly epicenter, Singapore invites global companies to partake in this remarkable event. The festival features top professionals and global leaders from diverse sectors, including blockchain, DeFi, NFTs, and the broader fintech industry. It’s an ideal venue for companies and individuals looking to engage with the latest innovations and opportunities in the cryptocurrency and fintech community.

WOW Summit


Time: March 26–27, 2024

Location: Hong Kong

The WOW Summit in Hong Kong is a major Web3 event in the APAC region, building on the success of previous summits. Hong Kong is experiencing a surge in the Web3 space, bolstered by new government guidelines and regulations. This summit offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with industry leaders, government officials, venture capitalists, and entrepreneurs. It’s designed to bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 spaces, providing a platform for high-class networking, critical discussions, and exploring business opportunities. Attendees will not only gain insights into the industry but also enjoy memorable experiences in one of the world’s most dynamic cities.

About ARPA

ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains.

ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network.

Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness.

For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at

Learn about ARPA’s recent official news:

Twitter: @arpaofficial



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ARPA Monthly Report | November Progress ReviewDear ARPA Community, To ensure that the ARPA community is well-informed on the team’s latest improvements, we update ARPA’s development dynamics and progress through our monthly report. Thank you all for your support! Here is a look back at November. Enjoy! 01 ARPA Development Dynamics & Technology Progress Launched Randcast Playground website Displayed ‘Trusted By’ part on the randcast page of the ARPA Network website Added test cases of Randcast SharedConsumer contract Improved gas price estimator for EIP1559 transactions Supported Base mainnet and Base Goerli 02 Community, Marketing & Listings Randcast Launched on Base: Propelling ARPA Network’s Multi-Ecosystem Advancement On November 30th, ARPA Randcast was officially launched on Base! This marks the beginning of our expansion into OP Stack chains, and it also aligns with our goal to provide a more immersive experience for developers and users in the realm of fully on-chain games and Autonomous Worlds. Games can play a crucial role in building a successful public chain ecosystem. However, competing in the on-chain gaming arena requires overcoming several challenges, such as performance limitations, poor game design, and a high entry threshold for new players. One of the main issues that contribute to these challenges is the lack of reliable and developer-friendly tools. Randcast is strategically positioned to address some of these problems by offering effective and user-friendly on-chain randomness oracle solutions. Read more details below: Randcast Launch on Base: Propelling ARPA Network’s Multi-Ecosystem Advancement Protocol Village: ARPA's Random Number Generator Launches on Base ARPA Partners With STP for AWNS Giveaway On November 21st, ARPA organized a giveaway event in collaboration with STP for Autonomous World Name Service (AWNS). During the event, 10 Premium ARPA domain AWNS were given away to the lucky winners. Each AWNS is a unique NFT that enables the holder to easily connect with any Autonomous Worlds application or game. Moreover, the holder can earn experiences and badges across multiple games or use historical data to make DID and social profiles visible for open interaction and collaboration. Watch this video to see how we selected the winners using Randcast Playground: <a href=""></a> Opinion Article: Not All Random Number Generators Are Created Equal Are you a developer who’s ever questioned the universe’s randomness? Brace yourself for a fascinating journey into the realm of Random Number Generators in our latest Hackernoon piece! Explore everything from ‘fair play’ in games to ‘luck’ in NFT drops as we uncover the secrets of RNGs. Plus, learn how Randcast is reshaping the future of blockchain for a fairer world. Whether you’re crafting the next viral game or pioneering a groundbreaking DApp, join the randomness revolution with ARPA’s Randcast. Who needs luck when you have rock-solid code? Not All Random Number Generators Are Created Equal | HackerNoon ARPA Guide: Cryptography 101 Have you always wanted to learn more about Cryptography? In this opinion piece published on November 20th, we delve into the fascinating world of cryptography, an age-old practice of sending secret messages that have evolved significantly over the centuries. From its origins dating back to ancient Egypt and India, where philosophers recognized the value of concealed messages, to the rudimentary Caesar cipher, cryptography has come a long way. While classical ciphers relied on simple substitution techniques and were susceptible to decryption with enough time and effort, modern cryptography, which emerged around 1970, has ushered in a new era of complex encryption methods. With technological advancements, public key encryption systems now allow for secure communication by sharing encryption keys widely while keeping decryption keys private. Today, cryptography plays a crucial role in various applications, from blockchain technology to end-to-end encryption and hash functions, ensuring the protection of information in an increasingly interconnected world. Read the article here: Cryptography 101 ARPA CTO Spoke at Komorebi Hacker House Event On November 17th, our CTO participated in a hacker house event hosted by Komorebi and sponsored by ARPA Network. The event brought together leading projects in the fields of Autonomous World and Fully-On-Chain-Game. In this event , builders from IOSG, Starknet foundation, Optimism, and Mask Network, among others, shared and discussed ideas related to what they were building. With collaborations and sharing happening between builders, we can expect new breakthroughs sooner rather than later. ARPA Hosted Istanbul Nightopia On November 16th, ARPA hosted Istanbul Nightopia with CyberConnect, DWFLabs, DODO, and EthSign. Held at an event venue with a rooftop view of the Bosphorus, Istanbul Nightopia connected community leaders, KOLs, leading projects in Autonomous Worlds, DeFi and Web3 Venture Capitalists. A big thank you to our sponsors, Bella Protocol, Particle Network, Delysium, and Owlto. With a live band, breathtaking view and top projects, Istanbul Nightopia gave all attendees a night to remember. ARPA Co-Hosted AW Day With AW Research On November 14th, ARPA co-hosted AW Day with AW Research. AW Day was one of the biggest Autonomous Worlds events held during Devconnect, bringing together leading builders, projects and venture capitalists in this field. AW Day featured panel discussions around exciting topics, such as Fully-On-Chain-Games, Tooling & Infrastructure, World Building, and AW Ventures. In addition to the panel discussions, projects gave demos of their products and new releases. There were several exciting new developments, including game features and infrastructure tools, that got us excited about the future of Autonomous Worlds. One highlight was the demonstration of Randcast by our BD Lead, Jason Zhao, to all the attendees at the event. This helped to increase awareness of Randcast among fully on-chain game builders. Check out this Twitter thread by AW Research compiling the exciting developments that were unveiled on AW Day. A big thank you to Starkware network, Adventure Gold DAO, Particle Network, and DODO for sponsoring this event. AW Research on Twitter: "AW Day was held by @CheDAOLabs @AW_Research @arpaofficial with great success.The event attracted a full house of enthusiasts and creators, all deeply engaged in the marvels of #AW and #FOCG.1/15 / Twitter" AW Day was held by @CheDAOLabs @AW_Research @arpaofficial with great success.The event attracted a full house of enthusiasts and creators, all deeply engaged in the marvels of #AW and #FOCG.1/15 ARPA Released Randcast Playground and Hosted Lucky Draw On November 10th, we released the Randcast Playground, our latest demo that showcases the on-chain verifiable randomness oracle. This release makes on-chain randomness easily accessible to the user. With Randcast Playground, users can execute commands such as “draw” to select lucky draw winners and “cast” to roll a D6 die. Watch the video of a lucky draw using this tool, or try it out yourself at <a href=""></a> ARPA Partners With UQUID for Black Friday We were happy to have partnered with UQUID to offer great deals for Black Friday on November 8th. From November 8th to November 30th, users were able to purchase items on UQUID using the ARPA token, with discounts of up to 80%. UQUID is a leading online marketplace that allows you to pay for products in crypto. Since 2016, Uquid has focused on developing an outstanding Web3 shopping infrastructure with millions of both physical and digital products with the objective to serve 50 million users by 2027. Check out more here: Uquid | Smart shopping in web3.0 with millions products | Uquid shopping cart: Online shopping with crypto currencies ARPA at Binance Blockchain Week ARPA had an exciting presence at Binance Blockchain Week during the week of November 8th. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet our vibrant Turkish community and partners face-to-face at the event! We distributed lots of ARPA swag items and forged connections with numerous potential collaborators for future endeavors. Did you have a chance to visit our booth during the event? ARPA Hosted Side Event in Turkey With Contentos, Kriptocuma and AltcoinTurk On November 10th, ARPA co-hosted the first of many events in Istanbul, Turkey. Together with Contentos and KriptoCuma, we held a meeting with the Turkish community at Altcointurk. Contentos, a decentralized content ecosystem that empowers creators to earn from their content, and KriptoCuma, the platform connecting the Turkish Web3 community through local networking events, joined hands with ARPA for this initiative. We take great pride in our partnership with these two projects, as it brings us even closer to the heart of the Turkish community. ARPA Selected Binance Blockchain Week Giveaway Winners Using Randcast Back on November 1st, we announced the fortunate winners of our Binance Blockchain Week giveaway, thanks to the ARPA Randcast. A big congratulations goes out to Samir and Ilhan for snagging those coveted two event tickets! In the spirit of transparency, we have recorded the selection process that shows how the two winners were randomly selected using Randcast. ARPA Official on Twitter: "🎞️Here comes the screen-cap video of the lucky draw done with our #RNG.🧑‍💻For Arparians who want to get more hands on⬇️portal/tool:🔗Subscribe randomness on #Randcast:📃Interact with smart contract on Remix (docs👉) / Twitter" 🎞️Here comes the screen-cap video of the lucky draw done with our #RNG.🧑‍💻For Arparians who want to get more hands on⬇️portal/tool:🔗Subscribe randomness on #Randcast:📃Interact with smart contract on Remix (docs👉) If you’re interested in getting hands-on with the tool, simply head over to the Randcast Subscription Portal and start interacting with the smart contract using Remix. It’s a great way to experience it firsthand! CoinDesk Publishes Felix’s Opinion Article: In Crypto’s Autonomous Worlds, Creators Are Architects and Users Are Stakeholders In an opinion piece published on CoinDesk on October 31st, ARPA CEO Felix Xu delved into the shortcomings of Web 2.0 and the re-emerging challenges associated with centralization. He underscored the adverse effects of the extraction model on various stakeholders, including users, businesses, developers, and creators. This model often led to limited revenue-sharing opportunities and the constant threat of deplatforming. He also emphasized the pivotal shift towards decentralized Autonomous Worlds as a solution, where digital ecosystems operate independently under transparent parameters, enabling true user agency and unmediated creator-consumer interactions. In these novel environments, the distinction between creators and consumers blurs, fostering collaborative, community-driven content creation and equitable profit distribution. Autonomous Worlds not only embody the essence of Web 3.0 but also promise a return to the internet’s collaborative roots, empowering users to architect their digital experiences. Read the opinion piece in full here: In Crypto's 'Autonomous Worlds,' Creators Are Architects and Users Are Stakeholders About ARPA ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network. Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness. For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at Learn about ARPA’s recent official news: Twitter: @arpaofficial Medium: Discord: Telegram (English): Telegram (Turkish): Telegram (Việt Nam): Telegram (Russian): Telegram (Indonesian): Telegram(Sri Lanka): Telegram(Africa): Reddit:

