I have something 4 new-to-crypto guys or sporadical investors ... and anyone else who wants to read hehe...

What most people don't understand is that in a bullmarket, once a coin starts price discovery, like $ETHFI is now, when they drop they usually don't go back to prices before the old ATH, that becomes support, mostly for new tokens (after launchpad is done and price is done being pumped by market makers) In bullmarkets, I highlight, not all the time. Can ethfi go back to 5? or 3? yeah sure, idk, I am not an oracle! But in bearmarket it will go lower than it was in bullmarket, how low? IDK, lower than the peak which is not 5 and is not 7, it's way higher... sounds obvious but so many don't understand and think that tokens just keep pumping for ever, they don't but they also don't go back from 7 to 5 in a bullmarket, unless there is a huge crash and ETH goes down to 2000... I wish! haha No, not happening.

The token is not overbought, the market cap is so low still, so much growth to come, that's when researching comes in... you need to understand the project. What I am saying does not apply for doge or pepe or Shiba... Sorry token owners but millionaires, except for rare exceptions, are not made out of memes, unless u already have millions, then u will have more but u won't really care hehe

So keep that in mind when u decide to buy and if it goes down from the price u got it, don't sell, improve your position ... meaning buy more and DCA (dolar cost average ) your entry price 😉😎😊






*not financial advice, educational purposes, investigate! knowledge is power!*

*original written language is English, get context please if u r translating or reading in another language*

Love, Andy.