Square-Creator-50e9267f54f065dfec5112:00 AM・Nov 29, 2023

Landshare turns real-world properties into asset-backed, yield bearing, and fully tradeable Asset Tokens on the Binance Smart Chain. Invest in real estate for as little as $50 and benefit from property appreciation and monthly rental income sent directly to your wallet each month. Boost your real estate investment with a suite of DeFi features, including yield auto-compounding, play-to-earn NFTs, and the upcoming loan protocol.
Introduction to DeFi and
Asset Tokenization
Blockchain technology is changing the financial landscape.
Sectors such as banking, finance, and lending have already been
majorly transformed by the DeFi revolution led by platforms
such as Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. The next major
disruption will occur with real world assets and commodities.
The concept of asset tokenization allows for the exchange of
real-world asset securities directly on the blockchain, with real
estate leading the charge.
Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Asset Tokenization is the process by which the ownership of
real estate assets is represented by tokens. Each real estate
asset is held in its own company whose shares are represented
by tokens on the blockchain. By holding these tokens, you own a
share of the legal entity, and by extension, the property itself.
Each tokenized property is rented out to tenants, generating a
monthly rental yield. This allows for a global, fractional model
of real estate ownership conducted entirely on-chain. Asset
Tokens can then be bought and sold, turning real estate into a
fully liquid asset.

Traditional Investment vs

the Blockchain Alternative

Traditional real estate investment presents a high barrier of

entry, both financially and and legally. In order to purchase a

rental property, a prospective investor will often need to take

out a mortgage - cutting into the property's bottom line.

Additionally, investors must deal with the hassles like managing

tenants, maintaining the property, paying taxes, and ensuring

legal compliance.

Traditional Real Estate Investment

In order to resolve the issue of real estate inaccessibility,

fractional models of real estate investment such as REITs were

created. REITs allow investors to buy shares of real estate

companies who own, operate, or lease income-generating real

estate. The income is then paid out as dividends, providing a

stable source of cash flow for investors.

Tokenization is the blockchain's alternative to REITs, offering

several advantages including:

The ability to invest in a single property rather than a fund

Voting and governance rights over the property

More frequent dividend payouts

Less overhead and fewer management fees

Lower minimum investment

Investments are represented by tokens which can easily be

bought and sold in a matter of seconds

How Does Asset

Tokenization Work?

The process of Asset Tokenization on Landshare can be broken down

into the following steps:

1. A corporation is formed for the sole intention of possessing the

property to be tokenized

2. The corporation converts its shares into special security tokens

3. Landshare LLC offers the securities in a Regulation S offering to


4. Investors complete KYC and AML checks, sign a purchase

agreement, and purchase the tokens.

5. Landshare manages the property of behalf of investors

6. Cash flows from the property are sent to token holders in the

form of BUSD tokens. Investors also benefit from the appreciation

of the underlying asset

7. Investors can sell their shares to other whitelisted users, or back

to the holding company (restrictions apply)


Landshare Token Distribution

Reward Pool 66% Seed Round 10%

IDO Rounds 3% Marketing and Partnerships 5%

Team and Advisors 15% Liquidity 1%

Tokens Percent Price Release



Starts After



Seed Round 1,000,000 10% $0.3 5% 1 month 10% monthly


Presale 187,500 1.875% $0.8 33% 1 month 33% monthly


IDO 150,000 1.5% $1.0 33% 1 month 33% monthly

Team and


1,500,000 15% N/A 0% 3 months 10% monthly


Partnerships 500,000 5% N/A 2% 1 month N/A


Liquidity 75,000 0.75% $2.0 0% 5 months 100%

I'm bullish on $LAND Really bullish on landshare. pumping really hard. really 1 investment endless benefits$LAND #Landshare #Tokenization #RWA #DigitalAssets