ARPA Monthly Report | November Progress Review

Dear ARPA Community,

To ensure that the ARPA community is well-informed on the team’s latest improvements, we update ARPA’s development dynamics and progress through our monthly report. Thank you all for your support!

Here is a look back at November. Enjoy!

01 ARPA Development Dynamics & Technology Progress

Launched Randcast Playground website

Displayed ‘Trusted By’ part on the randcast page of the ARPA Network website

Added test cases of Randcast SharedConsumer contract

Improved gas price estimator for EIP1559 transactions

Supported Base mainnet and Base Goerli

02 Community, Marketing & Listings

Randcast Launched on Base: Propelling ARPA Network’s Multi-Ecosystem Advancement

On November 30th, ARPA Randcast was officially launched on Base! This marks the beginning of our expansion into OP Stack chains, and it also aligns with our goal to provide a more immersive experience for developers and users in the realm of fully on-chain games and Autonomous Worlds.

Games can play a crucial role in building a successful public chain ecosystem. However, competing in the on-chain gaming arena requires overcoming several challenges, such as performance limitations, poor game design, and a high entry threshold for new players. One of the main issues that contribute to these challenges is the lack of reliable and developer-friendly tools. Randcast is strategically positioned to address some of these problems by offering effective and user-friendly on-chain randomness oracle solutions.

Read more details below:

Randcast Launch on Base: Propelling ARPA Network’s Multi-Ecosystem Advancement

Protocol Village: ARPA's Random Number Generator Launches on Base

ARPA Partners With STP for AWNS Giveaway

On November 21st, ARPA organized a giveaway event in collaboration with STP for Autonomous World Name Service (AWNS). During the event, 10 Premium ARPA domain AWNS were given away to the lucky winners. Each AWNS is a unique NFT that enables the holder to easily connect with any Autonomous Worlds application or game. Moreover, the holder can earn experiences and badges across multiple games or use historical data to make DID and social profiles visible for open interaction and collaboration.

Watch this video to see how we selected the winners using Randcast Playground:

<a href=""></a> Opinion Article: Not All Random Number Generators Are Created Equal

Are you a developer who’s ever questioned the universe’s randomness? Brace yourself for a fascinating journey into the realm of Random Number Generators in our latest Hackernoon piece! Explore everything from ‘fair play’ in games to ‘luck’ in NFT drops as we uncover the secrets of RNGs. Plus, learn how Randcast is reshaping the future of blockchain for a fairer world. Whether you’re crafting the next viral game or pioneering a groundbreaking DApp, join the randomness revolution with ARPA’s Randcast. Who needs luck when you have rock-solid code?

Not All Random Number Generators Are Created Equal | HackerNoon

ARPA Guide: Cryptography 101

Have you always wanted to learn more about Cryptography? In this opinion piece published on November 20th, we delve into the fascinating world of cryptography, an age-old practice of sending secret messages that have evolved significantly over the centuries. From its origins dating back to ancient Egypt and India, where philosophers recognized the value of concealed messages, to the rudimentary Caesar cipher, cryptography has come a long way. While classical ciphers relied on simple substitution techniques and were susceptible to decryption with enough time and effort, modern cryptography, which emerged around 1970, has ushered in a new era of complex encryption methods. With technological advancements, public key encryption systems now allow for secure communication by sharing encryption keys widely while keeping decryption keys private. Today, cryptography plays a crucial role in various applications, from blockchain technology to end-to-end encryption and hash functions, ensuring the protection of information in an increasingly interconnected world.

Read the article here:

Cryptography 101

ARPA CTO Spoke at Komorebi Hacker House Event

On November 17th, our CTO participated in a hacker house event hosted by Komorebi and sponsored by ARPA Network. The event brought together leading projects in the fields of Autonomous World and Fully-On-Chain-Game. In this event , builders from IOSG, Starknet foundation, Optimism, and Mask Network, among others, shared and discussed ideas related to what they were building. With collaborations and sharing happening between builders, we can expect new breakthroughs sooner rather than later.

ARPA Hosted Istanbul Nightopia

On November 16th, ARPA hosted Istanbul Nightopia with CyberConnect, DWFLabs, DODO, and EthSign. Held at an event venue with a rooftop view of the Bosphorus, Istanbul Nightopia connected community leaders, KOLs, leading projects in Autonomous Worlds, DeFi and Web3 Venture Capitalists. A big thank you to our sponsors, Bella Protocol, Particle Network, Delysium, and Owlto. With a live band, breathtaking view and top projects, Istanbul Nightopia gave all attendees a night to remember.

ARPA Co-Hosted AW Day With AW Research

On November 14th, ARPA co-hosted AW Day with AW Research. AW Day was one of the biggest Autonomous Worlds events held during Devconnect, bringing together leading builders, projects and venture capitalists in this field. AW Day featured panel discussions around exciting topics, such as Fully-On-Chain-Games, Tooling & Infrastructure, World Building, and AW Ventures.

In addition to the panel discussions, projects gave demos of their products and new releases. There were several exciting new developments, including game features and infrastructure tools, that got us excited about the future of Autonomous Worlds. One highlight was the demonstration of Randcast by our BD Lead, Jason Zhao, to all the attendees at the event. This helped to increase awareness of Randcast among fully on-chain game builders.

Check out this Twitter thread by AW Research compiling the exciting developments that were unveiled on AW Day. A big thank you to Starkware network, Adventure Gold DAO, Particle Network, and DODO for sponsoring this event.

AW Research on Twitter: "AW Day was held by @CheDAOLabs @AW_Research @arpaofficial with great success.The event attracted a full house of enthusiasts and creators, all deeply engaged in the marvels of #AW and #FOCG.1/15 / Twitter"

AW Day was held by @CheDAOLabs @AW_Research @arpaofficial with great success.The event attracted a full house of enthusiasts and creators, all deeply engaged in the marvels of #AW and #FOCG.1/15

ARPA Released Randcast Playground and Hosted Lucky Draw

On November 10th, we released the Randcast Playground, our latest demo that showcases the on-chain verifiable randomness oracle. This release makes on-chain randomness easily accessible to the user. With Randcast Playground, users can execute commands such as “draw” to select lucky draw winners and “cast” to roll a D6 die. Watch the video of a lucky draw using this tool, or try it out yourself at

<a href=""></a> ARPA Partners With UQUID for Black Friday

We were happy to have partnered with UQUID to offer great deals for Black Friday on November 8th. From November 8th to November 30th, users were able to purchase items on UQUID using the ARPA token, with discounts of up to 80%. UQUID is a leading online marketplace that allows you to pay for products in crypto. Since 2016, Uquid has focused on developing an outstanding Web3 shopping infrastructure with millions of both physical and digital products with the objective to serve 50 million users by 2027.

Check out more here:

Uquid | Smart shopping in web3.0 with millions products | Uquid shopping cart: Online shopping with crypto currencies

ARPA at Binance Blockchain Week

ARPA had an exciting presence at Binance Blockchain Week during the week of November 8th. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet our vibrant Turkish community and partners face-to-face at the event! We distributed lots of ARPA swag items and forged connections with numerous potential collaborators for future endeavors. Did you have a chance to visit our booth during the event?

ARPA Hosted Side Event in Turkey With Contentos, Kriptocuma and AltcoinTurk

On November 10th, ARPA co-hosted the first of many events in Istanbul, Turkey. Together with Contentos and KriptoCuma, we held a meeting with the Turkish community at Altcointurk. Contentos, a decentralized content ecosystem that empowers creators to earn from their content, and KriptoCuma, the platform connecting the Turkish Web3 community through local networking events, joined hands with ARPA for this initiative. We take great pride in our partnership with these two projects, as it brings us even closer to the heart of the Turkish community.

ARPA Selected Binance Blockchain Week Giveaway Winners Using Randcast

Back on November 1st, we announced the fortunate winners of our Binance Blockchain Week giveaway, thanks to the ARPA Randcast. A big congratulations goes out to Samir and Ilhan for snagging those coveted two event tickets! In the spirit of transparency, we have recorded the selection process that shows how the two winners were randomly selected using Randcast.

