Binance regularly reviews listed assets to ensure they meet high standards. The decision to delist OMG, WAVES, WNXM, and XEM on June 17, 2024, is based on the following factors:

  1. Team Commitment: Evaluation of the team's dedication to the project's success.

  2. Development Activity: The level and quality of ongoing development work.

  3. Trading Volume and Liquidity: Ensuring sufficient trading activity and ease of transactions.

  4. Network Security: Stability and safety from cyber-attacks.

  5. Smart Contract Reliability: Consistency and dependability of the network's smart contracts.

  6. Public Communication: Transparency and frequency of updates from the team.

  7. Due Diligence Responsiveness: The project's promptness in responding to Binance's review processes.

  8. Ethical Conduct: Absence of unethical or fraudulent activities.

  9. Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to evolving regulatory standards.

  10. Ecosystem Contribution: Positive impact on the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Assets not meeting these criteria are delisted to protect investors and support the community.

#Write2Earn! #DelistingAlert #Megadrop $OMG $WNXM $WAVES