Ethena Labs has stirred the pot yet again, rolling out the red carpet for Bitcoin in its USDe symphony. This isn’t just any regular update; it’s a seismic shift aimed at pumping the synthetic dollar-pegged USDe into a new realm of possibilities. The boys at Ethena aren’t playing small; they’re looking to scale their $2-billion supply into uncharted territories. And guess what? They’re leveraging the Bitcoin craze to make it happen.

The Bold Move to Integrate Bitcoin

Diving right in, the integration of Bitcoin as collateral into USDe isn’t a move pulled out of thin air. This strategic play comes at a time when Bitcoin’s open interest has ballooned from $10 billion to a staggering $25 million over the last year across major cryptocurrency exchanges. What Ethena sees here is an opportunity to boost USDe’s scale by a factor of 2.5. That’s not just growth; that’s exponential expansion they’re aiming for, according to their April 4 reveal on X.

Excited to announce that Ethena has onboarded BTC as a backing asset to USDeThis is a crucial unlock which will enable USDe to scale significantly from the current $2bn supply

— Ethena Labs (@ethena_labs) April 4, 2024

USDe’s journey began on the Ethereum blockchain on February 19. Ethena, ever so bold, dangled a 27.6% annual percentage yield (APY) on staked USDe. This promise set tongues wagging across the community, igniting both excitement and skepticism. The APY peak hit an eyebrow-raising 113% on March 5, but it has since simmered down to a cool 7.15%.

Why Bitcoin, you ask? Ethena is convinced that Bitcoin will usher in a more “safe” and “robust” era for USDe token holders. The rationale is clear: Bitcoin’s derivative markets are on a tear, outpacing Ethereum with better scalability and liquidity – essential ingredients for successful delta hedging.

Delta hedging is Ethena’s chosen battlefield in the derivatives market, a strategy designed to keep USDe’s value pegged firmly. This approach involves smart moves like short positions in Ethereum or its derivatives, which pay off when Ether’s price dips. Such maneuvers allow Ethena to shield USDe’s collateral from market volatility.

The Strategy and Impact

Before this game-changing move, USDe’s backing was a mix of ETH, Tether (USDT), and Ethereum-based liquid staking tokens, proportioned at 45%, 38%, and 17%, respectively. Ethena’s collateral sources are no secret, with a major chunk coming from the likes of Binance, Bybit, and OKX, divided into 59%, 15%, and 20% shares, while Deribit, Bitget, and BitMEX chip in the remaining 6%.

The legendary Arthur Hayes, in his own typical fashion, tweeted about it too. He is really into Ethena.

Cope harder all you haters

— Arthur Hayes (@CryptoHayes) April 5, 2024

One might wonder about Bitcoin’s lack of a native staking yield, especially when stacked against staked Ether. However, Ethena brushes off this concern with a wave of the hand, arguing that the staking yields of 3%–4% shrink in significance during bull markets, where funding rates can leap over 30%.

This isn’t your everyday, run-of-the-mill update. Ethena’s decision to integrate Bitcoin into USDe is a bold, strategic move with an eye on the future. It’s about harnessing the potential of Bitcoin’s booming derivative markets to provide a sturdy and scalable foundation for USDe. Ethena isn’t just looking to expand; they’re looking to revolutionize how synthetic dollars operate in the crypto universe.

The implications of this integration are profound. With Bitcoin’s liquidity and scalability at their disposal, Ethena is positioning USDe to become a more attractive option for investors seeking stability in the volatile crypto market.

Moreover, the integration is a testament to Ethena’s commitment to innovation and adaptability. By choosing to incorporate Bitcoin, Ethena is acknowledging the cryptocurrency’s potential to contribute to the growth and stability of other digital assets.