⚔️ Buy $STRK again

Today with the team we added #STRK✈️ to our portfolio. I wrote about the previous purchase here.

Yes, we are doing this despite the fact that I expect more market declines. Perhaps for many of you this strategy is not quite the approach, because not everyone has enough money to buy drawdowns.

But we work according to the well-known strategy - #Dca .

But what to do for those who do not have so much money?

📑 Frankly speaking, this stage of the market is very hard for guys with small capital. The best solution is to dive into risky and trending areas. That's it.

Catch narratives and trends. For example, the main trend right now is #Memecoins🤑🤑 . I've done several posts about it. Study them first and gradually start diving in.

🔖 Yes, it won't be easy. but it's important to accept it. Starting out is always hard. But when you see the first profit, you will realize that everything was not in vain.

Hugs, everybody. A little motivation for you.

#AirdropGuide #BTC