According to Odaily, gaming company Square Enix has launched its NFT project, SYMBIOGENESIS, on Arbitrum. The project will conduct NFT auctions on the Arbitrum chain. The auction of 1500 NFTs under SYMBIOGENESIS is set to commence on May 31 at 10:48 Beijing time.

Square Enix, a renowned gaming company, has taken a significant step into the world of NFTs with the launch of its project SYMBIOGENESIS on Arbitrum. The project will leverage the Arbitrum chain to conduct its NFT auctions, marking a significant milestone in the company's foray into the blockchain space.

The auction, which is set to kick off on May 31 at 10:48 Beijing time, will feature 1500 NFTs from the SYMBIOGENESIS project. This move by Square Enix underscores the growing interest and investment in NFTs by major companies across various industries.