#celoA thread about why Mobile-First Building is the future of web3:

You may have noticed an influx of mobile builder 📱👷 tweets from my account and wondered what's the fuss?

Mobile building is not just about technology, it's about unlocking opportunities and solving real problems together at a global scale. Let's dive into why championing a mobile-first approach in web3 is not just important but essential.

The potential of crypto is undeniable for many, yet it's met with justified criticism for not addressing the real issues that concern the majority. While NFTs and token speculation have their place, the transformative potential of crypto to solve real-world problems for billions remains largely untapped.

Crypto offers an incredible platform for solving big challenges like global and local payments, micro-lending, community finance, and even social dividends. These are not just opportunities but necessities that can reshape lives globally.

However, to genuinely impact those who would benefit most from these crypto financial services, we need to engage them on the 7.2 billion mobile devices that they are using. If web3 is to enter the mainstream, mobile is the gateway.

Ironically, while web2 embraced a mobile-first strategy over a decade ago inspired by pioneers like @LukeW, web3 has oftentimes lagged in this area. If web3 aims to lead the next internet era, catching up is not an option. It's a requirement.

Building for the real world and focusing on mobile are intertwined goals. Through building together and perhaps a few memes, I invite you to join me in realizing the true potential of web3 for billions worldwide.

📱👷$celo 2-3 usdt