Day 1 of being in Da Nang, Vietnam. Some unexpected observations:

- This place screams communism in everything that you see and do

- Vietnamese people don’t speak English (because they’re still anti USA after the Vietnam war?)

- People don’t smile a lot and have an expression of a certain sadness. Hard to explain (girls do often giggle when they see Europeans though)

- Hard to find western brands in the shops. The assortment of products is also pretty odd to me

- Where are all the tourists? I though this was a touristic country (maybe some Asian tourists, but barely any western tourists)

- I honestly feel guilty for being financially well-off when seeing nearly everyone struggling... It genuinely makes me sad

I think that this month will be a perfect time to practice gratefulness every single day. To be extra grateful for what I have, to give that extra smile and say hello to everyone, to give that extra tip,…