To stay safe from scams on Binance P2P, follow these important tips:

1. Verify the user : Always check the user’s verification level and reputation score. A higher verification level and good reputation indicate a lower risk of fraud.

2. Use Binance's escrow service : Take advantage of Binance's escrow service, which holds the funds until the transaction is completed to protect both parties from fraud.

3. Be wary of unusually low prices : If a deal seems exceptionally good, it’s likely a scam. Compare prices with the market rate to ensure they are realistic.

4. Keep personal information private : Never share personal information like passwords or credit card details during transactions.

5. Stick to secure payment methods : Use payment methods supported by Binance, such as credit cards or bank transfers, for added security.

6. Communicate via Binance's chat : Keep all communications within Binance’s chat function. Avoid moving conversations to other platforms or sharing your personal contact details.

7. Double-check all transaction details : Before confirming any transaction, verify the amount, asset, and recipient’s information to prevent errors or fraud.

8. Report suspicious activity : If you encounter suspicious behavior, report it to Binance’s support team immediately to protect yourself and other users.

Always prioritize safety and follow these guidelines to minimize the risk of scams in Binance P2P transactions.