ARPA Official on Twitter: "🎞️Here comes the screen-cap video of the lucky draw done with our #RNG.🧑‍💻For Arparians who want to get more hands on⬇️portal/tool:🔗Subscribe randomness on #Randcast:📃Interact with smart contract on Remix (docs👉) / Twitter"

🎞️Here comes the screen-cap video of the lucky draw done with our #RNG.🧑‍💻For Arparians who want to get more hands on⬇️portal/tool:🔗Subscribe randomness on #Randcast:📃Interact with smart contract on Remix (docs👉)

If you’re interested in getting hands-on with the tool, simply head over to the Randcast Subscription Portal and start interacting with the smart contract using Remix. It’s a great way to experience it firsthand!

CoinDesk Publishes Felix’s Opinion Article: In Crypto’s Autonomous Worlds, Creators Are Architects and Users Are Stakeholders

In an opinion piece published on CoinDesk on October 31st, ARPA CEO Felix Xu delved into the shortcomings of Web 2.0 and the re-emerging challenges associated with centralization. He underscored the adverse effects of the extraction model on various stakeholders, including users, businesses, developers, and creators. This model often led to limited revenue-sharing opportunities and the constant threat of deplatforming.

He also emphasized the pivotal shift towards decentralized Autonomous Worlds as a solution, where digital ecosystems operate independently under transparent parameters, enabling true user agency and unmediated creator-consumer interactions. In these novel environments, the distinction between creators and consumers blurs, fostering collaborative, community-driven content creation and equitable profit distribution. Autonomous Worlds not only embody the essence of Web 3.0 but also promise a return to the internet’s collaborative roots, empowering users to architect their digital experiences.

Read the opinion piece in full here:

In Crypto's 'Autonomous Worlds,' Creators Are Architects and Users Are Stakeholders

About ARPA

ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains.

ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network.

Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness.

For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at

Learn about ARPA’s recent official news:

Twitter: @arpaofficial



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Join ARPA’s Bug Bounty Program With Immunefi — Up to $50,000 in Rewards!Join ARPA’s Bug Bounty Program with Immunefi — Up to $50,000 in Rewards! Dear Developers, We’re excited to announce the launch of the ARPA Network Bug Bounty Program in partnership with Immunefi, web3’s leading bug bounty platform. This program is a testament to our commitment to security and the continuous improvement of the ARPA ecosystem. Program Overview ARPA Network, crafted by a team of cryptographers, engineers, and entrepreneurs, is dedicated to building a decentralized blockchain ecosystem. This Bug Bounty Program is an integral part of our security measures, inviting whitehat hackers and security researchers to help us identify potential vulnerabilities. Feel free to take a closer look at the “Developers” section of our website for the complete list of tech documents before starting debugging. Program Highlights Live Date: December 12th, 2023 Maximum of USD 50,000 for critical smart contract bugs. Rewards vary based on the threat level. See the detailed reward structure here. Scope: Primarily focused on blockchain/DLT, smart contracts, and websites/applications. For detailed assets in scope, visit ARPA’s GitHub and Immunefi’s Program Page. Out-of-scope items include attacks on test files, basic economic and governance attacks, and vulnerabilities requiring privileged access, among others. KYC is required to receive a reward (details required: legal name, email, phone number). KYC is only required upon confirmation of a valid bug report. Rewards Structure Critical Bugs: Up to $50,000 for smart contract vulnerabilities, and up to $10,000 for Blockchain/DLT, website, and application bugs. Other Categories: Different reward tiers for various severity levels (high, medium). Payment: Rewards are paid in a combination of USDT and ARPA tokens, based on the average price from CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko at the time of report submission. How to Submit Find a bug within the specified scope. Create a detailed report including a Proof of Concept (PoC). All PoCs submitted must comply with the Immunefi-wide PoC Guidelines and Rules. Bug report submissions without a PoC when a PoC is required will not be provided with a reward. Submit your report through Immunefi’s platform. Important Considerations Known Issue Assurance: We disclose known issues publicly or at the very least privately via a self-reported bug submission in order to allow for a more objective and streamlined mediation process to prove that an issue is known. Repeatable Attack Limitations: In cases of repeatable attacks for smart contract bugs, only the first attack will be counted, regardless of whether the smart contract is upgradable, pausable, or killable. Out of Scope & Rules: Certain impacts and activities are excluded (details on our Program Page) This is not just a chance to earn rewards but also to contribute to the security and robustness of the ARPA Network. We value your expertise and are excited to see your contributions. Ready to dive in? Check out the full details on our Program Page and start exploring! Best regards, The ARPA Team About ARPA ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network. Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness. For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at Learn about ARPA’s recent official news: Twitter: @arpaofficial Medium: Discord: Telegram (English): Telegram (Turkish): Telegram (Việt Nam): Telegram (Russian): Telegram (Indonesian): Telegram(Sri Lanka): Telegram(Africa): Reddit:

Join ARPA’s Bug Bounty Program With Immunefi — Up to $50,000 in Rewards!

Join ARPA’s Bug Bounty Program with Immunefi — Up to $50,000 in Rewards!

Dear Developers,

We’re excited to announce the launch of the ARPA Network Bug Bounty Program in partnership with Immunefi, web3’s leading bug bounty platform. This program is a testament to our commitment to security and the continuous improvement of the ARPA ecosystem.

Program Overview

ARPA Network, crafted by a team of cryptographers, engineers, and entrepreneurs, is dedicated to building a decentralized blockchain ecosystem. This Bug Bounty Program is an integral part of our security measures, inviting whitehat hackers and security researchers to help us identify potential vulnerabilities. Feel free to take a closer look at the “Developers” section of our website for the complete list of tech documents before starting debugging.

Program Highlights

Live Date: December 12th, 2023

Maximum of USD 50,000 for critical smart contract bugs.

Rewards vary based on the threat level. See the detailed reward structure here.

Scope: Primarily focused on blockchain/DLT, smart contracts, and websites/applications. For detailed assets in scope, visit ARPA’s GitHub and Immunefi’s Program Page.

Out-of-scope items include attacks on test files, basic economic and governance attacks, and vulnerabilities requiring privileged access, among others.

KYC is required to receive a reward (details required: legal name, email, phone number). KYC is only required upon confirmation of a valid bug report.

Rewards Structure

Critical Bugs: Up to $50,000 for smart contract vulnerabilities, and up to $10,000 for Blockchain/DLT, website, and application bugs.

Other Categories: Different reward tiers for various severity levels (high, medium).

Payment: Rewards are paid in a combination of USDT and ARPA tokens, based on the average price from CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko at the time of report submission.

How to Submit

Find a bug within the specified scope.

Create a detailed report including a Proof of Concept (PoC).

All PoCs submitted must comply with the Immunefi-wide PoC Guidelines and Rules. Bug report submissions without a PoC when a PoC is required will not be provided with a reward.

Submit your report through Immunefi’s platform.

Important Considerations

Known Issue Assurance: We disclose known issues publicly or at the very least privately via a self-reported bug submission in order to allow for a more objective and streamlined mediation process to prove that an issue is known.

Repeatable Attack Limitations: In cases of repeatable attacks for smart contract bugs, only the first attack will be counted, regardless of whether the smart contract is upgradable, pausable, or killable.

Out of Scope & Rules: Certain impacts and activities are excluded (details on our Program Page)

This is not just a chance to earn rewards but also to contribute to the security and robustness of the ARPA Network. We value your expertise and are excited to see your contributions.

Ready to dive in? Check out the full details on our Program Page and start exploring!

Best regards,

The ARPA Team

About ARPA

ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains.

ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network.

Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness.

For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at

Learn about ARPA’s recent official news:

Twitter: @arpaofficial



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Randcast Launch on Base: Propelling ARPA Network’s Multi-Ecosystem AdvancementWe are thrilled to share a major achievement — Randcast is now officially launched on Base! This marks the initial phase of our expansion into OP Stack chains and also aligns with our resolve to provide an even more expansive and immersive experience for developers and users in the realm of fully on-chain games and Autonomous Worlds. Randcast: Unleash Game Devs’ Creativity ​​Games can play a pivotal role in fostering a thriving public chain ecosystem. However, thriving in the on-chain gaming arena demands overcoming multiple challenges, including performance limitations, poor game design, and a high entry threshold for novice players. At the core of some of the aforementioned challenges lies the absence of reliable and developer-friendly tools. Randcast is strategically positioned to alleviate certain pain points by providing effective and dev-friendly on-chain randomness oracle solutions. Most of all, Randcast stands on a solid foundation of reliability. Randcast achieves this by leveraging multiple nodes within the ARPA Network to generate randomness through BLS Threshold signature tasks. This effectively lowers the chance of manipulation and eradicates single point of failure. Furthermore, Randcast is dedicated to liberating developers’ time, allowing for enhanced gameplay and creativity. Its dev-friendly Smart Contract SDK can be seamlessly integrated into DApps, offering ready-made functionalities such as dice rolling, array shuffling, in-game item attribute generation, and determining outcomes for lotteries. Specifically, developers can effortlessly manage Randcast subscriptions via our Subscription Portal, allowing them ample time to dedicate to the game development process. This time-saving approach empowers game developers to focus on crafting compelling storylines, improving gameplay, creating captivating game art, establishing sustainable economics, and optimizing other features to boost Web3 game mass adoption. Elsewhere, for those who have an immediate need to conduct lucky draws or roll dice, try Randcast Playground now by simply connecting your wallet. For the overall gas cost of the entire randomness generation process, involving multiple interactions with the blockchain, ARPA covers the majority of the expenses. Users only need to pay the gas fee for a single command — requesting random number. Why Do We Choose Base? Inherits Ethereum and Optimism Features: Combining the strengths of Ethereum and Optimism, Base inherits Ethereum’s robust security features while leveraging Optimism’s advantages, offering a low-cost, fast, stable, and scalable environment; Seamless integration of Randcast: The deployment of Randcast on the Optimism mainnet has provided a strong foundation, facilitating the seamless integration of Randcast on OP Stack Layer 2s with reasonable effort. The smooth and effective integration of Randcast into Base serves as a perfect testament to this capability of ours. Shows Strong Ecosystem Potential: With the backing of Coinbase, Base leverages the reputation garnered by the exchange in the centralized world. This positions the chain to attract Web3 enthusiasts among Coinbase’s 100M+ users, facilitating their transition into the decentralized world. This is anticipated to cultivate a robust ecosystem of DApps. Stay Tuned for More Unveiling Randcast on Base is yet another milestone in our expansive journey across multiple ecosystems. This journey continues, fueled by Randcast’s unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries. Alongside researching the integration possibilities with the next OP Stack chain, we’re crafting showcases to further demonstrate Randcast’s utility, and exploring the fields of fully on-chain games and Autonomous Worlds. Meanwhile, to better cultivate the developer community, we’re also contemplating a bug bounty set to launch in the coming weeks. The path forward is filled with anticipation. Join us as we navigate through its unpredictable turns! About ARPA ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network. Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness. For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at Learn about ARPA’s recent official news: Twitter: @arpaofficial Medium: Discord: Telegram (English): Telegram (Turkish): Telegram (Việt Nam): Telegram (Russian): Telegram (Indonesian): Telegram(Sri Lanka): Telegram(Africa): Reddit:

