If you know the dates below, you are a crypto genius, someone who sees a future in crypto

Nov 28,2012

July 9,2016

May 11,2020


April 17 2024, the way you see Bitcoin will change, hold as much as you can

Many will say it's expensive now, and it's true. For those who can have it,this post isn't for you, I want to talk to the following people

1. 1-3 years in crypto world but your portfolio is $0-$30

2. Have patience, because here if you can't hold you can't be rich.

3. You like airdrops(never pay anyone for Airdrops)

I have written a post about airdrops,

BTW, sorry my name is Gadrick, call me the airdrop fairy. I hunt and share airdrops because this is the only escape root for a poor man to sit with Elson Mask, Jeff bezos...

This is my last post on this airdrop

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We meet there❤️❤️❤️