📢BTC price & future price prediction :

🔥The current updated price of BTC is 64,964.93$ with increased 4.34% in just 24 trading hours. (Data collected based on CoinCap)

📢 Price prediction of BTC after Bitcoin halving .

🔥 According to previous halving impact on crypto market ,Typically, Bitcoin prices continue to surge for a good few months following a halving month, rising, on average, for seven months.

🔥While many participants are focused on the historical impact that halvings have had on the BTC price, few are talking about how long this typically takes to come to fruition. Each halving has resulted in peak prices (prior to a big correction) between 10 and 16 months from the actual event.

🔥Currently BTC price is between 60k to 65k but soon BTC price go downtrend & the few months later gradually go uptrend .

⚠️ Disclaimer!

I'm not financial advisor so always do your own research before any investment because crypto market is inherited risky .

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