Randcast Launch on Base: Propelling ARPA Network’s Multi-Ecosystem Advancement

We are thrilled to share a major achievement — Randcast is now officially launched on Base! This marks the initial phase of our expansion into OP Stack chains and also aligns with our resolve to provide an even more expansive and immersive experience for developers and users in the realm of fully on-chain games and Autonomous Worlds.

Randcast: Unleash Game Devs’ Creativity

​​Games can play a pivotal role in fostering a thriving public chain ecosystem. However, thriving in the on-chain gaming arena demands overcoming multiple challenges, including performance limitations, poor game design, and a high entry threshold for novice players. At the core of some of the aforementioned challenges lies the absence of reliable and developer-friendly tools. Randcast is strategically positioned to alleviate certain pain points by providing effective and dev-friendly on-chain randomness oracle solutions.

Most of all, Randcast stands on a solid foundation of reliability. Randcast achieves this by leveraging multiple nodes within the ARPA Network to generate randomness through BLS Threshold signature tasks. This effectively lowers the chance of manipulation and eradicates single point of failure.

Furthermore, Randcast is dedicated to liberating developers’ time, allowing for enhanced gameplay and creativity. Its dev-friendly Smart Contract SDK can be seamlessly integrated into DApps, offering ready-made functionalities such as dice rolling, array shuffling, in-game item attribute generation, and determining outcomes for lotteries.

Specifically, developers can effortlessly manage Randcast subscriptions via our Subscription Portal, allowing them ample time to dedicate to the game development process. This time-saving approach empowers game developers to focus on crafting compelling storylines, improving gameplay, creating captivating game art, establishing sustainable economics, and optimizing other features to boost Web3 game mass adoption.

Elsewhere, for those who have an immediate need to conduct lucky draws or roll dice, try Randcast Playground now by simply connecting your wallet. For the overall gas cost of the entire randomness generation process, involving multiple interactions with the blockchain, ARPA covers the majority of the expenses. Users only need to pay the gas fee for a single command — requesting random number.

Why Do We Choose Base?

Inherits Ethereum and Optimism Features: Combining the strengths of Ethereum and Optimism, Base inherits Ethereum’s robust security features while leveraging Optimism’s advantages, offering a low-cost, fast, stable, and scalable environment;

Seamless integration of Randcast: The deployment of Randcast on the Optimism mainnet has provided a strong foundation, facilitating the seamless integration of Randcast on OP Stack Layer 2s with reasonable effort. The smooth and effective integration of Randcast into Base serves as a perfect testament to this capability of ours.

Shows Strong Ecosystem Potential: With the backing of Coinbase, Base leverages the reputation garnered by the exchange in the centralized world. This positions the chain to attract Web3 enthusiasts among Coinbase’s 100M+ users, facilitating their transition into the decentralized world. This is anticipated to cultivate a robust ecosystem of DApps.

Stay Tuned for More

Unveiling Randcast on Base is yet another milestone in our expansive journey across multiple ecosystems. This journey continues, fueled by Randcast’s unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries. Alongside researching the integration possibilities with the next OP Stack chain, we’re crafting showcases to further demonstrate Randcast’s utility, and exploring the fields of fully on-chain games and Autonomous Worlds. Meanwhile, to better cultivate the developer community, we’re also contemplating a bug bounty set to launch in the coming weeks.

The path forward is filled with anticipation. Join us as we navigate through its unpredictable turns!

About ARPA

ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains.

ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network.

Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness.

For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at

Learn about ARPA’s recent official news:

