Google's latest AI tool, "AI Overview," is under fire for frequently delivering incorrect and bizarre results, such as suggesting glue as a pizza topping and claiming elephants have two feet. The tech giant has blamed users for these mistakes, arguing that the AI is being tripped up by uncommon or doctored queries. However, this defense has not been well-received, with users expressing frustration over the AI's inability to handle less common questions.

The frequent errors have led to a decline in user trust, with some even creating workarounds to avoid the feature. Google's efforts to refine its AI are ongoing, but the challenges remain significant. The company has had to disable certain queries to prevent further misinformation, yet the AI's confidence in its incorrect answers is troubling.

As Google continues to improve its AI, the tech world is watching closely. Rival companies like Elon Musk’s xAI are pushing the boundaries of AI capabilities, suggesting that machines could surpass human intelligence soon. Google’s AI Overview needs substantial improvements to regain user trust and compete effectively in the fast-evolving AI landscape.