Do you 🫵 have any questions around our Seed Grants 🌱 process? Let's go through some FAQs to see if your project is a match 👇 1️⃣ Who are seed grants for? We're targeting projects with an MVP or PoC, but haven't yet gone to market. 2️⃣ Is there an application deadline? Nope! We review submissions in batches, but seed grants will be ongoing. 3️⃣ What key factors determine who receives grants? We judge projects based on impact, innovation, milestones, community engagement, and embededness within the Starknet ecosystem. In particular, any past involvement with Starknet's community or programs will stand out. 4️⃣ Is there a focus on specific industries? Nope! Crypto's big enough for all verticals. Regardless of your project's niche, we're interested. 5️⃣ How much can I receive? Seed grants range up to $25,000 in USDC in non-dilutive funding. If you believe your project needs more, feel free to reach out to us for other opportunities! 6️⃣ How can I apply? Head over to the Seed Grants Program page to get started: 🌱🚿📈🌲