Twitter: @arpaofficial



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ARPA Monthly Report | September & October Combined Progress ReviewDear ARPA Community, To ensure that the ARPA community is well-informed on the team’s latest improvements, we update ARPA’s development dynamics and progress through our monthly report. Thank you all for your support! Here is a look back at September and October. Enjoy! 01 ARPA Development Dynamics & Technology Progress Designed and implemented Randcast SharedConsumer contract Add retry mechanism for chain provider on ARPA Network node Add deployment script of ARPA Network node Improve publish workflow of ARPA Network node 02 Community, Marketing & Listings Exclusive Binance Blockchain Week Ticket Giveaway On October 27th, ARPA gave away two Binance Blockchain Week tickets to show our appreciation to our community! In this exciting giveaway, participants had to repost, tag two friends, and join our social media accounts. The two winners were selected using Randcast on November 1st and received two tickets worth $1,200 in total. Thank you for participating in this giveaway and following our Twitter account. Stay tuned for future campaigns! Check out the giveaway here. ARPA To Co-host AW Day With AW Research On October 26th, ARPA Network announced that we will co-host AW Day with AW Research in Istanbul. AW Day will be held on November 14th. It will consist of exciting panel groups discussing topics such as Fully On-Chain Games in the Autonomous Worlds, Tooling & Infra, WorldBuilding, and Autonomous Worlds Ventures. Co-hosted with ABCDE and Mask Network, sponsored by Starkware, Adventure Gold DAO, and Particle Network, AW Day is the go to event for creators and enthusiasts of the Autonomous Worlds and Fully On-Chain Games. Register for the event here: ARPA Network’s CEO Felix Xu on Bithumb’s Talk Drop Show Bithumb, Korea’s leading exchange, published an interview with ARPA Network’s CEO Felix Xu on October 21st. In this “Talk Drop” series, Felix shared about the use cases of Randcast, updated on the ARPA network and shared about our future plans in the Korean market. Together with this interview, we hosted a 125,000 ARPA token giveaway through a unique coupon code that can be found in the video. CoinTelegraph Publishes Felix’s Opinion Article: Games Need Decentralized Randomness To Be Fair Does your RNG have sufficient randomness? Is it secure against tampering and decentralized? In this Cointelegraph opinion article posted on October 20th, ARPA CEO Felix Xu shares the pivotal role of random numbers in the Web3 ecosystem and gives a detailed comparison between Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNGs) and True Random Number Generators (TRNGs). Learn more about his views on randomness in this article. ARPA Partners With Foresight Ventures To Host DevConnect Hacker House Event On October 19th, ARPA Network announced its support for Foresight Ventures and OpenBuild in hosting Hacker House, a 10-day event where developers come together to build infrastructure and applications for a future decentralized society. Participants can expect to take part in brainstorming workshops, panel discussions, and summits with industry leaders. Complimentary accommodation and co-working space will be provided. The complimentary accommodation can hold up to 20 participants, so grab your spot while it’s available! Sign up for Hacker House here: ARPA Teamed Up With STP Network To Bring Naming Service to The Autonomous Worlds On October 19th, we partnered with STP Network, a platform that provides an identity layer for the Autonomous Worlds. This collaboration helped us to secure ARPA’s own Autonomous Worlds Naming Service (AWNS) — AWNS leverages erc6551, an upgrade from the erc721 standard, giving it wallet functionality in addition to being an NFT. In the future, AWNS owners (NFT holders) can navigate the Autonomous Worlds or onboard dApps like games with unique and user-friendly digital identities seamlessly. Join the waitlist to secure your AWNS here. ARPA Randcast Is Now Live on Optimism On October 17th, Randcast went live on the Optimism Network. This release showcases our commitment to building a secure and dynamic experience in the Autonomous Worlds and Fully On-Chain Games domain. More than just a Random Number Generator (RNG), Randcast helps developers generate randomness with confidence using the ARPA network and gives you flexibility in integration. Furthermore, Randcast provides high availability by design and accurate estimates of the fees. A lack of a native RNG on Optimism Network presents Randcast with the opportunity to be the go-to solution for randomness in this ecosystem. Furthermore, lower gas fees and Optimism Network’s adaptability present an ideal infrastructure for the Autonomous Worlds. This integration serves as the next step for Randcast as a tool for Fully On-Chain Games and Autonomous Worlds. Check out the video tutorial here. Go to the Randcast documentation to get started. ARPA Network’s CEO Felix Weighs in on Messari Report On October 13th, ARPA CEO Felix shared his insights on Messari’s Report which stated that most of Ethereum’s transactions are on L2s. In this Twitter thread, Felix shared three key points: 1) Aside from the Friend Tech sensation, Ethereum and its Layer 2 solutions gained significant traction due to their decentralization and security features. Even when transactions are processed outside the Ethereum mainnet, Layer 2 solutions uphold the same level of security and decentralization, which are vital for both users and developers in the blockchain ecosystem. Additionally, on-chain assets often migrate to the secure havens of Ethereum and its Layer 2s from other chains or due to apprehensions regarding cross-chain bridges (for example, the Multichain incident and Harmony bridge hack), further bolstering the dominance of Ethereum in blockchain transactions. 2) DeFi yield farming opportunities are scarce during the bear market. Low-risk reward for storing crypto on a more centralized / technologically inferior chain also drives the inflow of assets to Ethereum and its layer 2s. 3) Rollup as a service (RaaS) provides a seamless experience to launch a rollup. Gaming and DeFi projects can easily build out their ecosystem and narratives with RaaS providers. Blockworks Guest Post: The Problem With RNGs? They Are Not That Random In a guest post for Blockworks on September 26th, Felix Xu, the Co-founder of ARPA, discussed the current issues with RNGs. He pointed out that the current RNGs are not that random and contain an underlying structure to their randomness. This is a significant concern because it compromises the randomness of results, making them vulnerable to reverse engineering by malicious actors. Additionally, he elaborated on the consequences that Metaverse creators could face if they don’t use a reliable, flexible, and verifiable RNG in the long run. Read Felix’s guest post here. Opinion article: Don’t Play Blindly: Educate Yourself on RNG for GameFi and NFTs Are you curious about the fairness of your GameFi items or NFTs? Do you ever wonder why you have been playing a game for so long, but still fall behind other players? If yes, then our article posted on September 22nd is a must-read for you! We delve into the world of Random Number Generators, explaining the concept in detail, and share with you why it is crucial to use the right RNG when developing games. Additionally, our article provides insights on how to choose the right RNG, so check it out now! Can Blockchain Kill Cheating In Gaming? Token Gamer Interviews Felix Xu On September 19th, Token Gamer, a publication that focuses on gaming and Blockchain technology topics, conducted an interview with Felix Xu, the Co-founder of ARPA. In this interview, Felix discussed the importance of using Random Number Generators (RNGs) in Web3 games to maintain fairness among all players. He explained how Randcast, an on-chain verifiable random number generator, is used in gaming, including matchmaking in PVP games, map generation, and divination. Explore the full interview here. ARPA at Token2049 It was an eventful week for the ARPA team at Token2049. We co-hosted and participated in a variety of events throughout the week of September 13th. From hosting exclusive after-parties to being the official partner of Hackathons, it was a week of innovation and networking. The Night of 5A On September 14th, ARPA was the official partner of “The Night of 5A”, an exclusive after-party held by 5 leading VCs Animoca Ventures, Arcane Group, Alibaba Cloud, ABCDE and ArkStream. We had an incredible evening at SKAI Restaurant with top VCs and blockchain experts, creating meaningful connections between projects. The atmosphere was perfect for this exciting event! Web3 Connect Conference Felix Xu, co-founder of ARPA, served as a mentor at the Web3 Connect Conference by C² Ventures on September 15th. The event was a great success and covered a wide range of topics such as the transition from Web2 to Web3, infrastructure advancements, crypto VC perspectives, and the vast metaverse. During the event, Felix moderated a roundtable discussion around “Web3 Entertainment” with a star-studded group of panelists from Yield Guild Games, The Sandbox, Find Satoshi Lab, STEPN, Go Gala Games and a special appearance from TRON Founder Justin Sun. At the roundtable, they had an exciting discussion about the immense potential of gaming guilds in shaping the decentralized metaverse. They also explored ‘walk-to-earn’ models and cutting-edge Web3 entertainment business strategies. It was truly insightful, informative, and inspiring. HackZuzalu Hackathon ARPA was the platinum sponsor of the HackZuzalu hackathon, a build-focused satellite event. In addition to facilitating innovative building, HackZuzalu hosted various networking events over dinner banquets and Yacht parties from September 11th to September 15th. The Zuzalu Events showcased the power of community and collaboration. Aspiring developers competed in the Hackathon, while the boat party exuded a laid-back vibe, and the wrap-up dinner was grand and celebratory, capturing the spirit of innovation and togetherness. Opinion piece: The Technical Foundations of Web3 Adoption — Intuitive UX and Convenience Web3 adoption requires more than just groundbreaking technology. It is crucial for projects and ecosystems to provide users with an intuitive user experience. An opinion article published on September 15th explores the intricacies and innovative possibilities of web3, encompassing topics ranging from blockchain to the difficulties of onboarding. The article delves into how to strike a balance between convenience and resilience when developing in Web3. Anyone with an interest in decentralization and technology’s impact on our world should read this: Launch of ARPA Randcast Subscription Portal On September 13th, we launched the ARPA Randcast subscription portal,an intuitive GUI to check important info, manage subscriptions and consumer contracts, and view historical randomness requests and events. With the launch of the subscription portal, all you need is a web browser and browser extension wallet like Metamask to request randomness using Randcast. The entire process of generating randomness using Randcast involves 6 crucial steps Create a Subscription Fund the Subscription Build & Deploy Consumer Contract Add Consumer to Subscription Request Randomness Check Randomness Result Start using the Randcast subscription portal. Opinion Article: Why Do We Build Randcast? “God does not play dice, but you can… With a bang, we were born. Upon randomness, we build.” The Metaverse has not become the vision it was set out to be. It has become controlled by centralized entities building virtual worlds. ARPA Randcast was created to breathe new life into Autonomous Worlds, the concept of free and open worlds where anyone is free to join and create together. In this opinion article published on September 12th, we explain the reasons behind the creation of Randcast and its various use cases. Read it all here: Exclusive Interview With Felix Xu: The Crucial Role of Randomness in Gaming In an exclusive interview with CryptoSlate on September 11th, Felix Xu, Co-founder of ARPA, shared his insights on the importance of randomness in Web3 gaming. He answered questions about how ARPA Randcast maintains decentralization and security, as well as the benefits of Randcast’s automatic gas estimation feature. Furthermore, Felix explained in detail how the BLS threshold signature tasks that ARPA network nodes perform use a mechanism that ensures the resulting signature is intact and secure. He also shared how BLS signatures are intrinsically verifiable and random, ensuring that the final randomness result cannot be tampered with. Read the full interview here: Opinion Article: Web3 Adoption Is Impossible Without Intuitive UX and Convenience Mass adoption of Web3 has been a popular topic of discussion, however, it has not yet been achieved. While Web3 projects and protocols offer decentralization, the user experience has not matched up to the standards of Web2 giants like Google, Meta, and Microsoft. By building Web3 products only for tech-savvy individuals, it makes it difficult for normal users to access and use Web3. In an opinion piece published on on September 6th, ARPA co-founder Felix Xu discussed the importance of meeting users where they are and striking a balance between convenience and resilience. ARPA Network & Bella Protocol Turkish Community Giveaways ARPA and Bella Protocol collaborated to organize a series of mini giveaways for our Turkish community from September 4th to September 10th. The campaign aimed to express our gratitude to our Turkish community by rewarding participants with cash prizes and attractive swag for successfully completing the campaign tasks. ARPA at Korea Blockchain Week Co-Hosted “Into the Autonomous World” Meetup With Adventure Gold Dao On September 4th, Adventure Gold DAO hosted a highly engaging and informative meetup for enthusiasts and professionals in the blockchain gaming and Autonomous Worlds (AW) sector. This event was specifically designed for builders, investors, and individuals interested in the evolving landscape of blockchain games and AW. As a proud event sponsor, ARPA played a significant role in shaping the discussions. Fay Fu, ARPA’s Operations Lead, shared ARPA’s vision and plans with the attendees. Her presence underscored ARPA’s commitment to advancing blockchain technology and its applications in gaming. ARPA Co-Hosted an Exclusive VIP Mixer With Delysium and Google Cloud On September 6th, during the vibrant Korea Blockchain Week, ARPA proudly partnered with Delysium, a leading AI-powered open-world framework, to co-host a landmark event. ARPA has recently partnered with Delysium, starting with integrating ARPA Randcast, a secure on-chain verifiable random number generator (RNG) into the Delysium ecosystem. Randcast, a secure on-chain verifiable random number generator (RNG), was a highlight of the event. It represents a leap forward in ensuring fairness and creativity in virtual environments. The event was not just a showcase of this innovative technology but also a convergence of minds and ideas, attended by other influential partners including Google Cloud, Xterio Games, Mirror World, and Hooked Protocol. Co-Hosted Korea Buidlers Night With Conflux Network, DODO, Mask Network and More On September 6th, ARPA co-hosted Korea Buidlers Night, a premier tech event that brought together leading innovators in the industry, such as DODO, Conflux Network and Mask Network to name a few. This event facilitated great networking opportunities for each project to network.

ARPA Monthly Report | September & October Combined Progress Review

Dear ARPA Community,

To ensure that the ARPA community is well-informed on the team’s latest improvements, we update ARPA’s development dynamics and progress through our monthly report. Thank you all for your support!

Here is a look back at September and October. Enjoy!

01 ARPA Development Dynamics & Technology Progress

Designed and implemented Randcast SharedConsumer contract

Add retry mechanism for chain provider on ARPA Network node

Add deployment script of ARPA Network node

Improve publish workflow of ARPA Network node

02 Community, Marketing & Listings

Exclusive Binance Blockchain Week Ticket Giveaway

On October 27th, ARPA gave away two Binance Blockchain Week tickets to show our appreciation to our community! In this exciting giveaway, participants had to repost, tag two friends, and join our social media accounts. The two winners were selected using Randcast on November 1st and received two tickets worth $1,200 in total. Thank you for participating in this giveaway and following our Twitter account. Stay tuned for future campaigns!

Check out the giveaway here.

