First post here!

I'll just post some rules and personal trading philosophy as a constant reminder to myself.

- Don't be greedy! Greed is a killer in trading. The moment you feel greedy, the moment FOMO hits and you feel like you can join the profit train... STOP! Take a deep breath and calm yourself. It's usually too late already and about time for retracement/reversals when FOMO hits you. It's better to reassess the charts and find new entry points instead.

- Forget all the hype! You're here to make money, not get distracted by the latest shiny new things.

- Play it safe! Leveraged trading might allow for big returns but it can also wipe your account instantly! Spot trade is slow and boring but getting 1% or 2% profit daily is a very realistic amount. Starting with $100, 1% daily will make you a millionaire within 3 years. 2% daily will mean millionaire within 1.5 years. Do the math yourself if you don't believe me.

- Cut losers early and let the winners run! If the trade goes against your prediction, 90% of the time it won't come back up until days or weeks later. Better cut it early and re-enter a new setup to quickly regain losses and make profits.