#Bitcoin halving years and $BTC prices

A simple math exercise:

Nov. 12, 2012 - $10

July 9, 2016 - $650 -> 6500% growth from 2012

May 11, 2020 - $8,600 -> 1300% growth from 2016

1300% = 20% of 6500% (2016)

Today, March 27, 2024 - ~$70,000 -> 813% growth from 2020

813% = 60% of 1300% (2020)

Year 2028 halving - ??

(2016) 6500% to (2020) 1300% = 80% growth

(2020) 1300% to (2024) 813% = 40% growth

probability in 2028

813% : ?? = 20% growth

813 : 650 = 20% growth

(2024) 813% to (2028) 650% = 20% growth


(2024) $70,000 x 650% = $455,000 in 2028

(2028) $455,000 = 650% growth from 2024

if we divide 650% by 4 years (48 months) is approximately 13.4% per month average growth.

again, most probably, by the next month's halving, BTC can be:

$70,000 x 1.134% (13.4%) = $79,380

or approximately (more or less)


will be the price approximation of $BTC on or before April 20, 2024, and:

$455,000 - $520,000 -> 650% growth from 2024

in 2028 next halving.

are you following me now?