ARPA To Co-host AW Day With AW Research

On October 26th, ARPA Network announced that we will co-host AW Day with AW Research in Istanbul. AW Day will be held on November 14th. It will consist of exciting panel groups discussing topics such as Fully On-Chain Games in the Autonomous Worlds, Tooling & Infra, WorldBuilding, and Autonomous Worlds Ventures. Co-hosted with ABCDE and Mask Network, sponsored by Starkware, Adventure Gold DAO, and Particle Network, AW Day is the go to event for creators and enthusiasts of the Autonomous Worlds and Fully On-Chain Games.

Register for the event here:

ARPA Network’s CEO Felix Xu on Bithumb’s Talk Drop Show

Bithumb, Korea’s leading exchange, published an interview with ARPA Network’s CEO Felix Xu on October 21st. In this “Talk Drop” series, Felix shared about the use cases of Randcast, updated on the ARPA network and shared about our future plans in the Korean market. Together with this interview, we hosted a 125,000 ARPA token giveaway through a unique coupon code that can be found in the video.

CoinTelegraph Publishes Felix’s Opinion Article: Games Need Decentralized Randomness To Be Fair

Does your RNG have sufficient randomness? Is it secure against tampering and decentralized? In this Cointelegraph opinion article posted on October 20th, ARPA CEO Felix Xu shares the pivotal role of random numbers in the Web3 ecosystem and gives a detailed comparison between Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNGs) and True Random Number Generators (TRNGs). Learn more about his views on randomness in this article.

ARPA Partners With Foresight Ventures To Host DevConnect Hacker House Event

On October 19th, ARPA Network announced its support for Foresight Ventures and OpenBuild in hosting Hacker House, a 10-day event where developers come together to build infrastructure and applications for a future decentralized society. Participants can expect to take part in brainstorming workshops, panel discussions, and summits with industry leaders.

Complimentary accommodation and co-working space will be provided. The complimentary accommodation can hold up to 20 participants, so grab your spot while it’s available!

Sign up for Hacker House here:

ARPA Teamed Up With STP Network To Bring Naming Service to The Autonomous Worlds

On October 19th, we partnered with STP Network, a platform that provides an identity layer for the Autonomous Worlds. This collaboration helped us to secure ARPA’s own Autonomous Worlds Naming Service (AWNS) — AWNS leverages erc6551, an upgrade from the erc721 standard, giving it wallet functionality in addition to being an NFT. In the future, AWNS owners (NFT holders) can navigate the Autonomous Worlds or onboard dApps like games with unique and user-friendly digital identities seamlessly.

Join the waitlist to secure your AWNS here.

ARPA Randcast Is Now Live on Optimism

On October 17th, Randcast went live on the Optimism Network. This release showcases our commitment to building a secure and dynamic experience in the Autonomous Worlds and Fully On-Chain Games domain. More than just a Random Number Generator (RNG), Randcast helps developers generate randomness with confidence using the ARPA network and gives you flexibility in integration. Furthermore, Randcast provides high availability by design and accurate estimates of the fees.

A lack of a native RNG on Optimism Network presents Randcast with the opportunity to be the go-to solution for randomness in this ecosystem. Furthermore, lower gas fees and Optimism Network’s adaptability present an ideal infrastructure for the Autonomous Worlds. This integration serves as the next step for Randcast as a tool for Fully On-Chain Games and Autonomous Worlds.

Check out the video tutorial here. Go to the Randcast documentation to get started.

ARPA Network’s CEO Felix Weighs in on Messari Report

On October 13th, ARPA CEO Felix shared his insights on Messari’s Report which stated that most of Ethereum’s transactions are on L2s. In this Twitter thread, Felix shared three key points:

1) Aside from the Friend Tech sensation, Ethereum and its Layer 2 solutions gained significant traction due to their decentralization and security features. Even when transactions are processed outside the Ethereum mainnet, Layer 2 solutions uphold the same level of security and decentralization, which are vital for both users and developers in the blockchain ecosystem. Additionally, on-chain assets often migrate to the secure havens of Ethereum and its Layer 2s from other chains or due to apprehensions regarding cross-chain bridges (for example, the Multichain incident and Harmony bridge hack), further bolstering the dominance of Ethereum in blockchain transactions.

2) DeFi yield farming opportunities are scarce during the bear market. Low-risk reward for storing crypto on a more centralized / technologically inferior chain also drives the inflow of assets to Ethereum and its layer 2s.

3) Rollup as a service (RaaS) provides a seamless experience to launch a rollup. Gaming and DeFi projects can easily build out their ecosystem and narratives with RaaS providers.

Blockworks Guest Post: The Problem With RNGs? They Are Not That Random

In a guest post for Blockworks on September 26th, Felix Xu, the Co-founder of ARPA, discussed the current issues with RNGs. He pointed out that the current RNGs are not that random and contain an underlying structure to their randomness. This is a significant concern because it compromises the randomness of results, making them vulnerable to reverse engineering by malicious actors. Additionally, he elaborated on the consequences that Metaverse creators could face if they don’t use a reliable, flexible, and verifiable RNG in the long run. Read Felix’s guest post here.

Opinion article: Don’t Play Blindly: Educate Yourself on RNG for GameFi and NFTs

Are you curious about the fairness of your GameFi items or NFTs? Do you ever wonder why you have been playing a game for so long, but still fall behind other players? If yes, then our article posted on September 22nd is a must-read for you! We delve into the world of Random Number Generators, explaining the concept in detail, and share with you why it is crucial to use the right RNG when developing games. Additionally, our article provides insights on how to choose the right RNG, so check it out now!

Can Blockchain Kill Cheating In Gaming? Token Gamer Interviews Felix Xu

On September 19th, Token Gamer, a publication that focuses on gaming and Blockchain technology topics, conducted an interview with Felix Xu, the Co-founder of ARPA. In this interview, Felix discussed the importance of using Random Number Generators (RNGs) in Web3 games to maintain fairness among all players. He explained how Randcast, an on-chain verifiable random number generator, is used in gaming, including matchmaking in PVP games, map generation, and divination.

Explore the full interview here.

ARPA at Token2049

It was an eventful week for the ARPA team at Token2049. We co-hosted and participated in a variety of events throughout the week of September 13th. From hosting exclusive after-parties to being the official partner of Hackathons, it was a week of innovation and networking.

The Night of 5A

On September 14th, ARPA was the official partner of “The Night of 5A”, an exclusive after-party held by 5 leading VCs Animoca Ventures, Arcane Group, Alibaba Cloud, ABCDE and ArkStream.

We had an incredible evening at SKAI Restaurant with top VCs and blockchain experts, creating meaningful connections between projects. The atmosphere was perfect for this exciting event!

Web3 Connect Conference

Felix Xu, co-founder of ARPA, served as a mentor at the Web3 Connect Conference by C² Ventures on September 15th. The event was a great success and covered a wide range of topics such as the transition from Web2 to Web3, infrastructure advancements, crypto VC perspectives, and the vast metaverse.

During the event, Felix moderated a roundtable discussion around “Web3 Entertainment” with a star-studded group of panelists from Yield Guild Games, The Sandbox, Find Satoshi Lab, STEPN, Go Gala Games and a special appearance from TRON Founder Justin Sun. At the roundtable, they had an exciting discussion about the immense potential of gaming guilds in shaping the decentralized metaverse. They also explored ‘walk-to-earn’ models and cutting-edge Web3 entertainment business strategies. It was truly insightful, informative, and inspiring.

HackZuzalu Hackathon

ARPA was the platinum sponsor of the HackZuzalu hackathon, a build-focused satellite event. In addition to facilitating innovative building, HackZuzalu hosted various networking events over dinner banquets and Yacht parties from September 11th to September 15th.

The Zuzalu Events showcased the power of community and collaboration. Aspiring developers competed in the Hackathon, while the boat party exuded a laid-back vibe, and the wrap-up dinner was grand and celebratory, capturing the spirit of innovation and togetherness.

Opinion piece: The Technical Foundations of Web3 Adoption — Intuitive UX and Convenience

Web3 adoption requires more than just groundbreaking technology. It is crucial for projects and ecosystems to provide users with an intuitive user experience. An opinion article published on September 15th explores the intricacies and innovative possibilities of web3, encompassing topics ranging from blockchain to the difficulties of onboarding. The article delves into how to strike a balance between convenience and resilience when developing in Web3.

Anyone with an interest in decentralization and technology’s impact on our world should read this:

Launch of ARPA Randcast Subscription Portal

On September 13th, we launched the ARPA Randcast subscription portal,an intuitive GUI to check important info, manage subscriptions and consumer contracts, and view historical randomness requests and events. With the launch of the subscription portal, all you need is a web browser and browser extension wallet like Metamask to request randomness using Randcast.

The entire process of generating randomness using Randcast involves 6 crucial steps

Create a Subscription

Fund the Subscription

Build & Deploy Consumer Contract

Add Consumer to Subscription

Request Randomness

Check Randomness Result

Start using the Randcast subscription portal.

Opinion Article: Why Do We Build Randcast?

“God does not play dice, but you can… With a bang, we were born. Upon randomness, we build.” The Metaverse has not become the vision it was set out to be. It has become controlled by centralized entities building virtual worlds. ARPA Randcast was created to breathe new life into Autonomous Worlds, the concept of free and open worlds where anyone is free to join and create together. In this opinion article published on September 12th, we explain the reasons behind the creation of Randcast and its various use cases.

Read it all here:

Exclusive Interview With Felix Xu: The Crucial Role of Randomness in Gaming

In an exclusive interview with CryptoSlate on September 11th, Felix Xu, Co-founder of ARPA, shared his insights on the importance of randomness in Web3 gaming. He answered questions about how ARPA Randcast maintains decentralization and security, as well as the benefits of Randcast’s automatic gas estimation feature.

