The "SuperTrader": A Rather Uninspiring Fairytale!

Whenever a bull market appears in the horizon, there comes the muthical creature of the great trader. An excellent storyteller, will hit you with the tale of a long gone bull market where he managed to invest 1$ and he/she was so good that made 56.543.000$ in a few weeks. Then he made a tiny mistake and lost the 56 million to end up with the 543k - poor thing!

If this story reminds you of something...then you are still close to your childhood! Yes, it is exactly the same narrative used in children fairytales. The normal hero, that gets a good break, followed by adversity, only to come back wounded but victorious!

Those stories have always the same elements. A very low entry fee for everyone to be included, a huge profit realized to sell the dream, a loss by a single mistake that you might avoid, and a landing price that in any case presents a huge ROI. This is the reason the phrase "too good to be true" was invented!

Let's put the story to the test. So, you are such a good trader that you made it big!

Excellent... so the same trader that took advantage of the market in such a way that could make #BlackRockCrypto. and #GrayscaleInvestments eat their hats (there you see, I do like a good comic myself) then failed to capitalize the profit of at least 10% of gains letting bears eat it.

Okay then... this is a textbook case of an incompetent trader and I would have never invested a single dollar to your suggestions mate! You are also a greedy anti-hero by the way in your tale. Not even the cool bad guy, or at least the meritorious good guy. To put it in spaghetti western terms... you are not the GOOD, you are not the BAD... you are the ugly!

To all you great Crypto enthusiasts... enjoy the ride, delve into the ecosystem, learn and be inspired by the ideas flowing around. You are pioneers of a new era for humanity. Be proud of that, not of your bank account.

As always... not a financial advise. DYOR and have fun in crypto wonderland!

#storytelling #narrative #TradingWizard $ADA $IOTX $DOT