#Blockchainlife2024 #Web3Adventures #GameUpdateIncoming #strategy

🚀On the Whitechain platform, a new web game called Pocket Rocket has appeared, offering players a space clicker strategy.

🚀In the game, participants compete to collect valuable crystals and lead the global rankings.

🚀The player selects a spacecraft and sets off into space to mine rare resources from asteroids. The resources obtained can be used to improve various ship systems, such as the fuselage and reactor. A upgraded spacecraft becomes more efficient in resource mining and can explore more dangerous sectors of space.

🚀Special boosters are available to players, such as Turbo and Full Change, which are refreshed every two hours.

🚀The game also features multiplayer, where players can form alliances to pool their resources and tackle more challenging tasks together. In the future, each spacecraft can be converted into an NFT, but this feature will only be available in the project's second phase.

🚀Currently, the game is available in the Whitechain Telegram wallet.