Furthermore, Felix explained in detail how the BLS threshold signature tasks that ARPA network nodes perform use a mechanism that ensures the resulting signature is intact and secure. He also shared how BLS signatures are intrinsically verifiable and random, ensuring that the final randomness result cannot be tampered with.

Read the full interview here:

Opinion Article: Web3 Adoption Is Impossible Without Intuitive UX and Convenience

Mass adoption of Web3 has been a popular topic of discussion, however, it has not yet been achieved. While Web3 projects and protocols offer decentralization, the user experience has not matched up to the standards of Web2 giants like Google, Meta, and Microsoft.

By building Web3 products only for tech-savvy individuals, it makes it difficult for normal users to access and use Web3. In an opinion piece published on on September 6th, ARPA co-founder Felix Xu discussed the importance of meeting users where they are and striking a balance between convenience and resilience.

ARPA Network & Bella Protocol Turkish Community Giveaways

ARPA and Bella Protocol collaborated to organize a series of mini giveaways for our Turkish community from September 4th to September 10th. The campaign aimed to express our gratitude to our Turkish community by rewarding participants with cash prizes and attractive swag for successfully completing the campaign tasks.

ARPA at Korea Blockchain Week

Co-Hosted “Into the Autonomous World” Meetup With Adventure Gold Dao

On September 4th, Adventure Gold DAO hosted a highly engaging and informative meetup for enthusiasts and professionals in the blockchain gaming and Autonomous Worlds (AW) sector. This event was specifically designed for builders, investors, and individuals interested in the evolving landscape of blockchain games and AW. As a proud event sponsor, ARPA played a significant role in shaping the discussions. Fay Fu, ARPA’s Operations Lead, shared ARPA’s vision and plans with the attendees. Her presence underscored ARPA’s commitment to advancing blockchain technology and its applications in gaming.

ARPA Co-Hosted an Exclusive VIP Mixer With Delysium and Google Cloud

On September 6th, during the vibrant Korea Blockchain Week, ARPA proudly partnered with Delysium, a leading AI-powered open-world framework, to co-host a landmark event. ARPA has recently partnered with Delysium, starting with integrating ARPA Randcast, a secure on-chain verifiable random number generator (RNG) into the Delysium ecosystem.

Randcast, a secure on-chain verifiable random number generator (RNG), was a highlight of the event. It represents a leap forward in ensuring fairness and creativity in virtual environments. The event was not just a showcase of this innovative technology but also a convergence of minds and ideas, attended by other influential partners including Google Cloud, Xterio Games, Mirror World, and Hooked Protocol.

Co-Hosted Korea Buidlers Night With Conflux Network, DODO, Mask Network and More

On September 6th, ARPA co-hosted Korea Buidlers Night, a premier tech event that brought together leading innovators in the industry, such as DODO, Conflux Network and Mask Network to name a few. This event facilitated great networking opportunities for each project to network.
🚀Exciting news for the dev community! We're introducing ARPA Randcast to Optimism. This strategic move amplifies our commitment to foster a more secure, dynamic, and immersive experience in the world of on-chain games and Autonomous Worlds. While many tools in the blockchain space offer functionality, Randcast goes a step further. It understands, contributes, and supports those who wish to: 🎲 Add Randomness with Confidence 🔗 Achieve Flexibility in Integration 🌟 Ensure High Availability 💰 Benefit from Fee Estimation Why Optimism? 🤔 🔄 EVM Equivalence over EVM Compatibility ❓ Lack of Native RNG 💵 Lower Gas Fees for Enhanced Engagement 🛠️ Foundation for L2-specific SDKs 🌌 Adaptability for Autonomous Worlds The landscape of on-chain gaming and the rise of Autonomous Worlds presents a frontier that's bursting with potential. Optimism(OP stack)'s adaptability guarantees a robust network infrastructure, perfectly accommodating the evolving demands of AW. This foundational stability, in turn, provides the ideal ground for the dynamic unpredictability introduced by tools like Randcast at the application layer.  What Randcast brings to your DApps: 🌩️ Dynamic Encounters 🛒 Enriched Virtual Economies 📖 Algorithmic Storytelling 🌍 Simulated Natural Processes Our Optimism integration is just the beginning. We're poised to expand our RNG services across networks, facilitating developers to tap into the pure essence of randomness. The road ahead is exciting, and we invite you to join us in exploring every unpredictable twist it holds.
🚀Exciting news for the dev community! We're introducing ARPA Randcast to Optimism. This strategic move amplifies our commitment to foster a more secure, dynamic, and immersive experience in the world of on-chain games and Autonomous Worlds.

While many tools in the blockchain space offer functionality, Randcast goes a step further. It understands, contributes, and supports those who wish to:
🎲 Add Randomness with Confidence
🔗 Achieve Flexibility in Integration
🌟 Ensure High Availability
💰 Benefit from Fee Estimation

Why Optimism? 🤔
🔄 EVM Equivalence over EVM Compatibility
❓ Lack of Native RNG
💵 Lower Gas Fees for Enhanced Engagement
🛠️ Foundation for L2-specific SDKs
🌌 Adaptability for Autonomous Worlds

The landscape of on-chain gaming and the rise of Autonomous Worlds presents a frontier that's bursting with potential. Optimism(OP stack)'s adaptability guarantees a robust network infrastructure, perfectly accommodating the evolving demands of AW. This foundational stability, in turn, provides the ideal ground for the dynamic unpredictability introduced by tools like Randcast at the application layer. 

What Randcast brings to your DApps:
🌩️ Dynamic Encounters
🛒 Enriched Virtual Economies
📖 Algorithmic Storytelling
🌍 Simulated Natural Processes

Our Optimism integration is just the beginning. We're poised to expand our RNG services across networks, facilitating developers to tap into the pure essence of randomness. The road ahead is exciting, and we invite you to join us in exploring every unpredictable twist it holds.
🇹🇷Get ready for AW DAY! Dive into the heart of Autonomous Worlds & on-chain gaming with the builders shaping the AW/FOCG narrative. AW Research & ARPA Network bring together the best minds in the space. Don't miss this chance to connect & learn from the pioneers. 🛠️ 🙌Special shoutout to our cohost ABCDE, sponsors StarkWare & Adventure Gold DAO, and our media partner Foresight News! 🔗Secure your spot now!
🇹🇷Get ready for AW DAY! Dive into the heart of Autonomous Worlds & on-chain gaming with the builders shaping the AW/FOCG narrative. AW Research & ARPA Network bring together the best minds in the space. Don't miss this chance to connect & learn from the pioneers. 🛠️
🙌Special shoutout to our cohost ABCDE, sponsors StarkWare & Adventure Gold DAO, and our media partner Foresight News!
🔗Secure your spot now!
ARPA Randcast Meets Optimism: Facilitating the Next Wave of On-Chain Gaming and Autonomous Worlds…ARPA Randcast Meets Optimism: Facilitating the Next Wave of On-Chain Gaming and Autonomous Worlds Building We are thrilled to announce the launch of ARPA Randcast on Optimism, paving the way for a more vibrant and dynamic experience for both developers and users alike. This strategic move amplifies our commitment to foster a more secure, dynamic, and immersive experience in the world of on-chain games and Autonomous Worlds. Randcast: A Developer’s Treasure While many tools in the blockchain space offer functionality, Randcast goes a step further. It’s not just a tool, but an ally. While tools wait for a command, allies anticipate needs. Randcast understands, contributes, and supports those who wish to: Add Randomness with Confidence: Randcast employs multiple nodes in the ARPA Network to generate randomness through BLS Threshold signature tasks, which means that no single node has the ability to manipulate the final randomness result. Achieve Flexibility in Integration: Randcast has an easy-to-use Smart Contract SDK that can be directly integrated into DApps to provide out-of-the-box functionalities like rolling a dice, shuffling an array, generating in-game item attributes based on probability, creating random in-game maps or dungeons, and deciding the probability outcomes of a lottery. The SDK is written in Solidity and can be used in any EVM-compatible blockchain. Ensure High Availability: Randcast leverages the ARPA Network to provide randomness service. Inheriting from the BLS threshold signature network, Randcast’s design avoids heavy synchronous communication during the random number generation phase, ensuring high availability as the network grows. Benefit from Fee Estimation: Randcast provides accurate estimations of the token required to cover request fees. This ensures sufficient funds are available in the account to avoid failed requests due to insufficient balance. Why Optimism(OP stack)? EVM Equivalence over EVM Compatibility: Optimism isn’t just another L2 solution; its design is rooted in EVM equivalence, which ensures a seamless experience for developers, bridging the gap between L1 and L2 with minimal friction. Lack of Native RNG: Unlike platforms like Polygon, Optimism does not yet have a mature and secure randomness solution. Therefore, Randcast aims to bridge this gap, providing the ecosystem with a trustworthy source of randomness. Lower Gas Fees for Enhanced Engagement: By leveraging Optimism’s design, Randcast offers a more affordable and secure experience, effectively sidestepping the often prohibitive gas fees, resulting in a significantly enhanced user experience. Foundation for L2-specific SDKs: Our deployment on L2 serves as a foundation for supporting SDK calls to Randcast, further enhancing the adaptability and utility of our solution. Adaptability for Autonomous Worlds: As Autonomous Worlds emerge at the forefront of our digital journey, Optimism’s adaptability and foundational strengths make it an ideal partner for Randcast. By integrating with Optimism, the duo promises to infuse a level of unpredictability and dynamism, enriching user experiences and expanding the horizons of what’s possible in on-chain gaming. What’s Next on the Horizon? Our integration with Optimism is just a foundation in our continuous journey. Randcast’s commitment to pushing boundaries remains steadfast. We’re poised to expand our RNG services across diverse networks, facilitating developers to harness the true essence of randomness. The road ahead is exciting, and we invite you to join us in exploring every unpredictable twist it holds. A Continued Belief in On-Chain Games and the Autonomous Worlds The landscape of on-chain gaming and the emergence of Autonomous Worlds presents a frontier that’s bursting with potential. It becomes essential to have a robust infrastructure that can support the intricate tapestry of interactions, dynamics, and unpredictability. This is where Optimism(OP stack) emerges as a key enabler. Optimism(OP stack)’s strengths aren’t just technical; they’re foundational. Its focus on simplicity, pragmatism, and sustainability makes it an ideal substrate upon which the vast landscapes of AW can thrive. Optimism(OP stack)’s adaptability guarantees a robust network infrastructure, perfectly accommodating the evolving demands of AW. This foundational stability, in turn, provides the ideal ground for the dynamic unpredictability introduced by tools like Randcast at the application layer. Furthermore, every developer understands that the infrastructure underpinning an application is as crucial as its features. With Optimism’s EVM equivalence, not only can you write every DApp in Solidity, but they also run more than 100 times faster than on Ethereum L1. This provides a streamlined foundation, ensuring every project you develop retains its familiarity but with amplified efficiency. With Randcast, developers would have a straightforward and efficient solution to amplify their DApp’s capabilities and the user’s experience. Here’s how: Dynamic Encounters: With Randcast, developers can integrate spontaneous and unpredictable events into their games. Imagine a strategy game where weather patterns, influenced by Randcast, can unpredictably change the course of a battle or an RPG where random encounters are genuinely unforeseen, making every player’s journey unique. Enriched Virtual Economies: Use Randcast to determine resource spawns, loot drops, or market fluctuations in on-chain games. Such dynamic economies can provide players with ever-changing challenges and opportunities, driving engagement and longevity. Algorithmic Storytelling: In the vast expanses of Autonomous Worlds, narratives can take a life of their own. Randcast can power algorithmic storytelling, where plots, characters, and events unfold in unforeseen ways, ensuring that every exploration into these worlds is a unique tale. Simulated Natural Processes: For developers sculpting Autonomous Worlds, Randcast can be used to simulate the unpredictability of natural processes. Whether it’s the blossoming of rare flora, the migration patterns of virtual fauna, or even geological events like earthquakes and volcanoes, Randcast ensures these worlds echo the dynamic rhythm of nature. Join us on this exciting journey as we together breathe life into the Autonomous Worlds, ensuring they are not just vast expanses of data but living, evolving universes teeming with unpredictability, dynamism, and life. With every unpredictable twist and turn, developers can offer experiences that are not just immersive but also ever-evolving, ensuring that the digital frontier remains exciting, fresh, and boundlessly creative. About ARPA ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains. ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network. Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness. For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at Learn about ARPA’s recent official news: Twitter: @arpaofficial Medium: Discord: Telegram (English): Telegram (Turkish): Telegram (Việt Nam): Telegram (Russian): Telegram (Indonesian): Telegram(Sri Lanka): Telegram(Africa): Reddit:

