UXLINK Hits 10 Million Registered Users:

UXLINK, a leading player in the SocialFi space, has achieved a remarkable milestone: surpassing 10 million registered users. But what makes this achievement even more impressive is UXLINK's unique approach to user counting.

Beyond Wallets: A Focus on Real Users

Unlike most blockchain projects that simply count unique wallet addresses, UXLINK prioritizes verified users. This is because a single person can have multiple wallets, and some might create multiple accounts to exploit rewards systems. This inflates user numbers and makes it difficult to gauge genuine engagement.

UXLINK Takes Verification Seriously

To ensure user authenticity, UXLINK requires users to complete a simple verification process. This filters out bots and fake accounts, creating a community of real people. As a verified user, you can be confident that your contributions are valued and rewarded fairly.

Building Trust and a Brighter Future

This commitment to real users fosters trust among investors, attracting high-quality funding that fuels UXLINK's growth. For users, it signifies a platform dedicated to building a genuine social experience. With a strong foundation of real users, UXLINK is well-positioned to deliver unique features and services that will keep users engaged for the long haul.

UXLINK's achievement is a breath of fresh air in the SocialFi space. By prioritizing real users, they're building a stronger, more sustainable platform for the future.
