Space and Time (SxT) is a leading verifiable compute layer focusing on AI and blockchain. SxT has launched the first zero-knowledge (ZK) prover that processes data in under a second called Proof of SQL, This revolutionary tool is now available to the entire open-source community. It's revolutionary because it's providing a significant advancement in how data is processed and verified on different blockchain networks.

2/ We’re thrilled to announce that Proof of SQL, Space and Time’s (SxT) high performance ZK prover for processing data, is now available to the community. Run ZK-proven queries on the Space and Time Studio, or access the repo here:

— Space and Time (@SpaceandTimeDB) June 12, 2024

What are Space and Time and Proof of SQL?

Space and Time is a verifiable compute layer that integrates tamperproof on-chain and off-chain data to deliver enterprise use cases for smart contracts and AI models. On the other hand, Proof of SQL is a high-performance ZK prover developed by Space and Time.

Proof of SQL ensures SQL database queries are computed accurately against untampered data. It enables developers to perform trustless computations on both on-chain and off-chain datasets. Traditional solutions can take up to 30 minutes to process data. Proof of SQL executes these tasks in under a second.

“Space and Time is thrilled to lead Web3 into a new era of data-driven smart contracts and the next generation of DeFi. Our team pioneered sub-second ZK proofs so that smart contracts and AI agents can ask questions about a chain’s activity, as well as offchain data, and receive back trustless SQL query results onchain during a transaction without having to wait for 30 minute proof times.”—Jay White, PhD, Co-Founder and Head of Research at SxT

Proof of SQL is designed to be significantly faster than state-of-the-art zkVMs and coprocessors. The SxT cryptography team disclosed that Proof of SQL can execute analytic queries over 100k-row tables in less than a second on a single GPU. On top of that, It can also aggregate millions of rows of indexed data within Ethereum block time on a single NVIDIA T4 GPU. This makes it an essential tool for developers needing quick and reliable data verification.

Proof of SQL can be integrated with zkVMs to provide verifiable source data for arbitrary code execution, enhancing the overall performance and reliability of blockchain applications.

Benefits for developers and community

Proof of SQL is now accessible to the public. Community members can run queries on SxT through the Space and Time Studio, and developers can download the repository directly from GitHub. 

Proof of SQL can be integrated into any centralized or decentralized SQL database, such as Google BigQuery. It is already being used by some of the most prominent Web3 applications, financial institutions, and enterprises.


The first sub-second ZK prover is finally here. It's called Proof of SQL. With its release, Space and Time marks a significant milestone for the SxT team as it's in a step into the "Verify Everything" future. SxT is setting new standards for data processing speed and accuracy. Proof of SQL can be integrated with zkVMs to quickly provide verifiable source data that arbitrary code can be executed over. This innovative tool will help build the next generation of data-driven DeFi/AI future.