ARPA Randcast Meets Optimism: Facilitating the Next Wave of On-Chain Gaming and Autonomous Worlds…

ARPA Randcast Meets Optimism: Facilitating the Next Wave of On-Chain Gaming and Autonomous Worlds Building

We are thrilled to announce the launch of ARPA Randcast on Optimism, paving the way for a more vibrant and dynamic experience for both developers and users alike. This strategic move amplifies our commitment to foster a more secure, dynamic, and immersive experience in the world of on-chain games and Autonomous Worlds.

Randcast: A Developer’s Treasure

While many tools in the blockchain space offer functionality, Randcast goes a step further. It’s not just a tool, but an ally. While tools wait for a command, allies anticipate needs. Randcast understands, contributes, and supports those who wish to:

Add Randomness with Confidence: Randcast employs multiple nodes in the ARPA Network to generate randomness through BLS Threshold signature tasks, which means that no single node has the ability to manipulate the final randomness result.

Achieve Flexibility in Integration: Randcast has an easy-to-use Smart Contract SDK that can be directly integrated into DApps to provide out-of-the-box functionalities like rolling a dice, shuffling an array, generating in-game item attributes based on probability, creating random in-game maps or dungeons, and deciding the probability outcomes of a lottery. The SDK is written in Solidity and can be used in any EVM-compatible blockchain.

Ensure High Availability: Randcast leverages the ARPA Network to provide randomness service. Inheriting from the BLS threshold signature network, Randcast’s design avoids heavy synchronous communication during the random number generation phase, ensuring high availability as the network grows.

Benefit from Fee Estimation: Randcast provides accurate estimations of the token required to cover request fees. This ensures sufficient funds are available in the account to avoid failed requests due to insufficient balance.

Why Optimism(OP stack)?

EVM Equivalence over EVM Compatibility: Optimism isn’t just another L2 solution; its design is rooted in EVM equivalence, which ensures a seamless experience for developers, bridging the gap between L1 and L2 with minimal friction.

Lack of Native RNG: Unlike platforms like Polygon, Optimism does not yet have a mature and secure randomness solution. Therefore, Randcast aims to bridge this gap, providing the ecosystem with a trustworthy source of randomness.

Lower Gas Fees for Enhanced Engagement: By leveraging Optimism’s design, Randcast offers a more affordable and secure experience, effectively sidestepping the often prohibitive gas fees, resulting in a significantly enhanced user experience.

Foundation for L2-specific SDKs: Our deployment on L2 serves as a foundation for supporting SDK calls to Randcast, further enhancing the adaptability and utility of our solution.

Adaptability for Autonomous Worlds: As Autonomous Worlds emerge at the forefront of our digital journey, Optimism’s adaptability and foundational strengths make it an ideal partner for Randcast. By integrating with Optimism, the duo promises to infuse a level of unpredictability and dynamism, enriching user experiences and expanding the horizons of what’s possible in on-chain gaming.

What’s Next on the Horizon?

Our integration with Optimism is just a foundation in our continuous journey. Randcast’s commitment to pushing boundaries remains steadfast. We’re poised to expand our RNG services across diverse networks, facilitating developers to harness the true essence of randomness. The road ahead is exciting, and we invite you to join us in exploring every unpredictable twist it holds.

A Continued Belief in On-Chain Games and the Autonomous Worlds

The landscape of on-chain gaming and the emergence of Autonomous Worlds presents a frontier that’s bursting with potential. It becomes essential to have a robust infrastructure that can support the intricate tapestry of interactions, dynamics, and unpredictability. This is where Optimism(OP stack) emerges as a key enabler.

Optimism(OP stack)’s strengths aren’t just technical; they’re foundational. Its focus on simplicity, pragmatism, and sustainability makes it an ideal substrate upon which the vast landscapes of AW can thrive. Optimism(OP stack)’s adaptability guarantees a robust network infrastructure, perfectly accommodating the evolving demands of AW. This foundational stability, in turn, provides the ideal ground for the dynamic unpredictability introduced by tools like Randcast at the application layer.

Furthermore, every developer understands that the infrastructure underpinning an application is as crucial as its features. With Optimism’s EVM equivalence, not only can you write every DApp in Solidity, but they also run more than 100 times faster than on Ethereum L1. This provides a streamlined foundation, ensuring every project you develop retains its familiarity but with amplified efficiency. With Randcast, developers would have a straightforward and efficient solution to amplify their DApp’s capabilities and the user’s experience. Here’s how:

Dynamic Encounters: With Randcast, developers can integrate spontaneous and unpredictable events into their games. Imagine a strategy game where weather patterns, influenced by Randcast, can unpredictably change the course of a battle or an RPG where random encounters are genuinely unforeseen, making every player’s journey unique.

Enriched Virtual Economies: Use Randcast to determine resource spawns, loot drops, or market fluctuations in on-chain games. Such dynamic economies can provide players with ever-changing challenges and opportunities, driving engagement and longevity.

Algorithmic Storytelling: In the vast expanses of Autonomous Worlds, narratives can take a life of their own. Randcast can power algorithmic storytelling, where plots, characters, and events unfold in unforeseen ways, ensuring that every exploration into these worlds is a unique tale.

Simulated Natural Processes: For developers sculpting Autonomous Worlds, Randcast can be used to simulate the unpredictability of natural processes. Whether it’s the blossoming of rare flora, the migration patterns of virtual fauna, or even geological events like earthquakes and volcanoes, Randcast ensures these worlds echo the dynamic rhythm of nature.

Join us on this exciting journey as we together breathe life into the Autonomous Worlds, ensuring they are not just vast expanses of data but living, evolving universes teeming with unpredictability, dynamism, and life. With every unpredictable twist and turn, developers can offer experiences that are not just immersive but also ever-evolving, ensuring that the digital frontier remains exciting, fresh, and boundlessly creative.

About ARPA

ARPA Network (ARPA) is a decentralized secure computation network built to improve the fairness, security, and privacy of blockchains. ARPA threshold BLS signature network serves as the infrastructure of verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), secure wallet, cross-chain bridge, and decentralized custody across multiple blockchains.

ARPA was previously known as ARPA Chain, a privacy-preserving Multi-party Computation (MPC) network founded in 2018. ARPA Mainnet has completed over 224,000 computation tasks in the past years. Our experience in MPC and other cryptography laid the foundation for our innovative threshold BLS signature schemes (TSS-BLS) system design and led us to today’s ARPA Network.

Randcast, a verifiable Random Number Generator (RNG), is the first application that leverages ARPA as infrastructure. Randcast offers a cryptographically generated random source with superior security and low cost compared to other solutions. Metaverse, game, lottery, NFT minting and whitelisting, key generation, and blockchain validator task distribution can benefit from Randcast’s tamper-proof randomness.

For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at

Learn about ARPA’s recent official news:

Twitter: @arpaofficial



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