"Accept your shortcomings. It's tough in investing and trading to accept losses. I often read posts on financial forums urging to 'HODL that crypto! It'll bounce back! You'll see, it'll go up again!' Especially on meme coins like $SHIB, $FLOKI, etc., which have shown good performance recently. I know many will mock me, but you need to hear the truth: those telling you to hold are clueless. They're trying to reassure themselves because they're deep in losses, having invested too late. They've lost money and are now foolishly trying to recover in crypto. The 'diamond hands, never sell' mentality is a big mistake. If you know your investment is bad and its value keeps decreasing, you shouldn't hold onto it just because you're in a loss. It's foolish to abandon other opportunities just because your investment might recover in six months. It's like an investment yielding 10% annually, but rejecting another offering 30% annually because you're still in a loss elsewhere. It's entirely foolish and meaningless; you deprive yourself of bigger opportunities and end up losing money. So, accept you've made a bad decision, and stick to it till the end: don't listen to those telling you to hold your crypto if you believe it has no future or, worse, its value will diminish. Sell it in the short to mid-term. Trust me, you'll earn a lot, even if you think you've lost by now. This post reflects only my opinion. Thanks for reading. Like, comment, share, and subscribe; it helps me a lot. You can also tip me financially if you want to help me out, as teaching you more about the crypto market is the only way I receive payment. Thanks to those who will do it."#northkorea #SouthKorean #Pakistan #indiaceyptotax #Write2Erarn