As a beginner, it's important to remember these key points to avoid losing money when investing in coins:

1. Don't be fooled by posts claiming enormous profits in a short amount of time. Chances are, you won't be able to replicate those results without extreme luck. Gambling and lottery have higher winning rates.

2. Be cautious about blindly investing your hard-earned money. Why work hard for fiat currency only to buy whatever the vendor chooses? Will they give you the best options or just some old junk?

3. Don't follow signals blindly. Do you really know the person behind the username and their reputation? They might have had previous luck but could lead you to significant losses. Do they even care about $5,000? Do you?

4. Be skeptical of influencers. They are there to manipulate the market and make money for themselves, not for you. They may artificially create rumors without any reasonable basis. Beware of posts like MUST BUY as you never know when they will abandon the product and leave you with losses.